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vite-rtk-query Typecheck Test Build Lint

Vite RTK Query temptelte.
This include React+TS with familiar pre-setup tooling
Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, React Router, eslint-config-ts-prefixer, Vitest/TS/react-testing-library/MSW, tailwindcss, CSS Modules GitHub Actions CI.

Why I selected this template?

  • My familiarity with rtk-toolkit, preference for it over react query or similar tools while integrating with APIs
  • Clear folder structure, I can easily segregate which type of file must go where
  • It also includes Mock Service Worker (MSW) packages's usage for mocking api response in the frontend itself so that the work in the frontend doesn't halt due to API endpoints in the backend not being ready.
  • It also includes github workflow for automerging dependabot PRs helping keep our packages versions safe from known vunerabilities.