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Welcome, dear contributor

Contributors, those mythical beings who unselfishly sacrifice their time in effort to help out fellow developers, whom they may have never met, in building high quality software and libraries. You are most welcome. This documentation is for you.

The Why

Contributors are important. Most open source projects suffer from a low bus factor, often having only a single maintainer, on whom the whole project then depends. It is the responsibility of the project maintainer(s) to encourage and help potential contributors to get started with the project. That is why this documentation exists.

Typical open source library documentation (if it exists in the first place 😏 ) is intended for the user of the library, describing how the library is used etc. This is of course fine for the user, but it doesn't help a potential contributor that much, as they would like to know more about the internals, architecture and design of the library. Unlike user documentation, this contributor documentation focuses on exactly that, making it easier to get started with your contributions, whether they are just fixing typos in the documentation, reporting issues, correcting them, writing tests or improving the overall design. All contributions from all contributors are welcome!

The Guide

This guide is divided into following sections to help you get around quickly.

Getting started

First of all make sure you have the necessary tools installed. You'll need the following:

To make contributions in the project you need to fork your own copy of it first. Go to and click the Fork button to do it.


This will create a copy of the current repo state under your own account (for example ochrons/suzaku), where you can play around freely. Next step is to create a local branch where you'll make your changes. In this example we'll be adding Android support.


You can also create the branch locally after you have cloned the repo to your own computer, which we'll do next.

Some contributions, like small fixes to documentation, can be done using nothing but the GitHub web UI, but for most cases you'll need to clone the repository on your own computer by clicking the "Clone or download" button, which will provide you with an appropriate link text. If you have added your SSH key to GitHub, use the SSH protocol, otherwise choose HTTPS.


Next you'll need to perform the actual cloning of the repo using your git client, for example on the command line with

$ git clone

This will create a suzaku directory under your current working directory and copy the contents of the repo (with all the branches and other metadata) there.

Finally switch to the branch you created earlier, so you can get started with your modifications.

$ cd suzaku
$ git checkout add-android-support

If you didn't create a branch in the GitHub UI, now is the perfect time to do that with

$ cd suzaku
$ git checkout -b add-android-support

To make sure everything works correctly, start sbt and compile the included example app with

$ sbt
> webDemo/fastOptJS

You can now try out the demo app in your browser at URL http://localhost:12345/webdemo/index.html, served by the wonderful Workbench plugin.

Now you're all set to play with the source code, make your modifications and test them locally. Before submitting your contribution, please read the Workflow and Style guide for more information on how.

Background and motivation

Developing applications with graphical user interfaces is hard. Making them pretty, consistent and functional is even harder. Having all that in a cross-platform environment is close to impossible. Until Suzaku 😄

The current frameworks for cross-platform (or even plain web) app development tend to be either based on JavaScript, or not support all the three major mobile platforms (web, Android and iOS). JavaScript is fine for simple applications but as your requirements and complexity grow, you'll want a more solid language and a flexible framework to get the job done.

Suzaku was born out of the frustration of using JavaScript web frameworks in Scala.js. Even though Scala.js takes a lot of the web development pain away, it still suffers from the use of JavaScript libraries underneath as they are not designed to be used in strongly typed languages like Scala. Most of the libraries are also not compatible with each other and the result is often an unholy alliance of Scala, jQuery, jQuery plugins, React framework and some support components. Some of these frameworks, however, have good ideas and architectures (for example React ) that would work well in a pure Scala environment.

Designed for mobile first

Suzaku was designed for mobile from the very beginning. Originally just for mobile web apps, but later on it became apparent that the design would work very well in a true cross-platform environment, too. In mobile you have a serious problem with performance. The CPUs are weak, but they almost always have multiple cores. Typical web (and native!) apps do not take advantage of this, but run everything in a single thread. Reason is simple: multithreading is hard (especially on web) and the frameworks do not provide much (if any) support for it. Thus the first concept of Suzaku was established:

Suzaku takes advantage of multiple cores for high performance and responsive UX

In web development you don't get threads, you get web workers. These are more like separate processes as they do not share memory with the main (UI) thread. In Suzaku your application code runs in a separate web worker while just the UI code runs in the main thread. This keeps the UI responsive even when the app is doing something time consuming and fully utilizes multiple cores for better efficiency.

