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BlueGPS Android SDK

1. Introduction

This document holds a general guide for the integration of the BlueGPS SDK library into an Android application. The BlueGPS SDK implements the communication with the BlueGPS server allowing Android Applications to make use of the system.

All the data contained in this document are currently under development and may be subject to change.

2. Integration guide

2.1. Requirements

Minimum requirements are:

  • Minimum SDK: 21
  • Usage of Android X

2.2. Adding the Library to an existing Android application

Before you add BlueGPS depencencies, update your repositories in the settings.gradle file to include this repository

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url = uri("") }

Or if you're using an older project setup, add this repository in your project level build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url = uri("") }

Then add the dependency for BlueGPS-SDK in the build.gradle file for your app or module:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.synapseslab:android-bluegps-sdk-demoapp:<version>'

The version corresponds to release version, for example:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.synapseslab:android-bluegps-sdk-demoapp:1.4.2-rc4'

3. Usage guide

If doesn’t exists create an Application class and in onCreate() method call the initSDK() method to initialize the BlueGPS SDK.

class DemoApplication : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {
            sdkEnvironment = Environment.sdkEnvironment,
            context = this,


Then declare this Application class in your AndroidManifest.xml.

The SDK use an Environment where integrator have to put SDK data for register the SDK and for create a communication with the BlueGPS Server (see the demo app for detail). The management of the environment is demanded to the app.

Demo App provide with the SDK provide an Environment example like the following:

 * Set the environment for register the SDK to the server.
 * The management of the environment is demanded to the app.
 * SDK_ENDPOINT (mandatory)
 * APP_ID (mandatory)
object Environment {

    private val SDK_ENDPOINT = "{{provided-bluegps-endpoint}}"
    private val SDK_KEY = "{{provided-sdk-key}}"
    private val SDK_SECRET = "{{provided-sdk-secret}}"
    private val APP_ID = "com.synapseslab.demosdk"

    val sdkEnvironment = SdkEnvironment(
        sdkEndpoint = SDK_ENDPOINT,
        appId = APP_ID,
        sdkKey = SDK_KEY,
        sdkSecret = SDK_SECRET,

    // TODO: For JWT Authentication, this credentials are for demo purpose.
    const val USERNAME = ""
    const val PASSWORD = ""


Demo application shows two authentication options:

  • Guest Authentication
  • JWT Authentication. The above authentication mechanisms are mutually exclusive.

Guest Mode

JWT Mode

After login app uses the registerSDK() method of the library to enable the SDK. The process will run on background.

4. Use BlueGPS Advertising Service

For use the BlueGPS Advertising service, defines callbacks for service binding, passed to bindService()

private val advertisingServiceConnection = object : ServiceConnection {

    override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName, service: IBinder) {
        val binder = service as BlueGPSAdvertisingService.LocalBinder
        blueGPSAdvertisingService = binder.serviceBlueGPS

    override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName) {
        blueGPSAdvertisingService = null

Bind to BlueGPSAdvertisingService onStart method:

override fun onStart() {

    val serviceIntent = Intent(this,

Clients should unbind from services at appropriate times

override fun onStop() {

For start the advertising call:



blueGPSAdvertisingService?.startAdv(androidAdvConfiguration = androidAdvConfiguration!!)

where androidAdvConfiguration a device configuration for advertising as follow:

data class AndroidAdvConfiguration(
    var tagid: String? = null,
    var advModes: String? = null,
    var advTxPowers: String? = null

For obtain a device configuration for advertising call this function:

suspend fun getOrCreateConfiguration(): Resource<AndroidAdvConfiguration>

if you want to submit a specific tag to be bound to your app you can use the following:

suspend fun getOrCreateConfiguration(tagId: "012345678912"): Resource<AndroidAdvConfiguration>

For stop you service advertising call:


Start Service

4.1. Optional

If you are interested to receiver logs and display info about the status of the Service, subclass BroadcastReceiver and implement the onReceive(...) method.

The status of the service are: STARTED, STOPPED, ERROR.

private val advertisingServiceReceiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
        override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
            if (intent.action == BlueGPSAdvertisingService.ACTION_ADV) {
                intent.getParcelableExtra<AdvertisingStatus>(BlueGPSAdvertisingService.DATA_ADV)?.let {

                    Log.d(TAG, "- Service ${it.status} ${it.message}")

then register the receiver in onResume() method and unregister the receiver in onPause() method.

Show the demo example for more details.

5 BlueGPSMapView

BlueGPS comes with an handy object to deal with Maps named BlueGPSMapview. To use the object you can import the component in your xml layout or programmatically inflate it.

