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Sweep for Swift

Build Status

Swift extension library used to simplify several common tasks that are used in most iOS applications today.

This application is under active development and will continue to be modified and improved over time. The current release is an "alpha."

Table of Contents


Releasing the source code for this library is meant to empower other developers and organizations through the simplification of common tasks in iOS development. In addition, we hope that public review and contribution of this code base will help strengthen and improve capability of the library.

We hope to see this library grow and develop in the open source community and increase in complexity so that those who use it can get right into the development of their applications.


Anyone is encouraged to contribute to the project by forking and submitting a pull request. (If you are new to GitHub, you might start with a basic tutorial.)

Please read our contributing guide before making any pull requests.


Download the latest verion of our library from the releases section. There will be two options, one marked as sweep-base, the other as sweep-firebase. Sweep-base includes just the base library while sweep-firebase includes the base library as well as the Firebase integration. Only use the Firebase one if you plan on integrating Firebase into your application.

If you would like to build our library from scratch, clone this project and build it using Xcode. You may also optionally run the testing scheme to see the results of the unit tests.



####Average The average function takes in no parameters and returns an average of type Double on the arrays summation. This function works only on Ints, Doubles, and Floats. Also, catches the exception of an empty Array.

  let intArray: [Int] = [1,2,3,4,5]//sum = 15
  let floatArray: [Float] = [1.25,2.5,3.75]//sum = 7.5
  let doubleArray: [Double] = [5.0, 0.6,4.2, 0.2, 2.5]//sum = 12.5
  let emptyArray = Array<Int>()// sum = 0
  //Getting Averages on all Sequences that have the Avergable protocol.
  let intAverage = intArray.average() //intAverage = 3.0
  let floatAverage = floatArray.average() //floatAverage = 2.5
  let doubleAverage = doubleArray.average() //doubleAverage = 2.5
  let emptyAverage = emptyArray.average() // average = 0.0

JSON Parser

Parse For Strings

The parse function takes in a JSON string called jsonString as a String and returns an either a Dictionary<String,Any>? or [Any]? based upon the type of the variable the call is being assigned to. In the case of malformed JSON, nil will be returned.

For a Dictionary

let json = "{\"someKey\": 42.0,\"anotherKey\": {\"someNestedKey\": true}}"
let object : [String : Any]? = JSONParser.parse(jsonString: json)
if let object = object {
    //work with return dictionary

object will now hold the unwrapped Dictionary<String,Any> that corresponds to the JSON object.

For an Array

let json = "[\"hello\", 3, true]"
let array : [Any]? = JSONParser.parse(jsonString: json)
if let array = array {
    //work with return array

array will now hold the unwrapped [Any] that corresponds to the JSON array.

Parse For Data

The parse function can also take in Data called jsonData, parse it, and returns an either a Dictionary<String,Any>? or [Any]? based upon the type of the variable the call is being assigned to. In the case of malformed JSON, nil will be returned.

let json = "{\"someKey\": 42.0,\"anotherKey\": {\"someNestedKey\": true}}".data(using: .utf8)
let object : [String : Any]? = JSONParser.parse(jsonData: json!)
if let object = object{
    //work with return object

object now holds the unwrapped Dictionary<String,Any> that corresponds to the JSON obect. The same syntax also holds for dealing with arrays.

Parse To Objects

The parse function can also be used to convert JSON to instances of classes that conform to the JSONAble protocol that is shown below. The JSON is parsed and is then passed to a required initializer that allows control over what the JSON data gets assigned to.

For a Dictionary<String,Any>

class FakeObject: JSONAble{
    var test: Int?
    required init(json: [String:Any]){
        test = json["someKey"] as! Int?

let json = "{\"someKey\": 42.0,\"anotherKey\": {\"someNestedKey\": true}}"
let object : [FakeObject]? = JSONParser.parse(toObject: json)
if let rObject = object?[0]{
    //rObject now holds the singular object

rObject holds the object instance filled with the JSON data.

For an Array

let json = "[{\"someKey\": 42.0,\"anotherKey\": {\"someNestedKey\": true}},{\"someKey\": 43.0,\"anotherKey\": {\"someNestedKey\": true}}]"
let object : [FakeObject]? = JSONParser.parse(toObject: json)
if let object = object{
    //now have access to the array of objects

object now holds the array of created objects filled with the JSON data.

JSONAble Protocol

The JSONAble protocol ensures that objects have an initializer that accepts a Dictionary<String,Any>.

public protocol JSONAble{
    init(json: [String:Any])

Additionally, the JSONAble protocol allows these objects to be converted into JSON strings from their instances due to the toJSON method shown below.


For a singular object

let json = "{\"someKey\": 42.0,\"anotherKey\": {\"someNestedKey\": true}}"
let object : [FakeObject]? = JSONParser.parse(toObject: json)
if let object = object{
    let jsonString = rObject.toJSON()

jsonString now holds the result of turing the object into a JSON string.

For an Array

let json = "[{\"someKey\": 42.0,\"anotherKey\": {\"someNestedKey\": true}},{\"someKey\": 43.0,\"anotherKey\": {\"someNestedKey\": true}}]"
let object : [FakeObject]? = JSONParser.parse(toObject: json)
if let object = object{
    let jsonString = rObjects.toJSON()

jsonString now holds the JSON string form of the array.

Web Requests

The WebRequests class allows for easier web requests by turning common HTTP methods into functions runable on the class. All functions on this class will take in either just a URL or both a URL and POST data. Each function will return an instance of the Request class. Because of this it is possible to chain WebRequests functions with functions on the Request object (example in the Running the Request section below).