UI isolation

However, web workers are isolated and can communicate with each other and the main thread via messages only. To overcome this challenge, the design must be asynchronous and based solely on messages. What this means in practice is that there has to be a common protocol between the application and the UI and it has to be serialized to cross the chasm. Now, this is nothing new, X Window System has had it since 1984! And it is the second concept of Suzaku:

All communication between the UI and the application is performed using a message protocol in binary

Why binary and not the more typical JSON? Because binary serialization is much more efficient size and speed wise. And we happened to have a nice serialization library for it (BooPickle).

Having that protocol has the nice side effect that it isolates the application from the actual implementation of the UI, and therefore opens up avenues towards true cross-platform development. When the UI is just a standard protocol, it doesn't matter if the implementation is HTML, Android Material UI or iOS Cocoa Touch. They are (effectively) all the same from the application's point of view.

Now that Suzaku turned into a cross-platform framework, we need to add some abstractions. The communication between threads is no longer limited to web workers, but could be real threads under Android or iOS (or even remote!), so we need a library to facilitate that. This is what Arteria was built for. It's a library for establishing virtual channels over a packet based connection. The protocols are type safe, extensible and automatically serialized (using BooPickle).

Friendly API

Although under the hood Suzaku uses some rather advanced techniques, it still needs to be easy and fun to use, while remaining powerful and extensible at the same time. Suzaku borrows heavily from React (and especially React Native) in the way the UI is constructed. In principle the UI is fully declarative and mirrors the state of your application. You just tell Suzaku what the user interface should look like right now and Suzaku makes it happen.

Everything is based on components and widgets making it easy to build complex applications through composition. For most applications it's quite enough to use the built-in widgets, but Suzaku also allows the application to define their own widgets with platform specific implementations.

Design and Architecture

This section covers the architecture and design of Suzaku by going through the codebase in a (hopefully) meaningful order. We walk through the various classes, traits and objects that make up Suzaku to give you an overview how things work together and how applications are built using Suzaku.

Project structure

Suzaku is a monorepo consisting of several interdependent projects. Here is a list of projects and what they are for:

Project Description
core-shared Platform independent shared core of Suzaku.
core-ui UI side of the core.
core-app Application side of the core.
base-widgets Platform independent definitions of base widgets.
base-widgets-app Application side of base widgets.
platform/web/core-shared Web specific implementation of the core.
platform/web/core-ui Web specific implementation of the core-ui.
platform/web/core-app Web specific implementation of the core-app.
platform/web/base-widgets Web specific implementation of the base widgets.
webdemo A simple application demonstrating the user of Suzaku.

UI and Application separation

In Suzaku the user interface implementation and your application code are running on different threads to benefit from multi-core CPUs commonly used in all modern devices.


What this means in practice is that your application actually starts in the UI (main) thread and needs to instantiate the application thread separately. To simplify the required application startup code, Suzaku provides UIBase and AppBase helper classes.

The UI and the App communicate via a Transport that sends messages between the two threads using a platform specific implementation.


The application developer must provide the transport and pass it to the constructors of UiBase, UiEntry, AppBase and AppEntry. For example in a web application UI thread you would create an instance of UiEntry and implement its start method.

object UIEntry extends suzaku.platform.web.UIEntry {
  override def start(transport: Transport) = new StarterUI(transport)

This will export a top level JavaScript function that you can call from your HTML to start the application. It will create a Web Worker transport and pass it to your start method, where you will instantiate the application.

class StarterUI(transport: Transport) extends UIBase(transport) {
  override val platform = WebPlatform

  override protected def main(): Unit = {

In StartUI we define that we use the WebPlatform and register any widgets we'd like to use.

Similarly in the application thread you would extend AppEntry and AppBase.

object ClientEntry extends AppEntry {
  override def start(transport: Transport) = new StarterApp(transport)

class StarterApp(transport: Transport) extends AppBase(transport) {
  override protected def main(): Unit = {
    uiManager.render(Button(label = "Hello world!"))

In the main method you just need to render the root component of your user interface to get things started. This is much like in React where you'd call ReactDOM.render.

On both sides the setup is very similar, creating entrypoints and instantiating your application class with the provided transport. This is all you need to do to get Suzaku running.