    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

Before can be used, BlueGPSMapView should be initialized. Otherwise you will see a loading animation like below:

Loading map view

In order to configure properly the object you need call the initMap()

fun initMap(
    sdkEnvironment: SdkEnvironment,
    configurationMap: ConfigurationMap? = ConfigurationMap()
) { 

with this parameters:

  1. sdkEnvironment for authenticate the map;
  2. configurationMap to config your map, the map start with a default configuration;
private var configurationMap = ConfigurationMap(
    tagid = "CFFF00000001",
    style = MapStyle(
        icons = IconStyle(
            name = "chorus",
            align = "center",
            vAlign = "bottom",
            followZoom = true
        navigation = NavigationStyle(
            iconSource = "/api/public/resource/icons/commons/start.svg",
            iconDestination = "/api/public/resource/icons/commons/end.svg",
            // dictionary of target velocity calculation, the velocity is expressed in km/h
            velocityOptions = mutableMapOf("foot" to 4.0, "bike" to 10.0),
            // unit in meters to divide the navigation in steps
            navigationStep = 1.5,
            // enable or disable autoZoom capability when in navigation mode
            autoZoom = true,
            // debug capability to see the steps when in navigation mode
            showVoronoy = false
    show = ShowMap(all = true, room = true),

At this point the configuration is injected and the loading animation should disappear and replaced by your map:

Map view loaded

5.1 ToolboxGUI

The demo app show a Toolbox GUI for configure behaviours and visual components displayed on the map.

Once modified, the new model could be injected into the current configuration. This demo shows only some of the functions to be able to interact with the map control bar to enable or disable it, change orientation, change the size of the buttons.

Toolbox GUI for map view

5.2 Map Listener

BlueGPSMapView could trigger your app remotely from the server. To handle an event click on the map, it's necessary setup the listener.

private fun setListenerOnMapView() {
    binding.webView.setBlueGPSMapListener(object : BlueGPSMapListener {
        override fun resolvePromise(data: JavascriptCallback, typeMapCallback: TypeMapCallback) {
                * Callback that intercept the click on the map
                * @param data the clicked point with all info.
                * @param typeMapCallback the type of the clicked point.
                when (typeMapCallback) {
                    TypeMapCallback.INIT_SDK_COMPLETED -> { }   
                    TypeMapCallback.PARK_CONF -> { }
                    TypeMapCallback.MAP_CLICK, TypeMapCallback.TAG_CLICK -> { 
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<Position>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<Position>(data.payload, cType)
                        if (payloadResponse.roomId != null) {
                            // is a room
                        } else if (payloadResponse.tagid != null) {
                            // is a tag
                    TypeMapCallback.BOOKING_CLICK -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<ClickedObject>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<ClickedObject>(data.payload, cType)
                        Log.d(TAG, " $TAG $payloadResponse ") 
                    TypeMapCallback.NAV_STATS -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<NavigationStats>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<NavigationStats>(data.payload, cType)
                        Log.d(TAG, " $TAG $payloadResponse ")
                    TypeMapCallback.NAV_INFO -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<NavInfo>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<NavInfo>(data.payload, cType)
                        Toast.makeText(context, "${payloadResponse.message}", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
                    TypeMapCallback.RESORUCE -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<DataFilter>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<DataFilter>(data.payload, cType)
                        Log.d(TAG, " $TAG $payloadResponse ")
                    TypeMapCallback.TAG_VISIBILITY -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<TagVisibility>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<TagVisibility>(data.payload, cType)
                        Log.d(TAG, " $TAG $payloadResponse ")
                    TypeMapCallback.ROOM_ENTER -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<Position>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<Position>(data.payload, cType)
                        Log.d(TAG, " $TAG $payloadResponse ")
                    TypeMapCallback.ROOM_EXIT -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<Position>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<Position>(data.payload, cType)
                        Log.d(TAG, " $TAG $payloadResponse ")
                    TypeMapCallback.FLOOR_CHANGE -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<Floor>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<Floor>(data.payload, cType)
                        Log.d(TAG, " $TAG $payloadResponse ")
                    TypeMapCallback.SUCCESS -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<GenericInfo>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<GenericInfo>(data.payload, cType)
                        payloadResponse.key = data.key
                        Log.d(TAG, " ${payloadResponse.message} ")
                    TypeMapCallback.ERROR -> {
                        val cType = object : TypeToken<GenericInfo>() {}.type
                        val payloadResponse = Gson().fromJson<GenericInfo>(data.payload, cType)
                        payloadResponse.key = data.key
                        Log.e(TAG, " ${payloadResponse.message} ")

Once implemented, you can easily test receiving remote events by tapping on a room, or a tag in your app.

The resolvePromise(::) method should be triggered appropriately.

List of the callbacks:

  • TypeMapCallback.INIT_SDK_COMPLETED triggered when init sdk is completed.
  • TypeMapCallback.PARK_CONF triggered if show.park is enabled.
  • TypeMapCallback.BOOKING_CLICK triggered if a bookable resource is clicked.
  • TypeMapCallback.NAV_STATS triggered on any navigation update.
  • TypeMapCallback.NAV_INFO triggered on navigation mode when tag is proximity to specific. points.
  • TypeMapCallback.RESORUCE triggered when loadGenericResource is called.
  • TypeMapCallback.TAG_VISIBILITY triggered if ConfigurationMap.tagid is present and the tag change its visibility status.
  • TypeMapCallback.ROOM_ENTER triggered when user enter a room.
  • TypeMapCallback.ROOM_EXIT triggered when user exit a room.
  • TypeMapCallback.FLOOR_CHANGE triggered when the user change floor.
  • TypeMapCallback.RESOURCE_CLICK triggered when the user click on resource on map.
  • TypeMapCallback.PATH_RECALCULATION triggered when the map recalculate the path.
  • TypeMapCallback.SUCCESS triggered when a generic async action end with success.
  • TypeMapCallback.ERROR triggered when a generic async action end with error.