The Request class has 3 functions on it, the first being runRequest which will use the request:URLRequest? variable to run a session and return a closure of type Data?, URLResponse?, and Error?. The other two functions are explained below.

Get and Delete Requests

Get Requests

The getRequest function will take in a URL that is passed in as a String. This will return an instantiated object of type Request that has the URL set and the .httpMethod set to "GET". If the url could not be formed to type URL than nil will be returned.

	let getRequest = webRequests.getRequest(url: "")

	guard let request = getRequest else{
		print("request was nil")
	//run code....
Get Requests

The deleteRequest function is very similar to the get request and will also take in a URL that is passed in as a String. This will return an instantiated object of type Request that has the URL set and the .httpMethod set to "DELETE". If the url could not be formed to type URL than nil will be returned.

	let deleteRequest = webRequests.deleteRequest(url: "")

	guard let request = deleteRequest else{
		print("request was nil")
	//run code....

Post and Put Requests

Post Requests

The postRequest function takes in a URL that is passed in as a String and a string of data to pass through in the method body. This will return an instantiated object of type Request that has the URL set and the .httpMethod set to "POST" and the .HTTPBody set to the post string. If the url could not be formed to type URL than nil will be returned.

	let postRequest = webRequests.postRequest(url: "", postString: "username=user&password=test")

	guard let request = postRequest else{
		print("request was nil")
	//run code....
Put Requests

The putRequest function is similar to the post request and takes in a URL that is passed in as a String and a string of data to pass through in the method body. This will return an instantiated object of type Request that has the URL set and the .httpMethod set to "PUT" and the .HTTPBody set to the post string. If the url could not be formed to type URL than nil will be returned.

	let putRequest = webRequests.putRequest(url: "", putString: "username=user2")

	guard let request = putRequest else{
		print("request was nil")
	//run code....

Running the request

When creating web requests with the WebRequests class, WebRequests will return a Request object with the method to run the session and a JSON and HTTP code parser. This allows the methods just to be called on the object returned or the ability to chain multiple methods together such as a get request and the parsing it as JSON. These functions will recieve a closure with the data needed. Example:

	webRequests.getRequest(url: "")?.toJSON{
			(response:Any?, err:Error?, status: Status) in
        print("response \(response)")
        print("error \(err)")
        print("Status \(status)")

Currently the toJSON will reurn and Any? object that can then be parsed using the JSONable extention included in the library. This is planned to be made default in the future. HTTP status codes can also be obtained by this class by calling toHTTPStatus. This function will also recieve a closure with the data needed, simply call .statusCode on the response to obtain the code..

    webRequests.getRequest(url: "")?.toHTTPStatus{
        (response:HTTPURLResponse?, err:Error?, status:Status) in
        print("response \(response?.statusCode)")
        print("error \(err)")


Change Font Type

The changeFontType function takes in the name of a UIFont name as a String and returns an NSMutableAttributedString with the UIFont that was passed in appied to the text. The UIFont will only be applied if the string that was passed in matched one of the available font names exactly.

let intialString: String = "Hello World!"
let fontNameValue = "Thonburi"     
var testString: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: intialString)       
testString = testString.changeFontType(fontName: fontNameValue)

testString will now hold the updated NSMutableAttributedString returned by testString.changeFontType(fontName: fontNameValue)

Change Font Color

The changeFontColor function takes a UIColor and a NSRange? which will default to the entirety of the string if a subrange is not provided in this parameter.The function will return an NSMutableAttributedString with the UIColor that was passed in appied to the text.

Without NSRange? Specified

let intialString: String = "Hello World!" 
let color: UIColor =
var testString: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: intialString)
testString = testString.changeFontColor(color: color)

testString will now hold the updated NSMutableAttributedString font returned by testString.changeFontColor(color: color)

With NSRange? Specified

let intialString: String = "Hello World!" 
let color: UIColor =
var testString: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: intialString)
testString = testString.changeFontColor(color: color, range: NSMakeRange(3, 5))

testString will now hold the updated NSMutableAttributedString font returned by testString.changeFontColor(color: color, range: NSMakeRange(3, 5))

Highlight Text

The highlight function optionally takes in an NSRange? which will default to the entirety of the string if a subrange is not provided in this parameter. The highlight function returns an NSMutableAttributedString with the NSBackgroundColorAttributeName changed to yellow.

Without NSRange? Specified

let intialString: String = "Hello World"
var testString: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: intialString)
testString = testString.highlight()

testString will now hold the updated NSMutableAttributedString returned by testString.highlight()

With NSRange? Specified

let intialString: String = "Hello World!" 
var testString: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: intialString)
testString = testString.highlight(range: NSMakeRange(3, 5))

testString will now hold the updated NSMutableAttributedString font returned by testString.highlight(range: NSMakeRange(3, 5))

Add Constraints

The addConstraints function takes in a Style enum , an Int for the fontSize ,and optionally takes in an NSRange? which will default to the entirety of the string if a subrange is not provided in this parameter. The addConstraints function returns an NSMutableAttributedString with the enum selection applied.

Without NSRange? Specified

let intialString: String = "Hello World!"
var testString: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: intialString)
testString = testString.addConstraints(style: .italic, fontSize: 15)

testString will now hold the updated NSMutableAttributedString returned by testString.highlight()

With NSRange? Specified

let intialString: String = "Hello World!"
var testString: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: intialString)
testString = testString.addConstraints(style: .italic, fontSize: 15, range: NSMakeRange(3, 5))

testString will now hold the updated NSMutableAttributedString font returned by testString.addConstraints(style: .italic, fontSize: 15, range: NSMakeRange(3, 5))


####Icon Icon from E.g.: Icon made by Freepik from


The Sweep library is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.