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Playground for Django enabled apps


  1. django-admin startproject library (Use the django-admin tool to create the project folder, basic file templates, and project management script (
  2. cd library


  1. Postgres database setup CREATE DATABASE library; CREATE USER TEST WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'test123'; \du grant all privileges on database library to test; $ psql

  2. If you have unapplied migrations, Run 'python migrate' to apply them. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=locallibrary.settings_dev python3 migrate

  3. Run Server On a dev machine run your Django app with: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=locallibrary.settings_dev python3 runserver


On a prod machine run as if you just had and nothing else.

glcoud init

gcloud auth login (Ensure you are logged in using credentials for your GCP account)
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud init

Cloud proxy and get connection name

gcloud sql instances describe library

run your proxy

- remember you need postgres drivers - setup if needed for cloud proxy

pip3 install psycopg2-binary
gcloud services enable sqladmin
curl -o cloud_sql_proxy
chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy

run cloud proxy

./cloud_sql_proxy -instances="library-259506:asia-south1:library"=tcp:3306


WARNING: python makemigrations (for first time only)
python migrate (apply migrations in case of changes)
python3 createsuperuser
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
python collectstatic

Deploy to appengine standard environment

gcloud app deploy

KUBERNETES -- managed group of VM instances for running containerized applications.

Assumption: Ensure kubernetes engine api is enabled Instructions:

enable cloud sql admin api and install cloud sql proxy

a) gcloud services enable sqladmin b) wget -O cloud_sql_proxy c) chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy

create cloud sql proxy instance and run it for local testing

d) gcloud sql instances describe [YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME] e) ensure all settings are uptodate with the new connection name f) ./cloud_sql_proxy -instances="[YOUR_INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME]"=tcp:5432

Creating a service account and proper roles: Cloud SQL Client, Editor + Admin

Furnish a new private key and save it as a JSON

Remember to create the json file that has your private key lib-service created

Setting up your GKE configuration

  1. config check g) Ensure library.yaml file refers to the proper sql connection names for cloudsqlproxy h) Note: The one difference between GKE and appengine, is that the static folder needs to be created on cloud storage $gsutil mb gs://gcslibrarybucket

Creating gs://gcslibrarybucket/... $gsutil defacl set public-read gs://gcslibrarybucket Setting default object ACL on gs://gcslibrarybucket/... (if not done, python collectstatic) Upload the static content to Cloud Storage: $gsutil rsync -R static/ gs://[YOUR_GCS_BUCKET]/static

In library/, set the value of STATIC_URL to the following URL, replacing [YOUR_GCS_BUCKET] with your bucket name: for GKE STATIC_URL = '[YOUR_GCS_BUCKET]/static/'

Setup GKE

  1. Creating a Kubernetes Engine cluster gcloud container clusters create library --num-nodes 4

NAME LOCATION MASTER_VERSION MASTER_IP MACHINE_TYPE NODE_VERSION NUM_NODES STATUS librarymgr asia-south1-b 1.13.11-gke.14 n1-standard-1 1.13.11-gke.14 3 RUNNING Now that you have created a cluster, you can deploy a containerized application to it.

  1. Get authentication credentials for the cluster, make sure kubectl is configured to interact with the right cluster $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials library

Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data. $ kubeconfig entry generated for library

  1. Deploying a containerized web application Package your app into a Docker container image $ gcloud components install kubectl

Make sure the application is packaged as a Docker image, using the Dockerfile that contains instructions on how the image is built.

  1. Setup cloud SQL - You need several secrets to enable your GKE app to connect with your Cloud SQL instance kubectl delete secret cloudsql-oauth-credentials kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-oauth-credentials --from-file=credentials.json='/Users/sramakrishnan/work/django/django-playground/credentials/library-259506-b97067527626.json'

secret/cloudsql-oauth-credentials created

Important step $kubectl create secret generic cloudsql --from-literal=username=test --from-literal=password=test123

  1. Retrieve the public Docker image for the Cloud SQL proxy. $docker pull

$gcloud sql instances list (this will give you and idea of your datbase) 5. Build a Docker image, replacing with your project ID. $ docker build -t . Successfully tagged

Verify your build with $docker images (my_django20_env) admins-MacBook-Pro:locallibrary sramakrishnan$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE latest b8ae70150f7a About a minute ago 997MB python 3 0a3a95c81a2b 12 days ago 932MB 1.05 338793fcb60d 3 years ago 10.7MB

$docker system prune (cleanup the space) $docker container ls -a $docker container rm (if you want to remove images) $docker system prune -a (to cleanup all unused + cache etc)

  1. Configure Docker to use gcloud as a credential helper, so that you can push the image to Container Registry:

$gcloud auth configure-docker

The following settings will be added to your Docker config file located at [/Users/sramakrishnan/.docker/config.json]: { "credHelpers": { "": "gcloud", "": "gcloud", "": "gcloud", "": "gcloud", "": "gcloud", "": "gcloud" } }

  1. Push the docker image: You create your Docker image and push it to a registry before referring to it in a Kubernetes pod. Kubernetes has native support for the Google Container Registry (GCR), when running on Google Compute Engine (GCE). The kubelet will authenticate to GCR using the instance’s Google service account. T

$ kubectl create deployment libary

deployment.apps/libary created OR $docker push

Test your docker image $docker run -p 8000:8000 -i -t /<Docker-Image_name>

  1. Create the GKE resource: $ kubectl create -f ./library.yaml deployment.extensions/library created service/library created

Track the status of the deployment: $kubectl get deployments

  1. After the resources are created, there are three polls pods on the cluster. Check the status of your pods: $ kubectl get pods

debugging kubectl logs [YOUR_POD_ID] $ kubectl logs [YOUR_POD_ID] -p $ kubectl describe pods [library-7f7977fdfc-cvlph] Crashloop backoff error: kubectl apply -f ./library.yaml kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

Check the state of cluster: $kubectl get nodes

Check logs in kubectl: $sudo systemctl status kubectl

  1. After the pods are ready, you can get the public IP address of the load balancer: $kubectl get services library

For incremental updates to yur Dockerfile $ docker build -t . $ docker push $ kubectl apply -f ./library.yaml


Delete the Service: This step will deallocate the Cloud Load Balancer created for your Service: $kubectl delete service hello-web

Delete the container cluster: This step will delete the resources that make up the container cluster, such as the compute instances, disks and network resources. $gcloud container clusters delete hello-cluster


1. deploying to appengine -- nice read and

2. Running Django in appengine standard environment

3. good threads for dev vs prod



  3. app.yaml reference

  4. Top reasons for GKE issues

  5. Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

  6. IF you check in credentials by mistake, how to undo using bfg tool