5.3 Map Interactions

BlueGPSMapView support multiple interactions that could be triggered programmatically from the code.

5.3.1 resetView


This action resize the map to the startup. The action is present on the map toolbox.

5.3.2 rotate

mapView.rotate(step: Int)

This action rotate the map by adding step to current location. step represent the incremental number of degree to rotate the map.

5.3.3 rotateAbsolute

mapView.rotateAbsolute(angle: Int)

his action set the angle rotation of the map according to the parameter. angle represent the absolute number of degree to rotate the map.

5.3.4 hideRoomLayer

mapView.hideRoomLayer(hide: Boolean)

This action allow to show or hide the room layer. hide if true hide the layer, false otherwise.

5.3.5 nextFloor


This action allow to load the next floor on the web view.

5.3.6 showTag

mapView.showTag(tagid: String, follow: Boolean)

This action find the tag with the specified tagid and if found switch to the right floor and follow the tag if follow is true.

5.3.7 getFloor

mapView.getFloor() { result, error ->
    error?.let {
        Log.e(TAG, "$error")
    } ?: run {
            .setTitle("Floor list")
            .setPositiveButton("Ok") { dialog, _ ->

Return the list of floors, in the form of [Floor].

5.3.8 gotoFloor

mapView.gotoFloor(floor: Floor)

Move the map to the specified Floor.

5.3.9 gotoFromMe

    position: Position, 
    navigationMode: Boolean = false)

This function enable path drawing for a specific destination. The path drawing will from the user position to the selected destination position.

navigationMode: if true, draw the path in navigation mode.

5.3.10 goto

    source: Position, 
    dest: Position, 
    navigationMode: Boolean = false)

This function enable path drawing for a specific destination. The path drawing will from the source position to the selected destination position.

navigationMode: if true, draw the path in navigation mode.

5.3.11 getMapStyle

mapView.getMapStyle() {result, error ->
    error?.let {
        Log.e(TAG, "$error")
    } ?: run {
        Log.d(TAG, "$result")

This function get the actual style configuration.

5.3.12 setMapStyle

mapView.setMapStyle(style: MapStyle)

style: represent the map style object

This function allow to change the map style, the function overwrite only the attribute present.

5.3.13 setStartBookingDate

mapView.setStartBookingDate(date: String? = today)

date: BASIC_ISO string in format yyyy-MM-dd (ex. 2021-08-30), if not present dafault is today.

This function allow to set the start of booking selection, by default is today.

5.3.14 setBookingDate

mapView.setBookingDate(date: String)

date: BASIC_ISO string in format yyyy-MM-dd (ex. 2021-08-30).

This function allow to set the booking selection.

5.3.15 reloadResource

mapView.reloadResource(date: String)

date: BASIC_ISO string in format yyyy-MM-dd (ex. 2021-08-30).

This function reload the map view.

5.3.16 removeNavigation


This function exit from navigation and remove path either on navigation mode or not.

5.3.17 loadGenericResource

mapView.loadGenericResource(search: String? = "", type: String? = "", sybtype: String? = "")
  • search: the resource name
  • type: of the resource
  • subtype of the resource

This function load only resource that match the criteria passed by parameters.

5.3.18 selectPoi

mapView.selectPoi(poi: GenericResource, changeFloor: Boolean? = true)
  • poi: generic resource
  • changeFloor: optional parameter with default value to true

Center the map to the poi passed as parameter.

5.3.19 selectPoiById

mapView.selectPoiById(poiId: Int, changeFloor: Boolean? = true)
  • poiId: id of the poi
  • changeFloor: optional parameter with default value to true

Center the map to the poi identified by poiId.

5.3.20 drawPin

mapView.drawPin(position: Position, icon: String? = "")
  • position: object position
  • icon: a String the represent absolute or relative path to the icon.

Draw a pin in the passed position. The pin has the icon passed as parameter.

5.3.21 getCurrentFloor


Return the current floor on the map.

5.3.22 centerToRoom

mapView.centerToRoom(roomId: Int)

roomId the id of the room

Center the map to the room identified by roomId.

5.3.23 centerToPosition

mapView.centerToPosition(mapPosition: Position, zoom: Double)
  • mapPosition the object position
  • zoom the zoom level. The range is a double [0.7, 10]

Center the map to the specified position with defined zoom level.

5.3.24 initAllBookingLayerBy

mapView.initAllBookingLayerBy(bookFilter: BookFilter)
  • bookFilter a book filter

Init on map all booking layer like: Desk, Park, Meeting.

