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Ingesting data from SQLServer to AlloyDB using Dataphos Publisher

This repository contains Docker Compose, configuration, and source code files needed for running a data pipeline from an on-prem SQLServer database to GCP AlloyDB.

Docker Compose and configuration files for running Publisher are located in the publisher directory.

An Apache Beam application for ingesting data from Pub/Sub to AlloyDB is located in the dataflow directory.

Example SQL SELECT queries to test AlloyDB performance are located in the order_queries.sql file.


Dataphos Publisher is used to ingest data from an on-prem SQLServer database and publish business objects to Pub/Sub.

The business objects were formatted based on an example retail use case. The following is a truncated business object formatted by the Publisher:

      "AccountOpenedDate":"2013-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
      "CustomerName":"Wingtip Toys (Jamison, IA)",
      "CustomerPhoneNumber":"(319) 555-0100",
      "DeliveryAddressLine1":"Unit 90",
      "DeliveryAddressLine2":"1984 Esposito Road",
      "DeliveryMethodName":"Delivery Van"
   "ExpectedDeliveryDate":"2013-01-02 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
   "OrderDate":"2013-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
         "Description":"Halloween skull mask (Gray) L",
            "StockItemName":"Halloween skull mask (Gray) L",
         "Description":"32 mm Anti static bubble wrap (Blue) 20m",
            "StockItemName":"32 mm Anti static bubble wrap (Blue) 20m",
      "FullName":"Anthony Grosse",

The bussines object represents an order. The order contains all relevant information regarding the customer, sales person, order lines, delivery information, and so on. Publisher provides data ready for business analytics.

SQLServer source

Publisher fetches data from an SQLServer database deployed on a Hetzner machine. A truncated example retail dataset provided by Microsoft was used. Relevant tables are: Orders, OrderLines, DeliveryMethod, Customer, People, StockItems.


Publisher configuration is located in the configuration directory. The source is the SQLServer database and the destination is a Pub/Sub topic called "publisher-orders".

The Publisher worker (instance) is configured to fetch data in 1 month increments, starting from the earliest data in the source database ("2013-01-01 11:00:00"), group data by the order ID, and format the previously described busineess objects. Data is serialized using the Avro format and published to Pub/Sub.


The environment directory contains all required environment variables for Publisher to run. No configuration here is needed. However, Postgres and Publisher Metadata database could be configured with a different username/database name/password.


Publishing to Pub/Sub requires Publisher to authenticate with GCP. A GCP Service account with the "Pub/Sub Publisher" role.

Add a JSON service account key for that service account and download it. Paste the contents of the key to the pubsub-sa-key.json file.


Deployment of Publisher is done using Docker Compose files. Before running deployment commands, open a terminal and position yourself in the Publisher deployment directory.

To create the Publisher infrastructure, run the following command:

docker-compose -f infrastructure.yaml up -d

The Publisher worker should be created after it is added in the Publisher Metadata database using the CLI.

To create the worker run the following command:

docker-compose -f worker.yaml up

After the worker processes all available data, it will run indefinitely in continous mode, until it is manually shut down. You could also define an "endFetchValue" in the instance configuration to stop the worker after it has processed data up to that point.


To add the required configuration to Publisher metadata database, use the CLI executable. The CLI connects to the Manager component of Publisher.

To add the configuration, position yourself in the "publisher" directory and run the following commands in order:

Create the source:

./cli/publisher-cli.exe source create ./configuration/source.yaml http://localhost:8080

Create the destination:

./cli/publisher-cli.exe destination create ./configuration/destination.yaml http://localhost:8080

Create the instance:

./cli/publisher-cli.exe instance create ./configuration/instance.yaml http://localhost:8080

Now, run the worker as previously decribed.


Dataflow is used to consume data from Google Pub/Sub and store it into two denormalized tables on Google AlloyDB.

The pipeline reads avro records, converts them to fill SQL statements for inserting them into AlloyDB, and executes the statements.

AlloyDB Destination

An AlloyDB instance was used where two tables were created: orders and orderlines.


The Dataflow job expects a number of parameters to be configured. These can be grouped in four groups: Beam-specific parameters:

  • streaming - Boolean flag enabling streaming mode.
  • runner - The pipeline runner to use. Set to DataflowRunner to run on Dataflow. GCP specific parameters for running on Dataflow:
  • project - The project ID for your Google Cloud Project.
  • region - The Google Compute Engine region to create the job.
  • tempLocation - Path for temporary files. Must be a valid Google Cloud Storage URL that begins with gs://.
  • stagingLocation - Cloud Storage bucket path for staging your binary and any temporary files. Must be a valid Cloud Storage URL that begins with gs://. IO specific parameters:
  • subscription - Pub/Sub subscription name from which messages are consumed. Has to be in the format projects/PROJECT/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION
  • databaseUrl - URL of the AlloyDB, in the format jdbc:postgresql://ALLOYDB_INSTANCE_PRIVATE_IP:5432/postgres
  • username - Database username. Optional, as it is postgres by default.
  • password - Password for the database user.
  • ordersStatementPath - Path to the file containing the statement for inserting into the orders table.
  • orderLinesStatementPath - Path to the file containing the statement for inserting into the orderlines table.


The job should be in the same VPC as the AlloyDB, which will be the case if running in the same region with default conifguration. For setting up a different VPC, follow the documentation. To start the job, set the referenced environment variables, and run:

mvn compile exec:java \
  -Dexec.mainClass=net.syntio.beam.PubSubToJDBC \
  -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false \
  -Dexec.args=" \
    --streaming \
    --project=$PROJECT \
    --region=$REGION \
    --tempLocation=$TEMP_LOCATION \
    --stagingLocation=$STAGING_LOCATION \
    --subscription=$SUBSCRIPTION_NAME \
    --ordersStatementPath=src/main/resources/insert-orders-statement.sql \
    --orderLinesStatementPath=src/main/resources/insert-orderlines-statement.sql \
    --databaseUrl=jdbc:postgresql://$ALLOYDB_IP:5432/postgres \
    --username=postgres \
    --password=$PASSWORD \


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