Declarative User Interface

The user interface in Suzaku is defined declaratively by calling the UIManagerProxy.render method. You provide a root component, which in turn contains a tree of other components and widgets. But these components and widgets are not real instances, but blueprints that declare what kind of component/widget should be instantiated. For example a simple login view component might contain a render method that returns a tree of blueprints (simplified for the example):

def render(state: State) = {

We can illustrate this blueprint tree like this:


The call to, for example, Button("Login") will return an instance of ButtonBlueprint which extends WidgetBlueprint and is defined as:

case class ButtonBlueprint private[Button] (label: String, onClick: Option[() => Unit] = None) extends WidgetBlueprint {
  type P     = ButtonProtocol.type
  type Proxy = ButtonProxy
  type This  = ButtonBlueprint

  override def createProxy(viewId: Int, uiChannel: UIChannel) = new ButtonProxy(this)(viewId, uiChannel)

This blueprint is not the actual widget, it just declares how to create the widget. The blueprint contains all the information necessary to create an instance of the actual Button widget. If you are familiar with React, the blueprint is quite similar to what component props are in React, except in Suzaku the blueprint applies to both higher order components and widgets alike.

Widgets, blueprints, proxies and protocols

So what exactly is a widget in Suzaku? The concrete widget resides safely in the UI thread whereas it's represented by a WidgetProxy on the App thread, which communicates with the widget using a Protocol. The proxy and the widget are instantiated by Suzaku according to the data given in the Blueprint. Sounds rather complicated (and it is!), but for the user of Suzaku it's all hidden behind the blueprint.


But for someone wanting to create their own widgets, it's crucial to understand how these things work under the hood. Let's walk through the creation of a Button widget and see what happens behind the scenes.

When a user calls Button("Login") they actually call Button.apply(label: String) method in the Button object. This method constructs an instance of ButtonBlueprint which is passed into the blueprint tree maintained by Suzaku. If this is the first time Suzaku sees the blueprint in that location of the tree, it will create a proxy by calling createProxy in the blueprint, passing an internal viewId and the Arteria channel used for UI communication. The ButtonProxy extends WidgetProxy which provides the basic implementation for proxies.

class ButtonProxy private[Button] (bd: ButtonBlueprint)(viewId: Int, uiChannel: UIChannel)
    extends WidgetProxy(ButtonProtocol, bd, viewId, uiChannel)

When the WidgetProxy is constructed, it creates a unique channel for communicating with the actual widget in the UI thread. The widget is identified by the class name of the protocol. The initWidget method returns the initial state for the widget, which in the case of Button contains just the label from the blueprint.

At this point things are pretty much done for the App thread, so let's take a look what happens on the UI thread. The UIManager gets a callback to materialize a new channel for the widget. Suzaku will look up an appropriate builder for the widget (DOMButtonBuilder in this case) and calls it to create the actual widget (DOMButton) passing the initial state (containing the label).

Within DOMButton an artifact is created by instantiating a suitable DOM element:

val artifact = {
  val el = tag[dom.html.Button]("button")
  uiManager.addListener(ClickEvent)(widgetId, el, onClick)

The artifact is not attached to the DOM document at this point, it happens as part of updating the children of the parent widget (Layout). Once the button element is in the document, it becomes visible to the user and allows interaction.

Widget messaging

So what happens when a user clicks the button?

As we saw above, the DOMButton registers an event handler on the button element, listening to click events. When the user clicks the button it will call this handler, which sends a Click message on the channel.

def onClick(e: dom.MouseEvent): Unit = {

The Click message is defined in ButtonProtocol and is simply a case object. At this point it might be good to take a look at the implementation of ButtonProtocol:

object ButtonProtocol extends Protocol {

  sealed trait ButtonMessage extends Message

  case class SetLabel(label: String) extends ButtonMessage

  case object Click extends ButtonMessage

  val bmPickler = compositePickler[ButtonMessage]

  implicit val (messagePickler, witnessMsg) = defineProtocol(bmPickler)

  case class ChannelContext(label: String)

  override val contextPickler = implicitly[Pickler[ChannelContext]]

A widget protocol is required to define three things:

  1. Valid messages for this protocol (and an implicit witness(es) to provide evidence)
  2. Initial channel context to be passed when the channel is created
  3. Picklers (serializers) for messages and the context

In the case of button the only valid messages are SetLabel, which is used to update the button and Click, which is used to indicate that the button was clicked. Note that the channel is always bidirectional, so any message can be sent in either direction but typically most of the messages travel only in one direction.