5.3.25 setDarkMode

mapView.setDarkMode(darkMode: Boolean)
  • darkMode a boolean

To change the style of the map darkMode or lightMode

5.3.26 showResourceOnMap

    resources: List<Resource>? = emptyList(), 
    autoFloor: Boolean = true
  • resources a list of [Resource]
  • autofloor If autofloor is enabled the map floor is changed according to resources visibility.

Show the provided resources list on map.

5.3.27 clearSelection


Clear the selection of resources on map.

5.3.28 activatePositionMarker

mapView.activatePositionMarker(enable: Boolean)
  • enable a booelan true to activate, false to deactivate

Activate/Deactivate Position marker layer.

5.3.29 clearPositionMarker


Clear and remove position marker.

5.3.30 getPositionMarker

    completionHandler: (Position?, Error?) -> Any?
  • completionHandler return the position marker with format {mapId: 4, x: 23.87, y: 10.49}

Retrieve position marker.

6. Server Sent Events

The purpose of diagnostic API is to give an indication to the integrator of the status of the BlueGPS system.

The diagnostic is designed to include different info like:

  • Tag tracking status
  • Connector tracking status like:
    • DesigoCC
    • Micronpass
    • Quuppa

6.1 Diagnostic SSE

For diagnostic if a tag is ACTIVE or NOT_ACTIVE, BlueGPSLib expose a specific call startDiagnostic(..) where:

  • diagnosticSseRequest is a list of tags;
  • onComplete callback;
  • and optional onTagTracking and onCheck callbacks.
val diagnosticSseRequest = DiagnosticSseRequest(
    TrackingSseRequest(tags = listOf("BBBB00000001", "BBBB00000002"))

    diagnosticSseRequest = diagnosticSseRequest,
    onComplete = {
        // is a DiagnosticSseResponse
        Log.d(TAG, "COMPLETE: $it")
    onTagTracking = {
        // is a Map<String, DiagnosticStatus>?
        Log.d(TAG, "TAG_TRACKING: $it")
    onCheck = {
        // is a String
        Log.d(TAG, "CHECK: $it")

diagnosticSseRequest is an object so structured:

class DiagnosticSseRequest(
    val tagTracking: TrackingSseRequest? = null

class TrackingSseRequest(
    val forgetTagMillis: Long? = 10000,
    val tags: List<String>? = null,


  • forgetTagMillis is default to 10 seconds;
  • tags is a list of tags you want to monitoring.

There are 2 types of events:

Event complete

This event is returned as the first event and DiagnosticSseResponse object has the following format:

    data: {"tracking":{"tags":{"BBBB00000001":"NOT_ACTIVE"}}}
    name: "complete"

Event tagTracking

This event is returned when there is an update on list of tags:

    data: {"BBBB00000001":"ACTIVE"}
    name: "tagTracking"

The data response is a Map<String, DiagnosticStatus>.

Event onCheck

This event is a check that notifies that the diagnostic is alive.


BlueGPSLib expose an accessory method for deactivate the diagnostic.


If during the life of the app it's necessary change the configuration it will be enough to call startDiagnostic(..) because this method stop a previously job active and start the diagnostic with the new configuration.

For more info check the example app in SseDiagnosticTagActivity.kt class.

6.2 Notify region changes

For activate the position event detection when the user move inside building, BlueGPSLib expose a specific call startNotifyRegionChanges(..) where the params of this function are:

  • tags a list of tags to monitoring;
  • regions represents the list of the regions to monitor;
  • and a callbackHandler callback that return a map that contains the regions where the tags are currently located.
    tags = listOf(element = "010001010007"),
    regions = regions,
    callbackHandler = { it: Map<String, MutableList<BGPRegion>> ->

6.2.1 Event callbackHandler

This callback return a value when an event occurred. The object BGPRegion has this structure:

data class BGPRegion(
    val id: Int? = null,
    val name: String? = null,
    val buildingFloorId: Int? = null,
    val buildingFloorName: String? = null,
    val px: Double? = null,
    val py: Double? = null,
    val showOnApp: Boolean? = null,
    val searchable: Boolean? = null,
    val status: BGPRegionStatus? = null,
    val type: String? = null,
    val areaId: Int? = null,
    val areaName: String? = null,
    val area: BGPArea? = null,
    var isInside: Boolean = false,


Before call startNotifyRegionChanges() it's necessary to call blueGPSAdvertisingService?.startAdv() or blueGPSAdvertisingService?.startAdv(androidAdvConfiguration = androidAdvConfiguration!!)because when advertising service is started a tagID` is assigned to the app.

6.2.2 Stop notify region changes

BlueGPSLib expose an accessory method for deactivate the Notify region job.



If during the life of the app it's necessary change the configuration it will be enough to re-call startNotifyRegionChanges(..) because this method stop a previously job active and start the event detection with the new configuration.

For more info check the example app in NotifyRegionActivity.kt class.

