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[BetaML Api v2](@id api_usage)

!!! note The API described below is the default one starting from BetaML v0.8.

The following API is designed to further simply the usage of the various ML models provided by BetaML introducing a common workflow. This is the user documentation. Refer to the [developer documentation](@ref api_implementation) to learn how the API is implemented.

Supervised , unsupervised and transformed models

Supervised refers to models designed to learn a relation between some features (often noted with X) and some labels (often noted with Y) in order to predict the label of new data given the observed features alone. Perceptron, decision trees or neural networks are common examples. Unsupervised and transformer models relate to models that learn a "structure" from the data itself (without any label attached from which to learn) and report either some new information using this learned structure (e.g. a cluster class) or directly process a transformation of the data itself, like PCAEncoder or missing imputers. There is no difference in BetaML about these kind of models, aside that the fitting (aka training) function for the former takes both the features and the labels. In particular there isn't a separate transform function as in other frameworks, but any information we need to learn using the model, wheter a label or some transformation of the original data, is provided by the predict function.

Model constructor

The first step is to build the model constructor by passing (using keyword arguments) the agorithm hyperparameters and various options (cache results flag, debug levels, random number generators, ...):

mod = ModelName(par1=X,par2=Y,...)

Sometimes a parameter is itself another model, in such case we would have:

mod = ModelName(par1=OtherModel(a_par_of_OtherModel=X,...),par2=Y,...)

Training of the model

The second step is to fit (aka train) the model:


where Y is present only for supervised models.

For online algorithms, i.e. models that support updating of the learned parameters with new data, fit! can be repeated as new data arrive, altought not all algorithms guarantee that training each record at the time is equivalent to train all the records at once. In some algorithms the "old training" could be used as initial conditions, without consideration if these has been achieved with hundread or millions of records, and the new data we use for training become much more important than the old one for the determination of the learned parameters.


Fitted models can be used to predict y (wheter the label, some desired new information or a transformation) given new X:

ŷ = predict(mod,X)

As a convenience, if the model has been trained while having the cache option set on true (by default) the of the last training is retained in the model object and it can be retrieved simply with predict(mod). Also in such case the fit! function returns instead of nothing effectively making it to behave like a fit-and-transform function. The 3 expressions below are hence equivalent :

ŷ  = fit!(mod,xtrain)    # only with `cache=true` in the model constructor (default)
ŷ1 = predict(mod)        # only with `cache=true` in the model constructor (default)
ŷ2 = predict(mod,xtrain) 

Other functions

Models can be resetted to lose the learned information with reset!(mod) and training information (other than the algorithm learned parameters, see below) can be retrieved with info(mod).

Hyperparameters, options and learned parameters can be retrieved with the functions hyperparameters, parameters and options respectively. Note that they can be used also to set new values to the model as they return a reference to the required objects.

!!! note Which is the difference between the output of info, parameters and the predict function ? The predict function (and, when cache is used, the fit! one too) returns the main information required from the model.. the prediceted label for supervised models, the class assignment for clusters or the reprojected data for PCA.... info returns complementary information like the number of dimensions of the data or the number of data emploied for training. It doesn't include information that is necessary for the training itself, like the centroids in cluser analysis. These can be retrieved instead using parameters that include all and only the information required to compute predict.

Some models allow an inverse transformation, that using the parameters learned at trainign time (e.g. the scale factors) perform an inverse tranformation of new data to the space of the training data (e.g. the unscaled space). Use inverse_predict(mod,xnew).