When a message is sent on the channel using the send method, Suzaku (and Arteria underneath) pass it through the transport to the other side, where it's routed to the appropriate message handler. This handler is the process method in the ButtonProxy class:

override def process = {
  case Click =>
    blueprint.onClick.foreach(f => f())
  case message =>

In process we handle only the Click message and call the click handler defined in the blueprint, if any.

UI changes

Previously we covered what happens on the first render call when the Button widget gets created, but how are changes in the UI handled, for example if we change the button text from "Login" to "Logout"? Let's find out!

Because Suzaku is based on declarative UI, we need to render the UI again with the changed button component. Everything else stays the same, but the last button is now defined as Button("Logout"). When the call to uiManager.render completes, Suzaku will compare the memoized blueprint tree to the new tree returned by render. It will walk the tree and check if

  1. widget type has changed
  2. widget type is the same, but blueprint has changed

In the latter case it will call ButtonBlueprint's sameAs method, which by default calls equals and therefore will notice the change in the label. Next it will pass the new ButtonBlueprint to the current ButtonProxy instance using its update method, which will check if the label has changed and then send an appropriate message to the widget to update the label.

override def update(newBlueprint: ButtonBlueprint) = {
  if (newBlueprint.label != blueprint.label)

This allows widgets to have very fine grained control over how to make updates in the UI. There's no need to perform expensive virtual DOM comparisons, as the widget knows directly what needs to be updated.

The DOMButton receives the SetLabel message, and updates the DOM accordingly.

override def process = {
  case SetLabel(label) =>
    modifyDOM(_ => = label)

Note how the widget is performing a direct DOM manipulation, as it has full control over its own DOM tree. This makes updates very efficient as the widget can decide the best update strategy.


On the web the vast majority of styling is done using external CSS style sheets. While this approach worked well for the static HTML pages, it becomes cumbersome and hard to maintain in a component oriented application. Suzaku provides similar styling features to CSS, but the styles are always attached to widgets. There are, however, multiple ways to do styling in Suzaku so let's walk through them to understand how they work.

Inline styling

First level of styling is attaching style properties directly to individual widgets. You do this by importing and using the properties defined there.

Button("OK") << (backgroundColor :=

The styles are attached to the widget using the << method (or the withStyle alias), providing a list of properties. In this example we're setting the background color to blue. This syntax is an alternative to using the style property classes directly as below:

Button("OK") << BackgroundColor(

The former syntax was chosen because it closely resembles CSS and is therefore easier to many frontend developers. For some style values, such as lengths, automatic conversions are provided allowing you to write things like width := 10.px instead of Width(LengthPx(10)).

So, how does the style system actually work under the hood? How is the style information communicated to the actual widget since it's obviously external to the actual widget? Each WidgetBlueprint contains style information, which is built using the << method. Every call to << adds one or more style properties to the internal map.

When the widget is instantiated and the WidgetProxy created, it sends a special UpdateStyle message automatically to the widget implementation, which will then do the necessary updates for the actual widget. In the case of DOM widgets, this means updating the style of the HTML element, resulting in something like:

<button style="background-color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">OK</button>

Note how the color value is normalized into a standard RGB color, instead of the more familiar #0000ff format. Similar normalization happens to many other style properties as well, because Suzaku styles are not directly CSS styles but something a bit more abstract.

When a style property is updated, added or removed, WidgetProxy calculates a difference and communicates only the changed styles over to the UI. This provides an efficient way to do style updates in the render code using conditionals:

backgroundColor := (if (state.checked) rgb(0, 0, 255) else rgb(255, 0, 0))

But declaring styles directly for each widget gets tedious and is not really the recommended practice. It works fine when you need to do dynamic styling, but otherwise you should use style classes.