6.3 Notify position changes

For activate the position event detection when the user move inside building, BlueGPSLib expose a specific call startNotifyPositionChanges() where the params of this function are:

  • and a callbackHandler callback.
    callbackHandler = {
        Log.d(TAG, "$position ${it}")

6.3.1 Event callbackHandler

This callback return a value when an event occurred. The object returned Position has this structure:

data class Position(
    var mapId: Int? = null,
    var tagid: String? = null,
    var roomId: Int? = null,
    var areaId: Int? = null,
    var x: Double? = null,
    var y: Double? = null,
    var data: String? = null,
    var tagLabel: String? = null,

6.3.2 Stop notify position changes

BlueGPSLib expose an accessory method for deactivate the Notify position job.



If during the life of the app it's necessary change the configuration it will be enough to re-call startNotifyPositionChanges(..) because this method stop a previously job active and start the event detection with the new configuration.

For more info check the example app in NotifyPositionActivity.kt class.

6.4 Notify generic events

For activate the generic event detection, BlueGPSLib expose a specific call startNotifyEventChanges() where the params of this function are:

  • streamType type of the stream.
  • outputEvents List of events to be notified for the specific types of stream.
  • tagIdList List of tag id to monitoring. If empty receive notification for all tags.
  • callbackHandler returns a generic event.
  • onStop callback when the connection with the server is closed.
    streamType = StreamType.TAGID_EVENT,
    outputEvents = listOf("test"),
    tagIdList = listOf("DADA00000001",),
    callbackHandler = {

    onStop = {


6.4.1 Event callbackHandler

This callback return a value when an event occurred. The object returned Event has this structure:

data class Event(
    val id: String? = null, 
    val name: String? = null, 
    val data: String? = null

6.4.2 Stop notify event changes

BlueGPSLib expose an accessory method for deactivate the Notify generic job.



If during the life of the app it's necessary change the configuration it will be enough to re-call startNotifyEventChanges(..) because this method stop a previously job active and start the event detection with the new configuration.

For more info check the example app in NotifyPositionActivity.kt class.

7 Resources API

The BlueGPSLib perform a network call to find a list of resources.

    override suspend fun findResources(
        isDesc: Boolean?,
        mapId: Int?,
        order: String?,
        search: String?,
        subType: String?,
        type: String?,
        roomId: Int?,
        roomName: String?
    ): Resource<List<GenericResource>?>


  • isDesc a boolean that represent if is increasing or decreasing
  • mapId the id of the map where the resource is located
  • order
  • search the name of the resource
  • subType
  • type the resource type (PARK, DESK, MEETING)
  • roomId the id of the room where the resource is located
  • roomName the name of the room where the resource is located

It's present an example activity called ShowResourcesActivity.kt that show the utility and the use of this network call.

Search View

8 Search object API

BlueGPSSDK provides some built-in capabilities to search for resources and objects within the Backend, providing multiple calls:

8.1 getTrackElement

getTrackElement returns a tracked element by passing a corresponding ID.

suspend fun getTrackElement(trackElementId)

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a TrackedElement as follow:

data class TrackedElement(
    var id: Int?,
    var label: String?,
    var type: String?,
    var description: String?,
    var imgPath: String?,
    var color: String?,
    var trackElementType: TrackElementType?,
    var groups: List<TrackedGroup>?,
    var trackAreaId: Int?,
    var positionItem: PositionItem?,
    var tagList: List<TrackElementTag>?,

8.2 getTrackElementTagHistory

getTrackElementTagHistory returns a tag history passing a corresponding ID.

suspend fun getTrackElementTagHistory(trackElementId: Int)

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a list of List<TrackElementTag> as follow:

data class TrackElementTag(
    var id: Int?,
    var insertDate: String?,
    var readOnly: Boolean = true,
    var end: String?,
    var start: String?,
    var priority: Int?,
    var trackElementId: Int?,
    var trackElementLabel: String?,
    var trackTagId: String?,
    var trackTagLabel: String?,

8.3 getTrackElements

getTrackElements return an array of TrackElement based on the filter criteria specified.

suspend fun getTrackElements(
    type: String? = null,
    groupIds: List<Int>? = null,
    search: String? = null,
    isDesc: Boolean? = null,
    order: String? = null,


  • search is the name of the track element
  • type
  • groupIds a list of id that represent the group
  • isDesc a boolean that represent if is increasing or decreasing
  • order a string that represent the order by a attribute
  • pageNumber an that represent the current page
  • pageSize the elements of the page

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a List<TrackElement> as follow:

data class TrackElement(
    var id: Int? = null,
    var label: String? = null,
    var type: String? = null,
    var description: String? = null,
    var imgPath: String? = null,
    var email: String? = null,
    var color: String? = null,
    var trackElementType: TrackElementType? = null,
    var groups: List<TrackedGroup>? = null,
    var positionItem: PositionItem? = null

8.4 getTrackElementPage

getTrackElementPage return a track element page based on the filter criteria specified.

suspend fun getTrackElementPage(
    type: String? = null,
    groupIds: List<Int>? = null,
    search: String? = null,
    isDesc: Boolean? = null,
    order: String? = null,


