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File metadata and controls

215 lines (165 loc) · 5.53 KB


Learn Linux - Articles and Guides

Name Comments
Linux Journey Written guides + exercises + quiz
Techmint Linux Written articles/lessons
Linux Survival Interactive guide

Linux Deep Dive - Articles

Name Comments
How are Unix pipes implemented?

Learn Linux - Videos

Name Comments Very practical videos on various topics


Author Title Comments
William Shotts The Linux Command Line Free
Christopher Negus Linux Bible


Name Comments
Linux From Scratch
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces


Presenter Video Length Level
Joseph Delgadillo The Complete Linux Course: Beginner to Power User! 07:23:52 Beginner

Tweak OS

Fedora disable alert sound

dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/sound/event-sounds "false"


Author Presentation Level Comments
Arie Bregman Linux Networking Beginner
Andrew McNico tcpdump Beginner

Cheat Sheet


Get SElinux denials

semodule -DB

sudo ausearch -m avc -m user_avc -m selinux_err -m user_selinux_err -i -ts today


  • Join session tmux a


  • Destroy: virsh destroy <vm_name>
  • Shutdown: virsh shutdown <vm_name>


Check your Linux educational progress with the following list:

  • File System Hierarchy

    • / (aka root)

    • /bin and /sbin

    • /opt

    • /usr

    • /var

    • /home

    • /etc

    • /proc

    • /tmp

    • Test

      • What is '/'?
      • What is stored in '/bin'? what about /etc?
      • What '/home' is usually used for?
      • What type of files can you find in '/var'?
      • What is unique about /tmp?
  • Navigation

    • Commands

      • pwd - where am I?
      • cd - change directory
    • relative vs. absolute paths

    • Test

      • How to check your current path?
      • Where cd .. will take you?
      • What would be the effect of running cd .?
      • What will happen when running 'cd -'?
  • Files

    • Types of files

      • Regular
      • Directory
      • Socket
      • Block
      • Link
    • Commands

      • ls - list files and directories
        • -a for listing hidden files
        • -l for list formt
        • -t order by time
        • -F better distinguish between regular files and directories
      • touch - creating files (original intention is updating timestamp)
        • nice to know: touch file{1..5}
      • rm - remove files
        • -r for recursive
        • -f to force removal, no questions asked
      • mkdir - create directories
        • -p - for creating multiple nested directories
      • rmdir - remove directories
      • echo - display a line of text
      • cat - concatenate files (common usage: read a file)
      • mv - move files directories (also rename files and directories)
      • cp - copy a file
        • -r for recursive (copy a directory)
    • Test

      • How to list hidden files?
      • How to create an empty new file?
      • How to remove a directory?
      • How to rename a file?
      • How to copy an entire directory with all its files?
  • Commands

    • man - manual for commands
    • which - get full path for given command
    • whatis - one-line manual page descriptions
  • I/O redirection

    • File Descriptor

      • stdin 0 (input) <
      • stdout 1 (output) >
      • stderr 2 (error) 2>
    • Append >>

    • Test

      • How to redirect output?
      • What would be the result of the following command blop 2> file?
  • Text Editor (one is enough)

    • vim

      • i to start typing
      • :wq to exit (or shit+zz)
    • nano

    • emacs

    • atom

    • sublime

    • Test (mainly for vim)

      • How to remove an entire line?
      • How to copy 5 lines?
      • How to jump to the end of the line
      • How to remove one word
      • How to jump to the end of the file
  • Users

    • Commands

      • useradd
      • usermod
      • userdel
      • who
    • Nice to know commands

      • lastlog
    • Test

      • how to add a new user?
      • should you be using your user or root?
  • Network

    • netstat
  • Monitoring and performence commands

    • top
    • stat
  • Processes

    • Running in ackground (&)
  • Archives

    • what is it good for
    • tar
    • zip
    • commands
      • create an archive
      • list archive's content
      • remove an archive
  • Storage, Filesystem

    • inode