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Upgrade notes

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This file lists B/C breaking PRs in reverse chronological order. Each PR contains description explaining nature of changes and upgrade notes to help you upgrade your project.

PR #707 Remove annotations autoloading


This PR changes the Router Loader behavior from AdmingeneratorBundle. Before the PR, Admingenerator loaded annotations routes in the same time as the admingenerator route type. This implied a dependence to FrameworkExtraBundle (not mentionned in composer.json file). After the PR, a admingenerator route type doesn't load annotations route anymore.

BC Break:

If you used annotations routes from Controller inside admingenerator controllers folders, you may faced the BC break: annotations routes are not automatically loaded anymore. You need to explicitly import your routes. For example if you previously add some Controllers or routes via annotations in an Admingenerated folder you should now import routes like that:

## What you probably already have
    resource: "@AcmeDemoBundle/Controller/Product/"
    type:     admingenerator
    prefix:   /admin/acme_demo_bundle/Product

## What you should add... if required
    resource: "@AcmeDemoBundle/Controller/Product/"
    type:     annotation

PR #623 Fix localized date


This PR fixes the way admingenerator uses localizeddate twig filter.

B/C breaks:

  • date_format is not used anymore, instead format option of the field is used
  • datetime_format is not used anymore, instead format option of the field is used

Upgrade notes

If you used date_format or datetime_format to control localized date format, please refer to Resources/doc/builders/common/ and update your config.

PR #575 Major bundle refactoring


This PR introduces a few major changes in how this bundle is built and some minor fixes. It also introduces some BC breaks which will be explained in detail below.

1. Major change: menu refactoring

Creating and customizing menus has been simplified. For details see the cookbook entry.

2. Major change: forms refactoring

All forms have been removed from the bundle. Instead, a new bunlde avocode/form-extensions-bundle has been created. The new bundle contains following form types:

  • Bootstrap Collection family: collection_fieldset, collection_table
  • Collection Upload: collection_upload
  • Color Picker: color_picker
  • Date Picker: date_picker
  • DateRange Picker: daterange_picker
  • DateTime Picker: datetime_picker
  • Double List family: double_list_document, double_list_entity, double_list_model
  • Select2 family: select2_choice, select2_country, select2_document, select2_entity, select2_language, select2_locale, select2_model select2_timezone
  • Single Upload: single_upload
  • Time Picker: time_picker

Note: EntityPicker type will not be continued. Use Select2 type instead.

Some of these form types are based on genemu/form-bundle, some are based on vincet/bootstrap-form-bundle, however they all have been tweaked to work out of the box with Admingenerator.

Note: In future Chosen, Knob and some of jQuery ui form types will be added. If you want to propose a new form type or submit an issue regarding forms, please do that in avocode/form-extensions-bundle.

Please note that avocode/form-extensions-bundle conficts with genemu/form-bundle. If you need some of genemu form type that is not present in avocode bundle, please submit an issue to request a new form type.

There were two reasons for this change:

  • seperate two completetly diffrent functionals admin generateing and form types as both of them are complex and mixing them in one bundle just caused confusion and errors
  • introduce unlimited nesting of form types - if you use Bootstrap Collection form you can embed nested forms inside (even other Bootstrap Collection forms!)
3. Major change: assets refactoring

Third-party assets like Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery, jQuery UI, HTML5shiv or Elusive Icons have been removed from the bundle. Instead, dependencies to robloach/component-installer and compatible shim repositories have been added.

Elusive icon font has been replaced by FontAwesome icon font, because the latter has a shim repository compatible with component-installer and has many cool features like:

  • rotateing icons
  • animated spinning icons
  • stacked icons
  • larger icon classes
4. Minor change: actions refactoring

Generic, object and batch action templates have been moved out of EditBuilder and ListBuilder directory to CommonAdmin since their templates are the same. Some template block names have changed.

5. Minor change: allow enableing multiple ORMs

Multiple ORM support has been dropped around the time when EntityPicker widget was introduced. Since all form types have been moved out of this bundle, and the bundle structure has been fixed, multiple ORMs feature has been reintroduced!

6. Minor change: expose configuration for default form types

Since the forms have been moved out of this bundle, the default form types had to be changed to symfony default forms. However, you will probably be interesed to choose which database form types should be used to edit which database field types. This PR allows such configuration.

