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Turn your data into a modern text table.

Table of Contents

☁️ Installation

npm install tablite --save

📋 Example

Check out the examples folder for more.

const Table = require('tablite');

let options = {size: 100, header: true, ratios: [10, 10], align: 'l,c'};

let data = [
    ['Color', 'hex', 'Description'],
    ['Green', '#008000', `Seeing the colour \u001b[32mgreen\u001b[0m has been linked to more creative thinking—so greens are good options for home offices.`],
    ['Violet', '#0000FF', `People link a greyish violet with sophistication, so it can be a good selection for places where you’re trying to make the “right” impression.`],
    ['Blue', '#EE82EE', `People are more likely to tell you that blue is their favourite colour than any other shade.\n That makes it a safe choice.`]];

console.log(new Table(data, options).toString());
 Color      hex    Description                                                                 
 Green    #008000  Seeing the colour green has been linked to more creative thinking—so greens 
                   are good options for home offices.                                          
 Violet   #0000FF  People link a greyish violet with sophistication, so it can be a good       
                   selection for places where you’re trying to make the “right” impression.    
 Blue     #EE82EE  People are more likely to tell you that blue is their favourite colour than 
                   any other shade.                                                            
                   That makes it a safe choice.                                                

📝 Documentation

Every table used in this documentation was generated with tablite itself.


Here are a list of the simple methods to help you.

    Method    Documentation                                                        Usage example                  
 constructor  Constructor of the table. Generates an empty table by default.       console.log(new Table(data,    
              Takes two optional parameters: data and options.                     options).toString());          
              You can directly build your table with these.                                                       
     set      Set new options. Takes your option structure as parameter.           let table = new Table();        Optional: you can disable regeneration with the second parameter.    table.set(options);            
              (see options section for more informations)                                                         
    input     Set new data. Takes your data structure as parameter.                let table = new Table();        Optional: you can disable regeneration with the second parameter.    table.input(data);             
              (see options section for more informations)                                                         
   generate   Regenerate your table. Don't forget to set options and input data   │ table.generate();              │
│             │ first.                                                              │                                │
│             │ Returns the generated table array. (see toString() for string       │                                │
│             │ version)                                                            │                                │
│    split    │ Split your table into different arrays of a specified maximum       │ console.log(table.split(50)[0  │
│             │ character size.                                                     │ ].join('\n'));                 │
│   toString  │ Convert the table into a printable string.                          │ console.log(table.toString()); │


You can give multiple options to customize your table.

Here are several ways to structure your options, they would all give the same output as the previous example code:

   Type    Usage example                                                                                   
  Object   let options = new Object();                                                                     
           options.size = 100;                                                                             
           options.header = true;                                                                          
           options.ratios = [10, 10];                                                                      
           options.align = 'l,c';                                                                          
   JSON    let options = JSON.parse('{"size": 100, "header": true, "ratios": [10, 10], "align": "l,c"}');  
    Map    let options = new Map();                                                                        
           options.set('size', 100);                                                                       
           options.set('header', true);                                                                    
           options.set('ratios', [10, 10]);                                                                
           options.set('align', 'l,c');                                                                    
   Array   let options = {size: 100, header: true, ratios: [10, 10], align: 'l,c'};                        

Here is a list of the available options and their documentation:

   Option    Documentation                                                                    Data                          
    size     Specify the maximum character count of the rows.                                 Integer (might be given as a  
             The real size might be 1 character less, depends on column count's multiples.   │ string)                       │
│   header   │ Toggle the header line.                                                         │ Boolean                       │
│            │ Useless if gaps are filled (see gap option).                                    │                               │
│   border   │ Specify the border you like, single-line is used by default.                    │ String containing border name │
│            │ (See borders section for available borders)                                     │                               │
│     gap    │ Specify the separation between rows.                                            │ String containg separation    │
│            │ (See gaps section for available separations)                                    │ name                          │
│    align   │ Specify columns' aligns. If only one align is given, it is applied to every      Array of strings or one       
             columns.                                                                         string separated by commas    
   ratios    Specify columns' ratio. For example: [10,10] will apply 10% to the first        │ Array of percentages or one   │
│            │ column, 10% to the second and it will split the remaining 80% between remaining │ string separated by commas or │
│            │ columns if they exist.                                                          │ an integer as percentage      │
│            │ Otherwise they will all be added to the last column.                            │                               │
│    ansi    │ The table adapt a row's width when it contains an ANSI command.                  Boolean                       
             Disable this option if your terminal doesn't recognize ANSI commands.           │                               │


Wonder how the following table-ception was generated using tablite? Check out the examples folder.

       Name            double-line           single-line               dot                 rounded              classical               simple                modern               inversed                none         
   Demonstration   ╔════════╦════════╗   ┌────────┬────────┐   ...................   .--------.--------.   +--------+--------+    ======== ========    ╒════════╤════════╕   ╓────────╥────────╖                        
                       I     love         I     love     .    I   .  love  .   |    I   |  love  |   |    I   |  love  |        I      love          I     love         I     love          I      love     
                   ╠════════╬════════╣   ├────────┼────────┤   ...................   :--------+--------:   +--------+--------+    ======== ========    ╞════════╪════════╡   ╟────────╫────────╢                        
                      Tab    lite        Tab    lite     .   Tab  .  lite  .   |   Tab  |  lite  |   |   Tab  |  lite  |       Tab     lite         Tab    lite        Tab    lite         Tab     lite     
                   ╚════════╩════════╝   └────────┴────────┘   ...................   '--------'--------'   +--------+--------+    ======== ========    ╘════════╧════════╛   ╙────────╨────────╜                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Gaps are the separation lines between rows. Here is a list of the available ones:

        Name                 space                    fill                     small                    none

   Demonstration      ┌────────┬────────┐      ┌────────┬────────┐      ┌────────┬────────┐      ┌────────┬────────┐
                          I     love            I     love            I     love            I     love  
                                            ├────────┼────────┤                               Tab    lite  
                         Tab    lite           Tab    lite           Tab    lite        └────────┴────────┘
                      └────────┴────────┘      └────────┴────────┘      └────────┴────────┘

New line character and template literals

You can use the \n character wherever you like in your data. It works. You can also use the template literals (`...`) for your complex cells.

const Table = require('tablite');

const data = [['I', 'love'], 
['Tablite', `Here is a very
complex cell that will print 
on several lines..`]];

console.log(new Table(data).toString());


ANSI commands such as colors are also supported: the table's size won't be changed. Howewer, I can't predict if every ANSI commands work with tablite. Just keep in mind that if you use color commands in your table, make sure there are on a full row; otherwise colors will spread on the borders.

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📜 License

MIT © swordfatih