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Email Templates

Curriculum Advisory Committee Invitation

Subject: Invitation to Join the [ carpentry org ] [ lesson title ] Curriculum Advisory Committee

Dear [ name ],

Thank you for your interest in being a member of the [ carpentry org ] [ lesson title ] Curriculum Advisory Committee! Because of your experience working with [ relevant data types ] and your perspective on and commitment to teaching [ lesson title ] data skills, we would like to invite you to be a member of this committee. We think you bring important and unique insight to what skills should be taught to [ lesson title ] researchers as well as how they should be taught.

The [ carpentry org ] [ lesson title ] curriculum aims to teach the core skills and perspectives for working effectively and reproducibly with [ lesson title ] data. The role of the [ carpentry org ] [ lesson title ] Curriculum Advisory Committee is to provide the oversight, vision and leadership for the [ lesson title ] curriculum as a whole.

This Committee will meet bi-annually to:

  • Discuss curricular updates that have been proposed by Instructors, Maintainers or other community members.
  • Provide recommendations for other potential updates based on current approaches in the field.
  • Discuss proposals for new lesson ideas and provide recommendations about whether they should be developed or accepted and whether they should be incorporated into existing workshop curriculum or as standalone lessons.
  • Provide a written report of the meeting regarding decisions around curriculum updates and recommendations.

Additionally Committee members are expected to:

  • Be familiar with [ carpentry org ] [ lesson title ] lesson content and respond to content-related issues on individual lessons as needed.
  • Act as Maintainers for the '[ lesson title ] workshop' repository, making sure it’s up to date with the overall goals of the workshops and correct links to curriculum and update as needed.

Prior to lesson release (currently on a 6 month schedule):

  • Review individual lessons to make sure curriculum-level learning objectives are being met by the set of lessons.
  • Prepare the ‘[ lesson title ] workshop’ repository for release. Will be Editors for this repository at release.

Please let me know if you are still interested in serving on the [ lesson title ] Curriculum Advisory Committee and can commit to these responsibilities. If you have any questions before you can accept this role, please also let me know.

Thanks so much. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you!


[ sender name ]

Initiate Scheduling of First Meeting

Subject: Scheduling First Meeting of the [ carpentry org ] [ lesson title ] Curriculum Advisory Committee

Hi everyone,

Thank you to those who so far have confirmed your interest in being a part of the committee. I'd like to get us started on setting up our first bi-annual meeting. This meeting will be between [date] and [date], in advance of the [upcoming Bug BBQ or lesson release] which will be held [dates].

At our first meeting, we will be making decisions about some core proposed revisions to the existing [lesson title] lessons. The developers and Maintainers of the lessons will be providing that list, along with relevant background information, for people to look over in preparation for the meeting.

To help schedule the meeting, could everyone please add their availability to this [whenisgood](link to whenisgood poll) by this coming Friday [(date)]? Please make sure to put in your time zone at the top of the poll. I'll look at the results and let everyone know the meeting time by [date] so that you can clear up any holds on your calendar.

Please let me know if you have any questions in advance of our first meeting in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone soon!

Best, [ sender name ]

Announce Meeting Times and Dates

Subject: First Meeting of the [ carpentry org ] [ lesson title ] Curriculum Advisory Committee

Hi all,

Thanks again for being a part of the [lesson title] CAC. We'll be having our first bi-annual meeting to prepare for the [upcoming Bug BBQ or lesson release] which will be held [dates]. To accommodate the geographical diversity of our committee members, we'll be having two meetings. I strongly recommend that those who can attend both do so, as it will help to build consistency across the meetings and a team-feeling for the group. Of course, if you're only able to attend one meeting, that's fine too!

The meetings will be at the times linked below (please click the links to see the time in your own time zone). I'll be sending out information about meeting location and agenda early next week.

[meeting time 1](link to timeanddate event announcer) [meeting time 2](link to timeanddate event announcer)

Please let me know if you have any questions. Looking forward to meeting everyone soon!

Best, [ sender name ]

Follow up from Curriculum Advisory Committee Meeting

Subject: Follow-up Items from [lesson title] Curriculum Advisory Committee Meetings

Hi all,

Thank you again for a very productive set of meetings last week. I've put together minutes for our two meetings (combined in [this document](link to meeting minutes in, including decision points and action items for follow-up. I wanted to run these by everyone to make sure that I've correctly identified the decisions that were made before I follow up with the Maintainers to move these decisions forward.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could take a look at the minutes and let me know by [date and time UTC](link to timeanddate event announcer) if you see any problems or have any objections to the decisions and action items. At that point, I will follow up with the Maintainers on the next steps.

Thank you everyone for bringing your backgrounds and expertise to the meetings last week and for your deep thought about this curriculum. I'm excited about [upcoming publication or major lesson change].

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Best, [ sender name ]