  • search is the name of the track element
  • type
  • groupIds a list of id that represent the group
  • isDesc a boolean that represent if is increasing or decreasing
  • order a string that represent the order by a attribute

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a PageTrackedElement as follow:

class PageTrackedElement(
    var content: List<TrackedElement>,
    var numberOfElements: Int?,
    var first: Boolean,
    var last: Boolean,
    var totalElements: Int?,
    var totalPages: Int?,

8.5. getTrackGroup

getTrackGroup return a list of track group based on the filter criteria specified.

suspend fun getTrackGroup()

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a list of List<TrackedGroup> as follow:

data class TrackedGroup(
    var id: Int? = null,
    var label: String? = null,
    var type: String? = null,
    var color: String? = null,

8.6 getSearchableTrackTag

Get a searchable track tag list filtering also by NFC code

suspend fun getSearchableTrackTag(
    search: String? = null,
    tagId: String? = null,
    label: String? = null,
    nfcCode: String? = null,
) : Resource<List<TrackTag>>


  • search specifying this query param the search is performed on the label, tagid and nfcCode attributes.
  • tagId specifying this parameter will return a list of tags that have exactly the specified tagid.
  • label specifying this parameter will return a list of tags that have exactly the specified label.
  • nfcCode specifying this parameter will return a list of tags that have exactly the specified nfcCode.

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a list of List<TrackTag> as follow:

data class TrackTag(
    var tagid: String? = null,
    var label: String? = null,
    var color: String? = null,
    var nfcCode: String? = null,
    var type: String? = null

9 Controllable items API

BlueGPSSDK provides a logic to interact with controllable items exposed by the backend.

Controllable items could be anything that can be remote controlled by the application.

Authenticated user could get the list of available items with the following call:

suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getControllableItems(itemControllableFilter: ItemControllableFilter? = null)

You can pass an optional filter criteria as follow:

data class ItemControllableFilter(
    ///full search on Item.logicName
    var logicName: String? = null,
    ///Search the item into a specified area
    var areaId: Int? = null,
    ///Search the item connected to a specified room
    var roomId: Int? = null,
    ///Search the item connected to a specified map
    var mapId: Int? = null,
    //Filter the item inside reference point from the radius
    var referencePoint: Position? = null,
    //Must be combined with referencePoint
    var radius: Double? = null,
    ///Select items of following types
    var types: List<ControllableElementType>? = null,
    var hasPosition: Boolean? = null,
    var widgetNames: List<String>? = null

The resulting ResponseMesssage contains a list of List<ItemControllable> as follow:

data class ItemControllable(
    var id: String,

    ///Internal name of the item
    var logicName: String,

    ///Internal name of the widget connected to the item
    var widgetName: String,

    ///name of this item
    var name: String?,

    ///internationalization key of this item
    var i18nName: String?,

    ///type of the current item
    var type: ControllableElementType,

    var position: Position?,

    var buildingPositionList: List<BuildingPosition>?,

    var icon: MobileIcon?,

    var controls: List<ItemControl>?

The attribute controls contains all the available controllable items for this specific ItemControllable.

Every ItemControl, could be changed, by modifying its currentValue property.

Then, you can call the below function to save new current value.

suspend fun BlueGPSLib.setControllableItem(itemCurrentValue: ItemCurrentValue)

The resulting response contains a resource of ItemCurrentValue as follow:

data class ItemCurrentValue(
    var id: Int = -1,
    var value: String?

10 Area API

BlueGPSSDK provides some built-in capabilities for rooms and areas.

10.1 getRoomsCoordinates

getRoomsCoordinates returns a list of rooms and coordinates.

    suspend fun getRoomsCoordinates(): Response<List<BGPRegion>>

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a List<BGPRegion> as follow:

data class BGPRegion(
    val id: Int? = null,
    val name: String? = null,
    val buildingFloorId: Int? = null,
    val buildingFloorName: String? = null,
    val px: Double? = null,
    val py: Double? = null,
    val showOnApp: Boolean? = null,
    val searchable: Boolean? = null,
    val status: BGPRegionStatus? = null,
    val type: String? = null,
    val areaId: Int? = null,
    val areaName: String? = null,
    val area: BGPArea? = null,
    var isInside: Boolean = false,

10.2 getMapsList

getMapsList Return a list of maps.

    suspend fun getMapsList(
        search: String? = null,
        staticResourceTypeList: List<BGPResourceType>? = null,
        isDesc: Boolean? = null,
        order: String? = null,
    ): Response<List<BGPMap>>


  • search the name of the map
  • staticResourceTypeList a list of BGPResourceType
  • isDesc a boolean
  • order for name

