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352 lines (281 loc) · 8.72 KB

Sugar ORM

(Sugar ORM for automatic one to many relationship and encrypted database)

Insanely easy way to work with Android databases. This is custom version based from master version of Sugar ORM. Sugar ORM was built in contrast to other ORM's to have:

  • A simple, concise, and clean integration process with minimal configuration.
  • Automatic table and column naming through reflection.
  • Support for migrations between different schema versions.

Official documentation can be found here - Check some examples below. The example application is provided in the example folder in the source.

What is supported in this version

  • Use SugarRecord.insertOrUpdate( ) to insert or update the data
  • Added @IgnoreUpdate annotation
  • Automatic one to many insert and query
  • Find All with return List
  • Drop table
  • Encrypted database

See below for more example and explaination ...


Add on your app build.gradle

dependencies {
    compile 'com.sylversky.library:sugarorm:1.0.1'


Extends SugarApp on your application class

public class ClientApp extends SugarApp {


or you can manualy init the sugar orm on you application class

public class ClientApp extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

    public void onTerminate() {

Open your AndroidManifest.xml and put meta data configuration inside appication tag:

<application ...
<meta-data android:name="DATABASE" android:value="sugar_example.db" />  //database file name
<meta-data android:name="VERSION" android:value="1" /> //database version
<meta-data android:name="QUERY_LOG" android:value="true" /> //database log
<meta-data android:name="DOMAIN_PACKAGE_NAME" android:value="yourentitypackage" /> //location of package for all of your entity table

How to use

Create Entity Table

public class Person {
  Long id;
  String regId;
  String name;
  Date dob;
  public Person(){}
  public Person(Long id, String regId, String name, Date dob){ = id;
    this.regId = regId; = name;
    this.dob = dob;

This is will create table PERSON with columns ID,REG_ID,NAME,DOB on SQLite. *** Field "Long id" is a must to declare. This will be the primary key (autoincrement) for your table. *** When you need to create your own constructor, you must add an empty constructor

Primary Key with another data type

The default primary key is with Long data type. If you need other data type (for example String), just add new filed and put the @Unique annotation but keep the "Long id".

public class Person {
  Long id;
  String personId;
  String regId;
  String name;
  Date dob;
  public Person(){}
  public Person(Long id, String personId, String regId, String name, Date dob){ = id;
    this.personId = personId;
    this.regId = regId; = name;
    this.dob = dob;


Person person = new Person(1l,"abc12345","Leonardo", new Date());


Person person = SugarRecord.findById(Person.class, 1);

Query with condition

List<Person> person = SugarRecord.find(Person.class, "NAME = ?", "Leonardo");

Query All

List<Person> person = SugarRecord.findAll(Person.class);


Person person = SugarRecord.findById(Person.class, 1);
person.regId = "def12345" = "Donatelo"; // modify the values


Person person = SugarRecord.findById(Person.class, 1);

Bulk Insert

List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();
persons.add(new Person(1l,"abc12345","Leonardo", new Date()));
persons.add(new Person(2l,"def12345","Donatelo", new Date()));
persons.add(new Person(3l,"ghi12345","Michaelangelo", new Date()));
persons.add(new Person(4l,"jkl12345","Raphael", new Date()));

Drop table


*** Becarefull when use drop. This function will remove the structure of table.

Ignore Update

You can ignoring update for specified column. Only work when use SugarRecord.insertOrUpdate( ) function. For example : need to give flag data read/unread, but ignoring to replace when refreshed from api server. But, you can update specified column with SugarRecord.update( ) function.

Create entity table with @IgnoreUpdate
public class Person {
  Long id;
  String regId;
  String name;
  Date dob;
  boolean read;
  public Person(){}
  public Person(Long id, String regId, String name, Date dob){ = id;
    this.regId = regId; = name;
    this.dob = dob;
Then do some Insert
Person person = new Person(1l,"abc12345","Leonardo", new Date());

Now read flag is 'false';

Update read flag to 'true'
Person person = SugarRecord.findById(Person.class, 1); = true;

Now read flag is 'true';

Try to Insert again
Person person = new Person(1l,"abc12345","Leonardo", new Date());

This will insert data person with default read value is 'false', but because use @IgnoreUpdate now read flag still 'true'

Automatic One To Many

When you need other entity be member of your entity, Sugar will automatically manage it.

Create entity table
public class Address {
    Long id;
    String street;
    String province;
    public Address(){}
    public Address(Long id, String street, String province){ = id;
        this.street = street;
        this.province = province;
Create entity table with other entity member
public class Person {
  Long id;
  String regId;
  String name;
  Date dob;
  List<Address> address;
  public Person(){}
  public Person(Long id, String regId, String name, Date dob, List<Address> address){ = id;
    this.regId = regId; = name;
    this.dob = dob;
    this.address = address;
Then do some Insert
List<Address> addressList = new ArrayList();
addressList.add(new Address(1l,"my office","my province"));
addressList.add(new Address(2l,"my home","my countryside province"));

Person person = new Person(1l,"abc12345","Leonardo", new Date(), addressList);

Person and address will automatically insert into different table.

Person person = SugarRecord.findById(Person.class, 1);
List<Address> addresList = person.address;

With just one find( ) function, person and address automatically combined.


  1. Just declare your new column inside your entity.
  2. Increase meta VERSION value on AndroidManifest.xml.
    <application ...
    <meta-data android:name="VERSION" android:value="2" /> //database version

Database schema will automatically updated.

Encrypt Database

Just add SugarDbConfiguration with your password for encrypt when initialize Sugar

public class ClientApp extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {
        SugarContext.init(this, new SugarDbConfiguration().setEncryptedPassword("mysugarpassword"));

    public void onTerminate() {

When using ProGuard

# Ensures entities remain un-obfuscated so table and columns are named correctly
-keep class com.yourpackage.yourapp.domainclasspackage.** { *; }

Known Issues.

1. Instant Run.

Instant-Run seems to prevent Sugar ORM from finding the "table" classes, therefore it cannot create the DB tables if you run the app for the first time

When running your app for the first time Turn off Instant run once to allow for the DB tables to be created You can enable it after the tables have been created.

To disable Instant-Run in Android Studio:

(Preferences (Mac) or Settings (PC) -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Instant Run -> Untick "Enable Instant Run..." )


Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests. Features can be requested using issues. All code, comments, and critiques are greatly appreciated.