7. Minor change: expose configuration for default filter types

For the same reasons as form types, now you can also configure which form types should be used to filter which database field types.

8. Minor change: unify base admin templates

Since base_admin and base_login templates are now exacly the same, the latter was removed to make it easier to manage updates of this file in future PRs.

B/C breaks:

  • Base MenuBuilder class has changed (renamed methods)
  • All form types removed from this bundle
  • All third-party assets removed from this bundle
  • Default form types have changed
  • Default filter types have changed

Upgrade notes

These upgrade notes will describe in detail what changes your project requires. However, if you follow them and still have problems, feel free to submit an issue, I'll try to answer as soon as possible.

Remove these (old) bundle configurations:

  • admingenerator_generator.knp_menu_class
  • admingenerator_generator.thumbnail_generator
  • admingenerator_generator.use_genemu_form_fallback

After composer update run these commands:

  • php app/console cache:clear
  • php app/console assetic:dump
1. Upgrade menu:

First read about new menu structure in cookbook.

Note: Your menu builder no longer requires Knp\Menu\FactoryInterface injected into constructor and translation domain instead of being passed down the menu tree is being held in protected class property $translation_domain.

To upgrade your menu you must apply following changes to all your menus:

  • rename all addNavHeader method calls to addHeader
  • rename all addNavLinkURI method calls to addLinkURI
  • rename all addNavLinkRoute method calls to addLinkRoute
  • rename all addDropdownMenu method calls to addDropdown

Then edit your base template and overwrite the menu block inside the navbar block to render menu from your builder class.

E.g. if your builder class is in Your/CustomBundle/Menu/CustomBuilder.php:

{% extends 'AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_admin.html.twig' %}

{% block navbar %}
{% embed 'AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_admin_navbar.html.twig' %}
    {% block menu %}
        {{ knp_menu_render('YourCustomBundle:YourBuilder:navbarMenu') }}
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% endblock navbar %}
2. Upgrade forms:

Since all forms have been moved to avocode/form-extensions-bundle you must add it to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        // ...
        "avocode/form-extensions-bundle": "dev-master"

And then enable the bundle in your AppKernel.php:

    // AppKernel.php
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new Avocode\FormExtensionsBundle\AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle(),

To make avocode/form-extensions-bundle forms work, you need to edit your base template, and include static and dynamic stylesheets and javascripts.

{% block stylesheets %}
    {{ parent() }}

    {% include 'AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle::stylesheets.html.twig' %}
    {% if form is defined %}
        {{ afe_form_stylesheet(form) }}
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block javascripts %}
    {{ parent() }}

    {% include 'AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle::javascripts.html.twig' %}
    {% if form is defined %}
        {{ afe_form_javascript(form) }}
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

Note: In this example we are useing assetic. If you don't want to use it then include AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle::stylesheets_assetic_less.html.twig and AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle::javascripts_assetic_less.html.twig instead.

Note: By default Admingenerator controllers pass the form to the template in variable form, so we're adding dynamic javascript and stylesheets by calling {{ form_stylesheet(form) }} and {{ form_javascript(form) }}. If you pass your form in another variable, change the function calls too.

Now, you'll have to modify all your generator files:

  • collection table and fieldset widgets have become standalone form types. If you used these, simply change the form type to collection_table or collection_fieldset, and remove the option widget.

  • upload form type has been renamed to collection_upload. File Interface has been moved to Avocode\FormExtensionsBundle\Form\Model\UploadCollectionFileInterface. Also, thumbnailFilter option was renamed to previewFilter and now supports both avalanche/imagine-bundle and liip/imagine-bundle. Read cookbook entry How to use image manipulator with this bundle? if you want to use this option. If you used vich/uploader-bundle to handle file uploads you'll have to configure the upload manager option, read the cookbook entry How to use upload manager with this bundle?

  • single_upload form type was updated, but it does not require any changes from your. Only thumbnailFilter option has been renamed to previewFilter. Read cookbook entry How to use image manipulator with this bundle? if you want to use this option. If you used vich/uploader-bundle to handle file uploads you'll have to configure the upload manager option, read the cookbook entry How to use upload manager with this bundle?

  • entitypicker form type was removed. Use afe_select2_entity, afe_select2_document or afe_select2_model instead.

Note: other Select2 family form types you can use are: afe_select2_choice, afe_select2_language, afe_select2_country, afe_select2_timezone, afe_select2_locale. In future this widget will be documented, for now read more about Select2 options on its official website.

