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Simple controller


The source code for this example can be found in [orca_root]/examples/basic/, or alternatively on github at:


In this example we want to show the basics of using ORCA. Here, we create a minimal controller with one task and some common constraints.


First we need to include the appropriate headers and use the right namespaces. When you are getting started the easiest solution is to use the helper header orca.h and helper namespace orca::all which include all the necessary headers and opens up all their namespaces. This helps with reducing the verbosity of the examples here but is not recommended for production builds because it will cause code bloat.

We then create our main() function...

and parse the command line arguments:

ORCA provides a utility class called Logger which, as its name implies, helps log output. See the API documentation for more information on logging levels.


Now we get to the good stuff. We start by creating a robot model which gives us access to the robot's kinematics and dynamics.

We first instantiate a shared_ptr to the class RobotModel. We can pass a robot name, but if we don't, it is extracted from the urdf, which is loaded from a file in robot->loadModelFromFile(urdf_url);. If the URDF is parsed then we need to set the base frame in which all transformations (e.g. end effector pose) are expressed in robot->setBaseFrame("base_link");. Finally we manually set the gravity vector robot->setGravity(Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,-9.81)); (this is optional).

The next step is to set the initial state of the robot. For your convenience, ORCA provides a helper class called EigenRobotState which stores the whole state of the robot as eigen vectors/matrices. This class is totally optional, it is just meant to keep consistency for the sizes of all the vectors/matrices. You can use it to fill data from either a real robot or simulated robot.

First we resize all the vectors/matrices to match the robot configuration and set the joint positions and velocities to zero. Initial joint positions are often non-zero but we are lazy and setZero() is so easy to type. Finally, we set the robot state, robot->setRobotState(eigState.jointPos,eigState.jointVel);. Now the robot is considered 'initialized'.


Here we only set $\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}}$ because in this example we are dealing with a fixed base robot.

Creating the Controller

With the robot created and initialized, we can construct a Controller:

To do so we pass a name, "controller", the robot model, robot, a ResolutionStrategy, orca::optim::ResolutionStrategy::OneLevelWeighted, and a solver, QPSolver::qpOASES.


As of now, the only supported solver is qpOASES, however OSQP will be integrated in a future release.


Other ResolutionStrategy options include: MultiLevelWeighted, and Generalized. Please be aware that these strategies are not yet officially supported.

If your robot's low level controller takes into account the gravity and coriolis torques already (Like with KUKA LWR) then you can tell the controller to remove these components from the torques computed by the solver. Setting them to false keeps the components in the solution (this is the default behavior).

Adding Tasks

With the controller created we can now start adding tasks. In this introductory example, we add only a Cartesian acceleration task for the end-effector.

A shared_ptr to a CartesianTask is created with a unique name, CartTask_EE. The task is then added to the controller to initialize it.

For this task, we want to control link_7,

And set its desired pose:

We also set the desired cartesian velocity and acceleration to zero.


Rotation is done with a Matrix3x3 and it can be initialized in a few ways. Note that each of these methods produce equivalent Rotation matrices in this case.

Example 1: create a quaternion from Euler anglers ZYZ convention

Example 2: create a quaternion from RPY convention

Example 3: create a quaternion from Kuka Convention

Example 4: use an Identity quaternion

The desired values are set on the servo controller because CartesianTask expects a cartesian acceleration, which is computed automatically by the servo controller.

Now set the servoing PID

Adding Constraints

Now we add some constraints. We start with a joint torque constraint for all the actuated DoF. To create it we first get the number of actuated joints from the model.

The joint torque limit is usually given by the robot manufacturer and included in most robot descriptions, but for now it is not parsed directely from the URDF - so we need to add it manually.

We first create a shared_ptr with a unique name, auto jnt_trq_cstr = std::make_shared<JointTorqueLimitConstraint>("JointTorqueLimit"); and add it to the controller controller.addConstraint(jnt_trq_cstr);. We then set the torque limits to  ± 200Nm.

Contrary to torque limits, joint position limits are automatically extracted from the URDF model. Note that you can set them if you want by simply doing jnt_pos_cstr->setLimits(jntPosMin,jntPosMax).

Joint velocity limits are usually given by the robot manufacturer but like the torque limits, must be added manually for now.

With the tasks anc constraints created and added to the controller, we can begin the control loop.

Control Loop

The control loop is where the robot model is updated using the current state information from the real or simulated robot, the control problem is formulated and solved, and the resultant joint torques are sent to the robot actuators. For this example, we simply calculate the joint torques τ at each control time step and do nothing with them. This is because we are not interacting with a real robot or a simulated robot.

First, since we are manually stepping the time, we initialize the current_time to zero and the dt=0.001.

The next important step is to activate the tasks and constraints: controller.activateTasksAndConstraints();. This must be done before the controller update is called, or else no solution will be found.

Now that the tasks and constraints are activated, we step into the control loop, which increments current_time from 0.0 to 2.0 seconds by dt:

At the begining of each loop, we must first retrieve the robot's state information so that we can update our robot model being used in the controller. This step depends on the robot-specific API being used and is up to the user to implement.


In future examples we demonstrate how to do this with the Gazebo simulator.

After we get the appropriate state information from our robot (in this case, the joint positions and velocities) we update the robot model: robot->setRobotState(eigState.jointPos,eigState.jointVel);. With the model updated we now update the controller, controller.update(current_time, dt);. The controller update first updates all of the tasks and constraints, then formulates the optimal control problem, then solves said problem. If the controller found a solution to the optimal control problem then controller.solutionFound() will return true and this tells you that you can get that result and use it to control your robot. Here we extract the optimal control torques, const Eigen::VectorXd& trq_cmd = controller.getJointTorqueCommand(); and then send them to our robot, using robot specific functions.

If the controller fails to find a solution to the problem then controller.solutionFound() returns false, and you must implement some fallback strategy. By fallback, we mean some strategy to be used when we have no idea what torques to send to the robot. A simple but effective strategy, is to simply brake the robot and stop its motion.


If the optimal control problem has no solution it is generally because the tasks and constraints are ill-defined and not because no solution exists. For this reason, one can implement fallback strategies which are slightly more intelligent than simply stopping the robot. For example: - Compute KKT Solution and send to the robot (solutions without inequality constraints) - PID around the current position (to slow to a halt) - Switch controllers - etc.

Shutting Things Down

Once we are finished using the controller and want to bring everything to a stop, we need to gradually deactivate the tasks and constraints to avoid any erratic behaviors at the end of the motion. To do so, we start by deactivating the tasks and constraints:

We then need to update the controller so the tasks and constraints can slowly ramp down to total deactivation.

Our controller is now deactivated and can be deleted or destroyed without any issues.

Typically at the end of the execution you would either stop the robot or put it into some robot-specific control mode (position control, gravity compensation, etc.).


In this example you have seen all of the necessary steps to getting an ORCA controller up and running. In the next examples we will look at more realistic examples where the controller interacts with a robot/simulation.

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