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File metadata and controls

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Quick Guide

Below I give a quick overview of some core functionality of svox to help get you started. Please see :ref:`svox` for detailed per-method documentation. To install the library, simply use pip install sxox; you would of course need to install PyTorch first. You will also need the CUDA runtime to compile the CUDA extension; while the library works without the CUDA extension, it is very slow, and will emit a warning the first time a CUDA-capable operation is used.

If the extension fails to build, check if your PyTorch is using the same CUDA version as you have installed on your system.


We begin by importing the library and constructing a tree:

>>> import svox
>>> t=svox.N3Tree(data_dim=4, data_format="RGBA",
                  center=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], radius=0.5,
                  N=2, device="cpu",
                  init_refine=0, depth_limit=10,
>>> t.cuda()
  • data_dim is the size of data to store in each leaf, for example 4 for RGBA data. Since 0.2.28: this is optional if data_format is something other than RGBA. Since 0.2.27: an error is thrown if this is incompatible with data_format.
  • data_format, a bit redundant, is the data format for rendering (only used for VolumeRenderer). It can be RGBA, SH#, SG#, or ASG#, where # (basis_dim) is the dimensionality of the basis function. This is somewhat redundant with data_dim. data_dim should be basis_dim * 3 + 1 (Last item is always \sigma \in [0, \infty), the density). For SH (spherical harmonics), basis_dim must be a square number at most 25. SG (spherical Gaussians) and ASG (anisotropic SG) require extra_data field to render properly.
  • radius and center specify the transform of the tree in space, with radius meaning the half-edge length of the bounding cube (1 float or list of 3 floats for each axis) and center specifying the center of the cube (list of 3 floats). By default cube is centered at [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] with radius 0.5.
  • N (optional, default 2) is the N in N^3 tree. Typically, put N=2 for an octree.
  • device (optional, default cpu) can be a string like 'cuda' and is where the tree's data will be stored.
  • init_refine specifies initial LOD of the tree: the initial leaf voxel size will be N^(init_refine + 1).
  • depth_limit is a utility for limiting the maximum depth of any tree leaf after refinement. Note that the root is at depth -1, which may be a bit confusing; initially the tree has maximum depth 1 and NxNxN leaves.
  • extra_data for SG, basis_dim x 4 matrix of variance/mean (3). For ASG, data_dim x 11 matrix. Currently, optimizing wrt this matrix is not supported, so the parameters should be pre-determined.

svox.N3Tree is a PyTorch module and usual operations such as .parameters() or .cuda() can be used. The forward method of the N3Tree class takes a batch of points (B, 3) and returns corresponding data.

Saving and Loading

To save and load trees to/from npz files, use

>>> tree = svox.N3Tree.load(npz_path, device=device)

'device' can be a string like 'cuda' and is where the tree's data will be loaded into, similar to that in the constructor. Since the tree is a PyTorch module, you could also use a PyTorch checkpoint, but it can be VERY inefficient.

Querying and Modifying Data using N3TreeView

For convenient query and manipulation, we provide an approximate analogy to the PyTorch tensor, where the tree is viewed as a matrix of size (n_leaves, data_dim). Any indexing operation into the N3Tree returns a N3TreeView class which works like a tensor.

>>> tree.shape
torch.Size([8, 4])
>>> tree[0] += 1
>>> tree[:, :3]
N3TreeView(tensor([[1., 1., 1.],
        [0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0.]]))
>>> tree[:, -1:] = -1
>>> tree[:2]
N3TreeView(tensor([[ 1.,  1.,  1., -1.],
        [ 0.,  0.,  0., -1.]]))

You can also, of course, query the tree using real spatial points, by either using 3 indices or a (N, 3) query matrix:

>>> tree[0, 0.5, 0]   # Query point (0, 0.5, 0)
>>> tree[points]      # Query points (N, 3)

This returns a N3TreeView of leaves corresponding to these points, so you can also modify them:

>>> tree[points] = values      # Query points (N, 3), values (N, data_dim)
>>> tree[0, 0, 0] /= 2.0

The tree is self behaves similarly to tree[:]. Some more examples:

>>> tree += 1.5
>>> tree.normal_()
>>> tree[:, -1:].clamp_(0.1, None)

When used with a PyTorch operation such as torch.mean or operators like +, the N3TreeView is queried and the values are converted to a PyTorch tensor automatically. If you wish to get the values as a tensor explicitly, use view.values. See the section :ref:`Advanced Leaf-level Accessors<leaf_level_acc>` for more advanced operations supported by N3TreeView.