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a List<BGPMap> as follow:

data class BGPMap(
    val id: Int? = null,
    val label: String? = null,
    val type: String? = null,
    val order: Int? = null,
    val circleRadius: Double? = null,
    val name: String? = null,
    val orientation: BGPMapOrientation? = null,
    val ox: Double? = null,
    val oy: Double? = null,
    val s1x: Double? = null,
    val s1y: Double? = null,
    val s2x: Double? = null,
    val s2y: Double? = null,
    val scale: Double? = null,
    val distance: Double? = null,
    val fileMap: String? = null,
    val mapRefreshRate: Int? = null,
    val animationDurationMs: Int? = null,
    val northAngle: Double? = null,
    val primaryColor: String? = null,
    val viewWidth: Double? = null,
    val viewHeight: Double? = null,
    val badgeDistance: Double? = null,
    val coordNameList: List<String>? = null,
    val allCoord: List<String>? = null,

10.3 getAreasWithTagsInside

getAreasWithTagsInside returns a list of area with a list of inside tags

    suspend fun getAreasWithTagsInside(
        areaFilterRequest: AreaFilterRequest? = null,
    ): Response<List<BGPMap>>


  • areaFilterRequest an object that contains a list of areas id or maps id

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a List<AreaWithTagsInside> as follow:

data class AreaWithTagsInside(
    val id: Int? = null,
    val name: String? = null,
    val tagIds: List<String>? = null

10.4 getAreasList

getAreasList returns a list of areas

    suspend fun getAreasList(
        search: String? = null,
        type: String? = null,
        isDesc: Boolean? = null,
        order: String? = null,
    ): Resource<List<BGPArea>>


  • search the name of the area
  • type BGPAreaType // DEFAULT,FILTER
  • isDesc a Boolean
  • order for name

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a List<BGPArea> as follow:

    data class BGPArea(
        val id: Int? = null,
        val color: String? = null,
        val type: BGPAreaType? = null,
        val name: String? = null,
        val points: List<BGPPoint>? = null,
        val rtlsMapId: Int? = null

10.5 getAreaListRealtimeElement

getAreaListRealtimeElement returns a RealtimeAreaElementResponse that contains the list of areas where a realtime element (Tag, Element, etc.) is located.

    suspend fun getAreaListRealtimeElement(
        realtimeAreaElementRequest: RealtimeAreaElementRequest
    ): Resource<RealtimeAreaElementResponse>


  • realtimeAreaElementRequest is
    data class RealtimeAreaElementRequest(
        val id: String, // the id of the realtime element to locate (Tag, Element, etc.,)
        val type: RealtimeElementType
    enum class RealtimeElementType {

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a RealtimeAreaElementResponse as follow:

data class RealtimeAreaElementResponse(
    val id: String,
    val type: RealtimeElementType,
    val areas: List<BGPArea>,
    val areaIds: List<Int>

11 Booking API

BlueGPS_SDK provides some built-in capabilities for booking.

11.1 getAgendaDay

getAgendaDay() return the agenda for the selected element.

suspend fun getAgendaDay(
    id: String,
    date: String,
    scheduleTypes: List<ScheduleType>,
): Resource<DaySchedule> 


  • id the id of the element to be find the day schedule
  • tscheduleTypesype the type of the element to be find the day schedule
  • date Example: "2022-01-22"

11.2 getAgendaMy

getAgendaMy() return all agenda for the logged user.

suspend fun getAgendaMy(
    dateStart: String? = null,
    dateEnd: String? = null,
): Response<List<DaySchedule>> {}


  • dateStart Example : 2022-01-22
  • dateEnd Example : 2022-01-22

11.3 agendaFind

agendaFind() return the agenda for the selected elements and for the selected date.

suspend fun agendaFind(
    resourceAgendaRequest: ResourceAgendaRequest
): Response<List<ResourceAgenda>> {}


  • resourceAgendaRequest [ResourceAgendaRequest] is
data class ResourceAgendaRequest(
    val elements: List<Resource>,

     * example: 2023-01-21
    val dateStart: String,

     * example: 2023-01-21
    val dateEnd: String? = null

The resulting ResponseMessage contains a List<ResourceAgenda>.

data class ResourceAgenda(
     * unique id
    val id: String,

     * the resource searched
    val element: Resource,

     * example: 2023-01-21
    val dateStart: String,

     * example: 2023-01-21
    val dateEnd: String? = null,

    val days: List<DaySchedule>? = null

11.4 schedule

schedule() to schedule a resource as DESK, ROOM, PARK, etc..,

suspend fun schedule(
    scheduleRequest: ScheduleRequest
): Resource<ScheduleRequest>


  • scheduleRequest [ScheduleRequest] is
data class ScheduleRequest( 
     * the id of the element to schedule
    val elementId: String,

    val elementType: ResourceType,

     * an optional name for the meeting
    val meetingName: String? = null,

     * an optional note for the meeting
    val meetingNote: String? = null,

     * a boolean to indicate if is a video conference
    val videoConference: Boolean? = false,

     * example: 2023-01-21
    val dayStart: String,

     * example: 2023-01-21
    val dayEnd: String? = null,

     * example: 08:00
    val start: String? = null,

     * example: 18:00
    val end: String? = null,

     * a list of attendees for the meeting
    val attendees: List<MeetingAttendee>? = null,

     * the type of the schedule [RecurringType]
    val recurring: RecurringType? = null,

