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File metadata and controls

30 lines (18 loc) · 859 Bytes


The second part of Blueprint is the Filter - a sequence of commands that adds where clauses to the query without overwriting existing ones, and sets the limit and orderBy.

$this->addFilter('onlyActive', function(){
    return (new Filter())->where(['active' => 1]);

Filters are useful for conditionally adding constraints to the query.

Filter Methods

Filter methods store the query elements below, and can be applied to a Query when the Filter is used.

All methods below are analogues to those of the same name in the Blueprint query builder.

  • where
  • orderBy
  • limit


| Parameters | QueryInterface $query | | Returns | $query |

This function causes the Filter's settings to be applied to the $query.

This is normally only used in the main Blueprint class and can be ignored.