Refinement oracle

To refine the tree, use the refine function. The first argument allows you to refine more than once.

>>> tree.refine()  # Refine all nodes
>>> tree.refine(2)  # Refine all nodes twice
>>> tree[-1].refine()  # Refine leaf -1 once, through the N3TreeView

Differentiable Volume Rendering

This is implemented in the svox.VolumeRenderer class. The following code renders a perspective image:

>>> ren = svox.VolumeRenderer(tree)
>>> camera = # some [4, 4] camera pose matrix
>>> ren.render_persp(camera, width=width, height=height, fx=fx) # Get a perspective image

Note the renderer need not be updated if the tree is modified. The renderer will use the tree's data_format field: one of RGBA, SH#, SG#, or ASG#, where # (basis_dim) is the dimensionality of the basis function. For SH, this must be a square number at most 25. The last dimension is always used as density \sigma \in [0, \infty), where the value is clipped to 0 while rendering if negative. The volume rendering formula is as in NeRF:

\mathbf{C} = \sum_{i=1}^n \left[\prod_{j=1}^{i-1}\exp(-\delta_j \sigma_j)\right]  \left[1 - \exp(-\delta_i \sigma_i)\right] \mathbf{c}_i(\mathbf{d})

Where \delta_i, \sigma_i, \mathbf{c}_i are segment i's length, density, and color, respectively. \mathbf{d} is the viewing direction and \mathbf{C} is the final output color.

Also you can render rays directly, by using the forward method of VolumeRenderer:

>>> ray = svox.Rays(origins = ... dirs=..., viewdirs=...)
>>> ren(ray)

You can pass fast=True to either render_persp or this forward method to allow fast rendering (with early stopping) potentially at the cost of quality.

These functions are backed by CUDA analytic derivatives. For example,

>>> im = ren.render_persp(camera)
>>> torch.abs(im - im_gt).mean().backward()
>>> print(

Finally, NDC views are also internally supported in render_persp. To use this features, pass ndc=svox.NDCConfig(width=..., heigh=..., focal=...) to the VolumeRenderer constructor.

Troubleshooting: If you get an error about a tensor being non-contiguous, please make sure it is contiguous using .contiguous(), for example svox.Rays(origins=r[:, :3].contiguous(), dirs=r[:, 3:6].contiguous(), viewdirs=r[:, 3:6].contiguous()).

Advanced Leaf-level Accessors

Some more functions for working with leaves

>>> tree.lengths  # Side lengths of each leaf voxel (same order as leaf matrix)
>>> tree.depths   # Depth of each leaf voxel (root is at **-1**)
>>> tree.corners  # Lowest corner of each leaf voxel
>>> tree.values   # Values at each leaf voxel
>>> tree.sample(n_samples: int)   # Sample uniformly random points in each voxel

In each case you may also use N3TreeView, for example

>>> tree[tree.depths==2].corners

For each of lengths/corners/sample there is also a *_local version which returns points and lengths in local coordinates [0,1]^3.

Advanced: Volume Rendering Weight Accumulator Context

Sometimes we want to accumulate volume rendering weights in each tree leaf, to see how much each leaf voxel was used in the rendering process. We may either want the max or total rendering weight (influence) within each voxel. We have a built-in context manager to do so.

>>> with tree.accumulate_weights(op="sum") as accum:  # or op="max"
>>>     # Do some ray/image rendering with a renderer on the tree
>>>     # Tree cannot be refined or shrank here
>>> accum = accum()

The final accum is a float tensor of shape equal to tree.n_leaves which can be used to index into the tree. Each entry is equal to the sum of all volume rendering weights for all rays which every hit the voxel within the context. You can use it as follows:

>>> tree[accum > 1.0].refine()
>>> tree[accum < 1.0] += 1

Advanced: You can also use accum.value to grab the complete accumulated tensor of size equal to This is more efficient than using accum().