Style classes

A style class is a static collection of style properties with a unique name. To create a style class, simply define an object extending the StyleClass class and override the style method:

object Red extends StyleClass {
  def style = List(
    color := 0xFF0000,
    backgroundColor := Colors.white

You can now use your style class to style a widget:

Button("OK") << Red

Although on the surface this looks similar to what you get with inline styles, internally it works quite differently. Suzaku takes advantage of object's singleton behavior and registers the style class the first time it's used. The registration process allocates an internal identifier (just an integer) to the style class and passes the declared style properties to the UI. On the UI side (for DOM) a new CSS class is created and injected to the header of the page, for example:

<style type="text/css">
  ._S1 {color:rgb(255,0,0);background-color:rgb(255,255,255);}

When the Red style class is used, only its identifier is passed, allowing the widget implementation to know which CSS class to use.

<button class="_S1">OK</button>

Style classes can also inherit other style classes, allowing the developer to build complex style hierarchies easily. For example to define a large, red button with some custom fonts:

object Large extends StyleClass {
  def style = List(
    height := 100.px

object LargeRedButton extends StyleClass {
  def style = List(
    inheritClasses := (Large, Red),
    fontFamily := ("Times New Roman", "Times", "serif"),
    fontSize := xxlarge,
    fontWeight := 600

Although style classes make it easier to assign complex styles to widgets, they still require developer to do it explicitly. To automatically apply styles to widgets you need to use themes.

Style themes

A theme is simply an automatic application of given style classes to widgets. To create a theme, simply define the associations between widgets and style classes using Theme:

val theme = Theme(
  Button -> LargeRedButton,
  TextInput -> (Large :: InputStyle :: Nil)

You can assign one or more styles to each widget and they will be applied in the correct order. Since themes are not automatically registered, you have to activate them explicitly.

val themeId = uiManager.activateTheme(theme)

There can be multiple active themes at the same time and you can deactivate and reactivate them at any time.

Suzaku maintains a list of active themes and automatically applies style classes to widgets when they are created.

Responsive styles

What responsive design means in web-talk is a UI design that responds to changes in its environment, most notably the screen size and device type. The developer might want to use a certain set of styles on a desktop browser, but different set on a mobile device. Suzaku has a lot of features built specifically for responsive design and two of those are in the style system.

First one is the dynamic use of themes. You can define a separate theme for desktop and mobile versions, and switch between them depending on the current situation.

Second option is to remap individual style classes. Unlike themes, remapping operates within the widget hierarchy and each mapping only affects the descendants of a widget. For example within a component, you might want to use a different style for buttons when on mobile.

LinearLayout()( ... ) << (
  if(onMobile) remapClass := (RedButton -> LargeRedButton :: Nil) else EmptyStyle

Internally Suzku keeps track of remappings and applies them to widgets automatically.

Widget styling for Web

In addition to application level styling, Suzaku also has styling in the platform specific widgets. This styling is naturally different for each platform so the description here applies only to the web platform.

Since Suzaku doesn't use any external CSS files to provide styling, all the style information must be generated in code. There is a bit of "global" CSS generated by DOMUIManager but most of it is provided by the widget implementations. To make this generated CSS configurable, widgets refer to WidgetStyleConfig and StyleConfig instances providing parameters for fonts, sizes, colors, etc. For example DOMTextField builds its style using several of these parameters:

val base = uiManager.registerCSSClass(palette => s"""
    |width: 100%;
    |height: ${show(styleConfig.inputHeight)};
    |line-height: ${show(styleConfig.inputHeight)};
    |border: solid ${show(styleConfig.inputBorderWidth)} ${show(styleConfig.inputBorderColor)};
    |color: ${show(palette(Palette.Base).color.foregroundColor)};

The registerCSSClass method registers a builder function for the style class and returns the name of the CSS class. This allows the system to later rebuild the style in case parameters or the palette changes. Since the currently active palette is provided as an argument to the builder function, widget style can refer to current palette colors.

For CSS pseudo-classes like :hover and :active you can use the addCSS method to register it for your base CSS class:

uiManager.addCSS(s".$base:hover", s"""box-shadow: ${styleConfig.buttonBoxShadowHover};""".stripMargin)


The layout system in Suzaku works very similarly to styles. Each widget can have layout properties that affect how it's laid out in the container. By default Suzaku supports two kinds of layout containers: linear and grid. If you're familiar with CSS layout system, a LinearLayout is like a flexbox (and implemented with that in the DOM) while the GridLayout is like CSS3 grid (again, implemented with CSS grid in DOM UI).

