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SignService Demo Applications


SignService applications for test and demonstration.


This directory contains two types of sample applications:

  • app - A compound SignService sample application that acts both as a frontend and a backend service, i.e., it receives the HTTP requests where the user's browser is directed to the SignService from the SignService client, processes them, and responds by posting the user back to the SignService client.

  • rest - Contains a frontend and a backend application (both written in Spring Boot). The frontend accepts HTTP requests where the user's browser is directed to the SignService and invokes the SignService backend to have the requests processed. Given a response from the backend service, the frontend translates it to a HTTP message and responds by posting the user back to the SignService client.

Both the standalone application and the SignService backend application are Spring Boot applications making use of the SignService Spring Boot Starter. They illustrate how an application is configured and how few lines of code you actually have to write yourself... if you use Spring Boot ;-)

You can run the application(s) locally on your machine and it has two configured clients:

  • test-my-signature-localhost - The GitHub repo signservice-integration provides a test client that authenticates the user against the Sweden Connect Sandbox federation and sends a SignRequest message to our local SignService application, see "Setting up Test my Signature" below.

  • signservice-test-localhost - Under you'll find the Signature Service Test Application that is an online test client for a number of different signature services. If you logon using the username 'signserviceuser' and the password 'signserviceuser' and select Sweden Connect SignService V2 Localhost you can use this application to test your SignService running locally on your machine.

After the entire repository has been built it should be possible to start the SignService Demo Applications ...

Running the SignService as a Compound Standalone Application

The app folder holds the standalone SignService application.

Start the application with its default settings. You only need to specify a variable named SIGNSERVICE_HOME pointing at the SignService data directory (where audit logs, and CA files are stored).

> cd ${signservice-dir}
> java -jar demo-apps/app/target/signservice-demo-app-<current-version>.jar \
>      --SIGNSERVICE_HOME="/my/path/to/the/datadir"

Note: The SignService application will listen on port 8443.

Running the SignService as a Frontend and a Backend

The rest folder contains the two applications frontend and backend.

Open two terminal windows. In the first one, start the frontend application.

> cd ${signservice-dir}
> java -jar demo-apps/rest/frontend/target/signservice-demo-rest-frontend-<current-version>.jar

In the other terminal, start the backend application. For the backend need to specify a variable named SIGNSERVICE_HOME pointing at the SignService data directory (where audit logs, and CA files are stored).

> java -jar demo-apps/rest/backend/signservice-demo-rest-backend-<current-version>.jar \
>      --SIGNSERVICE_HOME="/my/path/to/the/datadir"

Note: The SignService frontend application listens on port 8443 and the backend listens on port 8543.

Setting up Test my Signature

In order to use the demo "Test my Signature" client application locally on your machine follow the below steps:

Step 1: Clone the signature-integration repository.

> git clone

Step 2: Build the SignService integration code (the test application is built after the main code).

> cd signservice-integration
> mvn clean install
> ...
> cd test-my-signature
> mvn clean package

Step 3: Run the application with the profiles sandbox ,sign and localhost active.

> java -jar target/test-my-signature-1.3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar,sign,localhost

Note: The application will listen to port 9445. If you want to change this pass in another value for the server.port setting, or open the project in your IDE and make the changes you like.

Step 4: Open https://localhost:9445/testmyeid in your browser.

Note: Your browser will warn for the self-signed TLS certificate presented. Allow this certificate to continue.

Step 5: Authenticate a user and then sign...

Note: Use the Sweden Connect Reference IdP if you don't have any credentials for any other IdP:s. The Sweden Connect Reference IdP lets you simulate the authentication.

Copyright © 2022-2023, Myndigheten för digital förvaltning - Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG). Licensed under version 2.0 of the Apache License.