  • datepicker form type was removed. Use afe_date_picker or afe_datetime_picker instead.

Note: In future this form will be documented, for now read more here: Date Picker options

  • datepicker_range form type was removed. Use afe_daterange_picker instead.

Note: In future this form will be documented, for now read more here: DateRange Picker options

All form types will be soon documented in avocode/form-extensions-bundle.

3. Upgrade assets:

All assets that have been removed will be now installed by robloach/component-installer into web/components directory.

{{ asset('components/jquery/jquery.js') }}

You must specify the directory where compoments should be installed, to do that to add component-dir variable under config in your composer.json:

    "config": {
        "component-dir": "web/components"

Note: If you have non-standard web directory name, you have to modify this. E.g. if your web directory is /pub then this line should be "component-dir": "pub/components".

4. Upgrade actions:

Action files have been merged and moved:

  • CommonAdmin/EditTemplate/actions.html.twig and CommonAdmin/ShowTemplate/actions.html.twig and CommonAdmin/ListTemplate/actions.html.twig merged as CommonAdmin/generic_actions.html.twig
  • CommonAdmin/ListTemplate/object_actions.html.twig moved to CommonAdmin/object_actions.html.twig
  • CommonAdmin/ListTemplate/batch_actions.html.twig moved to CommonAdmin/batch_actions.html.twig

Some block names have changed:

  • (Edit Builder) form_actions and (ShowBuilder) form_actions and (ListBuilder and NestedListBuilder) list_actions became generic_actions
  • (ListBuilder and NestedListBuilder) td_list_action_ActionName renamed to generic_action_ActionName
  • (ListBuilder and NestedListBuilder) list_object_actions renamed to object_actions
  • (ListBuilder and NestedListBuilder) td_list_object_actions_ActionName renamed to object_action_ActionName
  • (ListBuilder and NestedListBuilder) list_batch_actions renamed to batch_actions
  • (ListBuilder and NestedListBuilder) td_list_batch_action_ActionName renamed to batch_action_ActionName
5. Upgrade to multiple ORMs:

If you want to use multiple ORMs, simply enable more than one in bundle's config:

    # you have to enable at least one
    use_doctrine_orm:   true
    use_doctrine_odm:   false
    use_propel:         true
6. Upgrade configuration for default form types

If you want to set default form types you can do that in bundle's config:

            datetime:     datetime 
            vardatetime:  datetime 
            datetimetz:   datetime 
            date:         datetime 
            time:         time 
            decimal:      number 
            float:        number 
            integer:      integer 
            bigint:       integer 
            smallint:     integer 
            string:       text 
            text:         textarea
            entity:       entity 
            collection:   collection 
            array:        collection 
            boolean:      checkbox 
            datetime:     datetime 
            timestamp:    datetime 
            vardatetime:  datetime 
            datetimetz:   datetime 
            date:         datetime 
            time:         time 
            decimal:      number 
            float:        number 
            int:          integer 
            integer:      integer 
            int_id:       integer 
            bigint:       integer 
            smallint:     integer 
            id:           text 
            custom_id:    text 
            string:       text 
            text:         textarea 
            document:     document 
            collection:   collection 
            hash:         collection 
            boolean:      checkbox 
            TIMESTAMP:    datetime 
            BU_TIMESTAMP: datetime 
            DATE:         date 
            BU_DATE:      date 
            TIME:         time 
            FLOAT:        number 
            REAL:         number 
            DOUBLE:       number 
            DECIMAL:      number 
            TINYINT:      integer 
            SMALLINT:     integer 
            INTEGER:      integer 
            BIGINT:       integer 
            NUMERIC:      integer 
            CHAR:         text 
            VARCHAR:      text 
            LONGVARCHAR:  textarea 
            BLOB:         textarea 
            CLOB:         textarea 
            CLOB_EMU:     textarea 
            model:        model 
            collection:   collection 
            PHP_ARRAY:    collection 
            ENUM:         choice 
            BOOLEAN:      checkbox 
            BOOLEAN_EMU:  checkbox 

Note: in propel configuration if key is all uppercase (like ENUM) then it will be used to retrieve a constant from \PropelColumnType, eg. \PropelColumnType::ENUM, if key is lowercase (or mixed) it will be used literally (eg. model)

7. Upgrade configuration for default filter types

If you want to set default filter types you can do that in bundle's config:

            text:          text
            boolean:       choice
            collection:    entity
            hash:          text
            text:          text
            boolean:       choice
            collection:    document
            BOOLEAN:       choice
            BOOLEAN_EMU:   choice
            collection:    model

If default filter is not set, then default form type will be used.