Layout widgets are widgets like others, but they manage their children directly. This means, for example, that a LinearLayout can change the CSS style of its child widget to apply an appropriate layout. You could have a Button in a vertical layout that wants to be positioned to the right by specifying:

Button("OK").withLayout(alignSelf := end)

Unlike styles, the button widget doesn't apply this layout parameter itself but when it's positioned inside a LinearLayout the layout widget goes and sets a CSS style property align-self: flex-end; for the button. In case it's positioned inside a GridLayout, the resulting style would be align-self: end;.

The linear layout is pretty straight forward, but the GridLayout is more interesting. To define a grid layout, you need to define columns and rows, and an optional list of slots:

  400.px ~ 400.px ~ 200.px ~ 200.px,
  100.px ~ 300.px ~ 100.px,
    Layout1 :: Layout1 :: Layout1 :: Layout2 :: Nil,
    Layout3 :: Layout3 :: Layout3 :: Layout2 :: Nil,
    Layout3 :: Layout3 :: Layout3 :: Layout4 :: Nil

Columns and rows are defined via their widths, that can be absolute values like 100.px or a relative value See CSS3 grid documentation on how it works in practice. The slots parameter gives names to areas in the grid that can be used to position the child elements into specific slots.

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4
Row 1 Layout1 Layout1 Layout1 Layout2
Row 2 Layout3 Layout3 Layout3 Layout2
Row 3 Layout3 Layout3 Layout3 Layout4

Each LayoutX is an instance of LayoutId, automatically registered and assigned an identifier. Once the layout has been defined, individual children will be positioned into the matching slots:

object Layout1 extends LayoutId
object Layout2 extends LayoutId
object Layout3 extends LayoutId
object Layout4 extends LayoutId

Button("1").withLayout(slot := Layout1),
Button("2").withLayout(slot := Layout2),
Button("3").withLayout(slot := Layout3)


If Suzaku provided only widgets, the application would have to render the whole static widget blueprint tree from the root on every little change. To get more dynamic updates, you need to use components. Like widgets, components are also represented by blueprints, but extending ComponentBlueprint. The ComponentBlueprint is even simpler than WidgetBlueprint, having only two methods:

trait ComponentBlueprint extends Blueprint {
  def create(proxy: StateProxy): Component[_, _]

  def sameAs(that: this.type): Boolean = equals(that)

The sameAs method is used to check if the blueprint has changed from the previously rendered just like in widgets, and the create method is used to instantiate the actual Component.

Component lifecycle

A component has a well defined lifecycle that begins by calling the constructor of your component class when it's first mounted. This is followed by a call to initialState to get the, you know, initial state of your component. Next up is a call to render to retrieve the contents of the component. Finally didMount is called to indicate that your component is ready.


After the component has been constructed, there are only three things that can happen to it:

  1. a blueprint change
  2. a state change
  3. destruction

A blueprint change means that the component was rendered again by some other component higher in the hierarchy, but with different parameters, for example the label on a Button might have changed. Instead of building a new component, Suzaku informs the mounted component about the change through willReceiveBlueprint providing access to the upcoming blueprint so that the component can modify its internal state if necessary. This is followed by a call to shouldUpdate which is Suzaku's way of asking "has something really changed or should we just skip render"? If it returns true (as it does by default), the component render is called, followed by a call to didUpdate.


For a state change the call sequence is the same, except the willReceiveBlueprint is naturally skipped.


Finally after the component is removed from UI and destroyed, its didUnmount method is called. This is a good place to remove any handlers or callbacks you might have registered in didMount.


Component state

What makes components useful is that they can have internal mutable state. This allows components to react to incoming events like user interaction and modify their state, which leads to re-rendering of the component. But the state of component is held tight inside Suzaku and the component is only given read-only (not strongly enforced, though) access to it. The different callback methods liked render and shouldUpdate are given a reference to the current state, so that component code may use it. Otherwise it's hidden. Note that this state should only be used to store data that is needed in the render and all other internal "state" should be kept as variables in the component class. This would include things like handles for registered listeners that need to be unregistered at unmount time. Suzaku never recreates the component instance, so your data is safe inside the class.

