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Releases: swiftDialog/swiftDialog

swiftDialog v1.11.2 Preview 3

11 Aug 09:43
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swiftDialog 1.11.2 Preview 2

Fixes in preview 3

  • --mini mode now respects --title none #155
    • Additionally, mini mode display layout has been redone to allow up to 4 lines of text, or up to two lines when displaying a progress bar
  • Fixed issue where multiple clicks of a required field would concatenate multiple copies of the error text into sheetErrorMessage #156
  • Fixed issue where dialog stops accepting live updates if a "required field" error is triggered #157

plus all the things from Preview 1 and 2

swiftDialog 1.11.2 Preview 2

10 Aug 11:10
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swiftDialog 1.11.2 Preview 2


  • when using --overlayicon and listitems with icons present, the overlay will not also display wherever a listitem icon is being shown
  • adjustments to the layout of textfields and pickers (dropdowns). There will be some visual differences between this and previous versions but the result is better rendering of textfields with expressive labels.

List updates:

  • Tweaks to status text in list view #149 (PR #150) - Thanks @scriptingosx
  • List items can now display icons #148
  • List items status icon can now display a progress
  • List item background when in dark mode is differentiated from the window


Other updates:

  • Progress text overflow aligns with the progress bar #147
  • --textfield additional property editor presents a larger multi line text box #142
  • --textfield additional properties fileselect and optional filetype=<filetype>. Adds a select button to a text field allowing for ease of entering a file path into a text field.
  • The default value of --commandfile in the built in help was incorrect #152 - Thanks @tcoliver
  • New --mini mode presents a much smaller dialog. When used with --progress the defaults buttons are hidden`



06 Aug 11:20
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v1.11.2-Preview1 Pre-release

swiftDialog 1.11.2 Preview 1

List updates:

  • Tweaks to status text in list view #149 (PR #150) - Thanks @scriptingosx
  • List items can now display icons #148
  • List items status icon can now display a progress
  • List item background when in dark mode is differentiated from the window


Other updates:

  • Progress text overflow aligns with the progress bar #147
  • --textfield additional property editor presents a larger multi line text box #142
  • --textfield additional properties fileselect and optional filetype=<filetype>. Adds a select button to a text field allowing for ease of entering a file path into a text field.
  • The default value of --commandfile in the built in help was incorrect #152 - Thanks @tcoliver
  • New --mini mode presents a much smaller dialog. When used with --progress the defaults buttons are hidden`


swiftDialog 1.11.1

02 Jul 01:21
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Bugs fixed:

  • --iconsize is respected when --small is present #136
  • update json processing so regex presence does not enforce required 1a7720a

Minor updates added

  • added --liststyle argument. Takes expanded or compact as a value and will change the height of each row in a list accordingly #135
  • lists respect font size as dictated by --messagefont

swiftDialog v1.11

06 Jun 03:49
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  • --quitkey now supports capital letters (e.g. --quitkey F can be triggered with command+shift+f)
  • Added support for regex validation of textfields. use regex= and regexerror= to specify the regex and the error message to display #129
    • Default error message for regexerror in case you forget (not a lot of context but that's up to the admin to fill in a proper message)
  • Added localisation support - initial languages are French, German, Dutch and Danish (if you can help with other languages, please contact)
  • Overlay icon can now be changed via the command file
  • Multi colour SF symbols can be colourised using the new palette= keyword, e.g. --icon SF=person.3.sequence.fill,palette=red,green,blue #131
  • Added --infotext option that will display the specified text in place of the info button (defaults to swiftDialog version)
  • Updated info button behaviour. if no info button action is specified, defaults to exit (with exit code 3. same as specifying --quitoninfo
  • Lists can be dynamically updated with new add: and delete: commands, e.g. echo "listitem: index: 0, delete:" >> /var/tmp/dialog.log or echo "listitem: title: Some Row Title, delete:" >> /var/tmp/dialog.log and echo "listitem: add, title: Some Title, statustext: Hi There, status: pending" >> /var/tmp/dialog.log #120
  • If both --bannerimage and --icon are used, the icon now displays as well. Previously it was intentional that it would only display one or the other.
  • Added --bgscale, -bs as an alternate to --bgfill, -bf #133
  • Added show and hide as actions that can be performed on a list using the command file. e.g. echo "list: show" >> /var/tmp/dialog.log.


