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File metadata and controls

104 lines (87 loc) · 3.63 KB

This repo contains various layouts to be used by unvanquished server hosts.

The "default.dat" layouts are here to allow random selection in maprotations.cfg but are simply the builtin layouts extracted from their original map.

== File organisation ==

All layouts are in ./layouts/$MAP/ folder. By convention, files are named as such:

  • default.dat for the layout extracted from the original map;
  • alt${NUM}.dat to provide alternative layouts for regular games, that is, PvP, where ${NUM} is a unique number;
  • ${SPECIES}pve${NUM}.dat to provide "mission-style" layouts, that is, one team should not be played by real players. ${NUM} is a unique number;
  • ${SPECIES}pve${NUM}.txt to provide rules for PvE layouts;

This repo also includes basic navmesh connection files required to help bots navigating. Those files are named as: "maps/${MAP}-${CLASS}.navcon", where ${CLASS} must be one of:

  • human_bsuit
  • human_naked
  • level0
  • level1
  • level2
  • level2upg
  • level3
  • level3upg
  • level4

Granger navmeshes are intentionally skipped since bots are not yet able to choose this class. The navmesh files should not be considered reliable.

== Creating layouts ==

Here is a small list of useful commands (you need to spawn the console to use them) to create a layout, as there is currently no easy to use GUI to help with that:

  • /devmap ${MAP} starts a game with ${MAP}, enabling cheating. Cheating is required to save a layout; It is possible to load an existing layout by appending said layout's name, that is: /devmap ${MAP} ${LAYOUT};
  • g_instantBuilding 1: this removes the need to wait when you buid or removes something. It also allows to remove the last spawn and unique buildings (RC/OM). Doing this might make the game end, though!
  • g_neverEnd 1 prevent the game to end if a team have no spawns and no players;
  • /noclip allows you to no longer be affected by geometry. This is pretty useful as human, but with noclip enabled, you won't be able to wallwalk and hence to put alien buildings on walls and ceilings;
  • /devteam [a|h] makes you either a naked human with CKit or an advanced granger, where you currently are, switching team if necessary;
  • layoutSave ${LAYOUT} saves the layout in your unvanquished local folder, under ./game/layouts/${MAP}/${LAYOUT}.dat;
  • layoutLoad ${LAYOUT} reloads the map with ${LAYOUT};
  • cg_drawBBox 1 allows you to see the collision boxes of buildings, useful to make sure something can or not be hit, or to ensure a barricade really blocks a door;
  • /god prevents you from taking any damage;
  • give bp gives your team a lot of build points. Specific number can be provided to add more (or remove if negative). Keep in mind that the starting number of BPs is not set by layout, but by server and map configurations, and hence you might end up with disabled buildings in real games!
  • give momentum gives your team the maximum momentum. As for give bp, you can specify the amount, which can be negative;
  • listlayouts when in game will list all available layouts for current map;

Keep in mind that several of those changes will stay around in normal (/map $MAP) local games! Notably, g_instantBuilding will.

== Enabling layouts in map rotations ==

Example of maprotation.cfg entry to use random layout:

station15 {
	layouts "default" "alt1"

Note that it is currently not possible to automatically load a specific configuration file depending on the layout, so mission-style layouts must be setup manually.

== Navmesh improvements ==

For some PvE layouts, bots needs additional connections to travel correctly and give a decent challenge. Those are placed in the "map" folder.