To make changes in the state, you have to go through modState(f: State => State) giving as parameter a function that performs the desired change in the state. This change may happen asynchronously at a later time, when the Suzaku frameworks sees fit to actually perform the change (or a list of pending changes). In any case, before any callback method is called, the state will have been modified. In a typical scenario the state is reprented as a case class and modifications to it use the copy method to only partially update the class. For example:

case class MyState(user: String, password: String)
modState(s => s.copy(user = newUser))

... to be continued ...

UI testing

A benefit of a protocol based UI is that it allows easy testing. You can simple replace a real UI implementation with a mocked one to create exactly the test situations you need without involving any platform specific code whatsoever. Testing user interaction scenarios is typically very tedious and hard work, but now it's reduced to defining a message exchange sequence. Of course you still have to test the actual UI, too, but application interaction logic can be tested without the real UI.

... More coming soon! ...


This is the general workflow for contributing to Suzaku (adapted from Scala.js)

  1. You should always perform your work in its own Git branch (a "topic branch"). The branch should be given a descriptive name that explains its intent.

  2. When the feature or fix is completed you should squash your commits into a one (per useful change), rebase it against the original branch and open a Pull Request on GitHub. Squashing commits keeps the version history clean and clutter free. Typically your PR should target the master branch, but there may be other work-in-progress branches that you can also target in your PR. This is especially true if you have originally branched from such a WIP branch.

  3. The Pull Request should be reviewed by the maintainers. Independent contributors can also participate in the review process, and are encouraged to do so. There is also an automated CI build that checks that your PR is compiling ok and tests run without errors.

  4. After the review, you should resolve issues brought up by the reviewers as needed (amending or adding commits to address reviewers' comments), iterating until the reviewers give their thumbs up, the "LGTM" (acronym for "Looks Good To Me"). While iterating, you can push (and squash) new commits to your topic branch and they will show up in the PR automatically.

  5. Once the code has passed review the Pull Request can be merged into the distribution.


Tests are nice. They help keep the code in working condition even through refactorings and other changes. When you add new functionality, please write some relevant tests to cover the new functionality. When changing existing code, make sure the tests are also changed to reflect this.


All code contributed to the user-facing part of the library should come accompanied with documentation. Pull requests containing undocumented code will not be accepted.

Code contributed to the internals (ie. code that the users of Suzaku typically do not directly use) should come accompanied by internal documentation if the code is not self-explanatory, e.g., important design decisions that other maintainers should know about.

Creating Commits And Writing Commit Messages

Follow these guidelines when creating public commits and writing commit messages.

Prepare meaningful commits

If your work spans multiple local commits (for example; if you do safe point commits while working in a feature branch or work in a branch for long time doing merges/rebases etc.) then please do not commit it all but rewrite the history by squashing the commits into one commit per useful unit of change, each accompanied by a detailed commit message. For more info, see the article: Git Workflow. Additionally, every commit should be able to be used in isolation - that is, each commit must build and pass all tests.

Use scalafmt

Run scalafmt before making a commit to keep source code in style.

First line of the commit message

The first line should be a descriptive sentence about what the commit is doing, written using the imperative style, e.g., "Change this.", and should not exceed 70 characters. It should be possible to fully understand what the commit does by just reading this single line. It is not ok to only list the ticket number, type "minor fix" or similar. If the commit has a corresponding ticket, include a reference to the ticket number, with the format "Fix #xxx: Change that.", as the first line. Sometimes, there is no better message than "Fix #xxx: Fix that issue.", which is redundant. In that case, and assuming that it aptly and concisely summarizes the commit in a single line, the commit message should be "Fix #xxx: Title of the ticket.".

Body of the commit message

If the commit is a small fix, the first line can be enough. Otherwise, following the single line description should be a blank line followed by details of the commit, in the form of free text, or bulleted list.

Style guide

Suzaku has a rather flexible styling requirements for contributors so don't fret about it too much. The maintainers will ask you to fix clear style violations in your contributions or just correct them in the next refactoring/clean-up. All source code in Suzaku is formatted using scalafmt to maintain coherent style across the project. What this means is that you don't have to worry too much about the style, but just let scalafmt handle it! Before making a commit, just run sbt scalafmt to apply the default styling to the whole codebase.

It is of course much appreciated if you'd spend a few moments looking through the existing code base and try to pick up some clues about the style being used ;)

Practical tips

Coming soon!