  • Fixed an issue where image paths supplied via json resulted in the image not being shown
  • Fixes a glitch in the way timer bar is rendered #128
  • Fix for orphaned tail processes should be addressed.
  • Title and divider line have been tweaked so large --titlefont sizes don't cause the title text to draw over the divider line
  • When using custom fonts by family name, weight should display the correct font weight (if available in that font) #127
  • Background art position now changes correctly when using a background in fill mode #132
  • Fixed crash/quit if --overlayicon not specified or not valid #126

swiftDialog 1.10.4

23 May 02:59
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Bug fix release:

Bugs Fixed:

  • error code 5 was actually returning error code 4
  • messageFontSize was being set with the title font size instead (#122)
  • Some extra logic around initial read of the command file to clean it prior to processing. Should prevent an issue where the command file contains a quit command and the file permissions were preventing the file from being cleaned prior to use.
  • fixed an issue with displaying an icon when using jamfhelper mode

swiftDialog v1.10.3

02 May 11:37
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Fixes a bug where intercepting the command+q key combination didn't work as expected and it was capturing key input without applying the command modifier

swiftDialog v1.10.2

29 Apr 09:00
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  • #112 Providing 'selectvalues' via json file for a drop down does not show values


  • #111 FR: Ability to map the Quit command to a different key combo. Additional command --quitkey <char> which will re-map cmd+q to cmd+<char>
  • Updated the app bundle icon and default icon to This is to avoid any issues with which is a special SF Symbol intended for use to describe the Messages app and shouldn't be modified or used for other purposes.


  • #109 Tweak how banner images are handled. The banner area will now be resized to fit the supplied image, up to a maximum of 150 points.
  • Cleanup of MarkdownUI code (no functionality change)

swiftDialog 1.10.1

18 Apr 02:21
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Bugs fixed

  • fixed incorrect help text that specified font= instead of name= when specifying a font name
  • fixed issue that would cause dialog to hang if specifying a local image resource in markdown. local image resources are still not supported in markdown but specifying one shouldn't cause an issue.
  • incorporates late bug fix that is present in the 1.10.0 release that would display the default icon glyph if an image from url was specified.
  • updated window activation logic so the dialog doesn't pop to the foreground every time an update is sent through.
  • fixed issue with NumberFormatter that would cause dialog to crash if using a locale that used a different number formatting style (i.e. . as thousands separators instead of ,)
  • pkg now built with BundleIsRelocatable set to no. This was causing issues where if Dialog was present elsewhere on the system rather than /Library/Application Support/Dialog the symlink would be broken (thanks @scriptingosx for their advice)

listview updates:

  • include line dividers making wider lists easier to parse visually.
  • added additional status indications. in addition to wait the statuses of success, fail, error and pending are available and use SF Symbols to represent appropriate glyphs
  • added statustext for displaying and updating text as well as including a status item.
  • updated json format to accommodate initialising a list including statustext and status
  • listitems can now be referenced by index number instead of text when sending an update.


other changes

  • adds extra system colours present in macos 12 mint, cyan, indigo and teal. on macos 12 these are native colour keywords, on macOS 11 the RGB values are used to represent the colour.
  • on macOS 12+, SF symbols are rendered using hierarchical rendering mode (not available in macOS 11)

swiftDialog v1.10

28 Mar 23:48
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New Features

Change Icon position and hide the title area

The icon can now be re-positioned to occupy the area centred underneath the dialog title. In addition the title area can be completely hidden if desired.


--centreicon --centericon - will reposition the icon to the centre of the dialog window
--title and --icon can be given the property none (in the case of --icon none this is functionally the same as --hideicon)


Window positioning

--position centre will use the screen dead centre and not the slightly higher than centre default.

More detailed textfield properties

swiftDialog text entry fields have been given some new properties:

  • required: When used, the dialog cannot be dismissed without filling in the required field.

  • secure: When used the text field will hide the contents from being displayed on screen. The contents are returned on exit in plaintext.

  • prompt (supported on macOS 12+): Will display the specified prompt text within the field.


Invoke on the command line with --textfield <field_label>,secure,required,prompt="<promt_text>" or in json with :

  "textfield" : [
    {"title" : "<field_label>", "secure" : true, "required" : true, "prompt" : "<prompt_text>" }


Multiple dropdown support.

swiftDialog now supports multiple dropdowns and updated output format to suit


When used as command line argument add multiple --selecttitle, --selectvalues and --selectdefault. values, titles and defaults are assigned in the order they are presented

as json:

"selectitems" : [
    {"title" : "Select 1", "values" : ["one","two","three"]},
    {"title" : "Select 2", "values" : ["red","green","blue"], "default" : "red"}


updated command file commands

  • icon: centre (or center) and icon: default will let you flip the icon to the centred position or the default
  • icon: none will hide the icon. content will shift to fill the space
  • icon: size: <int> will re-size the icon to the specified number of points.
  • title: none will hide the title and horizontal separator bar
  • passing in an invalid icon or image file will not cause dialog to quit