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Frequently Asked Questions


  1. My labs don’t mark green - why?

Learn outage, wait up to 24h. 2. How do I prioritize what to learn?

That's a great question to ask and I appreciate how proactive you are about managing your learning and possible future fatigue. I'd say, follow lead instructor's recommendation as to which are the priority labs. However, in the perfect-world scenario, you'd be able to do all the labs or at least read/skim the readmes before the lectures so you'd be able to at least be kinda familiar with the the new terminology and maybe even have some questions prepared. 3. How do I enhance my online presence?

I'd say, write tech blogs and then post about them on LinkedIn and Twitter using web dev hashtags. 4. How can I avoid burnout?

Here are a few survival tips:

✨take frequent breaks

action step: schedule your breaks or use pomodoro technique to force yourself away from keyboard! :sparkles:find a way to connect to each other beyond talking code* — having a community based on honest relationships is really important in battling burnout or impostor syndrome

action step: take no-code breaks with different people each day;

✨find a way to be excited about tech/js/react beyond doing labs — when you are really sick and tired of that all the time new material coming your way, it is easily to slip into stagnation and procrastination;

action step: I used to listen to podcasts about radical tech, attend meetups on civic tech and just read about amazing tech solutions to social problems;

✨be really aware of what you don’t understand and what confuses you and address it with fellow Pry Babies or staff — don’t allow yourself to waste time being confused!

action step: note down all the questions as they arise; ask them after the discussion questions, the lecture or towards the end of the day (give us the opportunity to answer them first in the lectures or other labs!)

REMEMBER Your brain is a muscle and as such it needs time to rest. Take breaks. Engage in empathy. Talk to people ❤️

  1. I don't have any idea for an app

Check this blog post, maybe something here will inspire you:

Mod 1

tba 3. What the hell are ternaries?

Mod 2

tba 3. What the hell are ternaries? This is how ternaries work:

Mod 3

  1. How do I take out the data from Promise? You don't. If you have a function like this:
let fetchedData = fetch('').then(res => res.JSON()).then(data => data)

and you call on fetchedData, you will get a Promise. The easiest way (within the scope of our curriculum) is to invoke another function in the last then:

let fetchedData = fetch('').then(res => res.JSON()).then(data => doSomething(data))

In this case, the doSomething function will receive the data that comes from the resolved Promise.

  1. What is the difference between map() and forEach()? map() creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array [hint: sounds a lot like Ruby, huh?]. In addition, map() allocates memory and stores return values. forEach() throws away return values and always returns undefined .
  2. Can we shovel (<< ) into an array? NO. That's Ruby. Use .push instead.
  3. How to create an Array from HTML collection? Array.from(xyz)
  4. Why does this element not react to event listener? Did you check if the event listener is added to the right element?
  5. Dodger lab: why is the dodger not moving to the right? It can only have one reference point (left or right), if both: it will confuse the css
  6. What exactly am I supposed to update a page? Check this blog:
  7. How do I construct an arrow function? Check this blog for a walkthrough:
  8. What the hell are ternaries? This is how ternaries work: {Question ?} {if true} {: if false} areYouFeelingSick ? stayHome() : goHangOutWithYourLovelyFriends()


  1. I don't understand the difference between state and props One of my friends once used this analogy: Imagine you're in your room — that's our component. The room has a closet (state) where you can put whatever you want, e.g. some jumper or blanket (objects), some money (other data types like integer), but there's also a switch that switches on and off the light in your room (boolean). Now, imagine that you take the blanket out of the closet and bring it to the sofa — you have just passed the props! The blanket is the prop from your room to its child, the sofa. Let me know whether this analogy works for you!
  2. Can I destruct props in constructor? NO. Constructor gets called in too late.
  3. What the hell are ternaries? This is how ternaries work: {Question ?} {if true} {: if false} areYouFeelingSick ? stayHome() : goHangOutWithYourLovelyFriends()