11.5 deleteSchedule

Delete a schedule based on the resourceId provided

suspend fun BlueGPSLib.deleteSchedule(
    id: String
): Resource<SyHttpResponse>

11.6 search

Search resources based on the given filter

suspend fun search(filter: Filter): Resource<List<Resource>>

where filter is struct as follow:

data class Filter(

     * generic search string
    val search: String? = null,

    val section: SectionFilterType? = null,
     * Possible resource, all resource in case of empty
    val resourceTypes: List<ResourceType>? = null,

     * a boolean indicate if is a favourite
    val favourite: Boolean? = null,

     * a list of [FilterElement]
    val filters: List<FilterElement>? = null,

    val filterType: FilterType? = null

Returned resources are struct as follow:

data class Resource(
     * unique id
    val id: String,

     * the name of the resource
    val name: String,

     * the resource type [ResourceType]
    val type: ResourceType,

    val singleInfo: InfoIcon? = null,

    val i18n: String? = null,

    val tagid: String? = null,

     * image url (if start with http/s the url is absolute, relative otherwise)
    val image: String? = null,

     * image url (if start with http/s the url is absolute, relative otherwise)
    val images: List<String>? = null,

    val buildingPosition: BuildingPosition? = null,

    val position: Position? = null,

    val bookingConfig: BookingConfig? = null,

    val services: List<ResourceService>? = null,

    val controls: List<Control>? = null,

    val favourite: Boolean? = false,

    val sensors: List<SensorInfo>? = null,

    val subtype: String? = null,

    val i18nSubtype: String? = null,

     * Search tags
    val metadataTypes: List<String>? = null,

     * Groups
    val connectedGroupNames: List<String>? = null,

    val description: String? = null,

    val integrationKey: String? = null,

    val additionalServices: List<AdditionalService>? = null,

    val code: String? = null,

    val codeUrl: String? = null,

    val username: String? = null,

    val imageUrl: String? = null,

    val imagesUrl: List<String>? = null


11.7 getFilterSection

Return a list of SectionFilter based on the provided SectionFilterType

suspend fun getFilterSection(sectionTypes: List<SectionFilterType>? = null): Resource<List<SectionFilter>>

where SectionFilterType is:

enum class SectionFilterType {

return a list of SectionFilter as follow:

data class SectionFilter(
    val sectionType: SectionFilterType,
    val sectionValues: List<FilterValueElement>

11.8 getFilterResource

Return the corresponding filters into a Filter object for the provided type ResourceType

suspend fun getFilterResource(type: ResourceType): Resource<Filter>

where Filter is as follow:

data class Filter(

     * generic search string
    val search: String? = null,

    val section: SectionFilterType? = null,
     * Possible resource, all resource in case of empty
    val resourceTypes: List<ResourceType>? = null,

     * a boolean indicate if is a favourite
    val favourite: Boolean? = null,

     * a list of [FilterElement]
    val filters: List<FilterElement>? = null,

    val filterType: FilterType? = null

11.9 getFilter

Return the corresponding filters into a Filter object for the provided type FilterType

suspend fun getFilter(type: FilterType): Resource<Filter>

where Filter is as follow:

data class Filter(

     * generic search string
    val search: String? = null,

    val section: SectionFilterType? = null,
     * Possible resource, all resource in case of empty
    val resourceTypes: List<ResourceType>? = null,

     * a boolean indicate if is a favourite
    val favourite: Boolean? = null,

     * a list of [FilterElement]
    val filters: List<FilterElement>? = null,

    val filterType: FilterType? = null

11.10 getElementResource

Get Resource specified by id

suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getElementResource(id: String): Resource<Resource>

11.11 putFavourite

Change favourite resource specified by resource

suspend fun BlueGPSLib.putFavourite(favouriteResource: FavouriteResource): Resource<SyHttpResponse>

where favouriteResource is as follow:

data class FavouriteResource(
    val resourceId: String? = null,
    val favourite: Boolean? = null

the response is SyHttpResponse as follow:

data class SyHttpResponse(
    val code: Int,
    val message: String,
    val trace: String? = null

12 OAuth client for keycloak authentication

BlueGPS_SDK provides a client for manage authentication and authorization inside your app.

12.1 Client configuration

Declare keycloak paramaters. Usually this params are provided with the license.

    val keyCloakParameters = KeyCloakParameters(
        authorization_endpoint = "AUTH-ENDPOINT",
        token_endpoint = "TOKEN-ENDPOINT",
        redirect_uri = "REDIRECT-URI",
        clientId = "CLIENT-ID",
        userinfo_endpoint = "USERINFO-ENDPOINT",
        end_session_endpoint = "LOGOUT-ENDPOINT",
        guestClientSecret = "GUEST-CLIENT-SECRET",
        guestClientId = "GUEST-CLIENT-ID"

in your AndroidManifest.xml add this and change host and scheme with your configuration.

        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            android:scheme="{SCHEME}" />

Now your app is ready for use keycloak. See KeycloakActivity.kt example for an example of login, logout or refresh token.