Note: in propel configuration if key is all uppercase (like BOOLEAN) then it will be used to retrieve a constant from \PropelColumnType, eg. \PropelColumnType::BOOLEAN, if key is lowercase (or mixed) it will be used literally (eg. collection)

8. Upgrade base admin templates

Since base_login templates have been removed, if you use AdmingeneratorUserBundle, you'll have to adapt your configuration.

If you use a custom login_template, then instead of extending AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_login.html.twig make it extend AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_admin.html.twig.

If you don't use custom login_template, then change your AdmingeneratorUserBundle configuration admingenerator_user.login_template to point to AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_admin.html.twig

Thats all!

If you have problems/questions -> feel free to open issues, I'll try to help everyone. Also thank you for your patience, I promise this is one of the last PRs introduceing BC breaks. A stable 2.3 version very soon!

PR #562 Generated views are splitted in several files


This PR introduces a new file generation stragegy. See discussion #515 for more information, but most important to know about it is that generated views files are now splitted in:

  • 4 files for Lists
  • 2 files for New and Edit

B/C breaks:

  • New files are required in your code source
  • Some blocks (in views) have been moved to different files
  • ListController organization has changed

Upgrade notes

For all your generators, you have to generate these new views files. You can do it manually creating files:

  • filters.html.twig in all your xxxBundle/Resources/views/yyyList/ directories
  • results.html.twig in all your xxxBundle/Resources/views/yyyList/ directories
  • row.html.twig in all your xxxBundle/Resources/views/yyyList/ directories
  • form.html.twig in all your xxxBundle/Resources/views/yyyNew/ and xxxBundle/Resources/views/yyyEdit/ directories.

or you can also regenerate all files thanks to the Symfony command:

  1. Run php app/console admin:generate-admin and re-create bundle structure.
  2. Copy any custom changes from old files
  3. Remove unnecessary copies

Note: When generating bundle structure, if a file already exists, it will be renamed to oldname~ before new file is generated. If a copy already exists, an incrementing number will be appended to new copy's name (e.g. oldname~1).

Second thing to know is that block names have moved:

  • list_td_column_xxxx are in xxxList/row.html.twig file
  • object actions are now in xxxList/row.html.twig file
  • list_thead is now in xxxList/results.html.twig file
  • list form, batch actions and paginator are in xxxList/results.html.twig file
  • filters related blocks must be in xxxList/filters.html.twig file
  • new and edit forms have moved to a dedicated view in xxx[Edit|New]/form.html.twig

Of course, you can still have a look on the generated files (in app/cache/env/admingenerated directory) to find your blocks (very few block names have changed).

To finish with views, if you have a custom version of XxxxBuilderTemplate have a look of the new ones, changes are important (based on includes).

Last thing to merge (only if you overrided default behaviors) is your ListController's:

  • indexAction has changed: paginator management is now in a new separated function if you never change anything about that, you have nothing to merge.

PR #508 Custom object actions stub generator


This PR introduces a new builder called actions which is used to generate stubs for custom actions. For more information on actions builder read actions builder documentation.

B/C breaks:

This PR completely removes DeleteBuilder. Delete object and batch actions code has been moved to ActionsBuilder.

Upgrade notes:

In every bundle useing Delete builder:

  1. Remove YourBundle/Controller/YourModelController/DeleteController.php
  2. Remove YourBundle/Resources/views/YourModelDelete directory

In every generator.yml useing Delete builder:

  1. Remove delete builder
  2. Add actions builder
# ...

# ...

# remove delete builder
    delete: ~ 
# add actions builder
              delete: ~
              delete: ~

Note: This tells actions builder to generate code for delete object and batch action. You don't need to add any options as delete actions are configured by default.

Generate Actions builder bundle structure:

  1. Run php app/console admin:generate-admin and re-create bundle structure.
  2. Copy any custom changes from old files
  3. Remove unnecessary copies

Note: When generating bundle structure, if a file already exists, it will be renamed to oldname~ before new file is generated. If a copy already exists, an incrementing number will be appended to new copy's name (e.g. oldname~1).