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Sputnik Usage Example: Feature Selection

This project implements a feature selection for a nearest neighbor classifier (1-NN) based on a genetic algorithm using a so-called Merit measure as fitness function. An individual represents a feature combination where the selection state of a gene is encoded as one bit (1 = selected, 0 = not selected). The genetic algorithm evaluates those individuals using the Merit measure on 2/3 of the given samples. The final population is tested using the 1-NN classifier on the remaining 1/3 of the given samples. The evaluation of each population is parallelized among the available workers of the Sputnik cluster.


The runnable feature selection program can be downloaded from here.


The project can be built from command line in the project root directory with Leiningen as follows.

$ lein uberjar

Sputnik setup

The Sputnik cluster can be configured and started from the included graphical user interface which is also able to generated a matching client configuration file. The graphical user interface is started with the following command.

$ java -jar feature-selection-1.0.2.jar setup

The documentation for the setup can be found in the Sputnik project.

Command line options (including algorithm parameters)

All available command line options can be listed via the following.

$ java -jar feature-selection-1.0.2.jar run -h

Usage: java -jar feature-selection-<VERSION>.jar run <OPTIONS> <FILES>

  -h, --help                            Show help.
  -P, --progress                        Show progress
  -M, --mode M                          Specifies how to run the algorithm: local or distributed
  -g, --generations G            100    Determines the number of generations for the genetic algorithm.
  -p, --population-size P        20     Determines the population size for the genetic algorithm.
  -s, --seed S                          Specifies the seed used for the PRNG.
  -1, --flip-one-probability P   0.5    Determines the probability to flip a 1 to 0 in the genetic algorithm.
  -0, --flip-zero-probability P  0.5    Determines the probability to flip a 0 to 1 in the genetic algorithm.
  -c, --crossover-probability P  0.05   Determines the crossover probability for the genetic algorithm.
  -o, --one-probability P        0.01   Determines the probability of a 1 in the construction of initial solutions for the genetic algorithm.
  -b, --keep-best B              0.01   Determines the portion of best solutions that is selected for the next generation of the genetic algorithm.
  -C, --client-config URL               Specifies the client configuration to be used for remote execution.
  -F, --folds URL                       Specifies a file containing the folds for the repeated cross validation in the fitness function of the genetic algorithm.
  -B, --batch-size BS            1      Specifies the number of evaluations put into one task (usefull for short running evaluations).
  -N, --output-best-solutions N  10     Specifies the number of best solutions that is printed.
  -r, --rescale-factor F                Specifies the rescale factor (if any) used in the selection of the genetic algorithm, usually (1,5].
  -E, --export-data FILE                Specifies the file to export the population data to.
  -A, --save-all-populations            Specifies that every population needs to be save to the given export file. Otherwise, only the final tested population is saved.
  -R, --repeat N                 1      Specifies the number of repetitions for the experiment. (Applies only when no --folds are given.)
  -Q, --quiet                           Disables the printing of the final population.
  -L, --log-level LEVEL          :info  Specifies the log level: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal


This section describes how the experiments in the paper were run (TODO: add paper citation).

Runtime Experiments

The runtime experiments were started as follows:

$ java -jar feature-selection-1.0.2.jar run data/west.csv --folds data/west_folds.txt \
--one-probability 0.01 --flip-one-probability 0.5 --flip-zero-probability 0.5 --crossover-probability 0.01 \
--keep-best 0.005 --population-size 10000 --generations 5 --rescale-factor 4 --seed 4711 \
--client-config <PATH/TO/client.cfg> --mode distributed --batch-size 5 \
--progress --quiet

Replace <PATH/TO/client.cfg> with the actual path to your client configuration file which you have generated via:

$ java -jar feature-selection-1.0.2.jar setup

The datasets that were used in our experiments are available in the data folder.

Feature Selection Experiments

The feature selection experiments were started as follows: (TODO: datasets and folds under directory "data"?)

$ java -jar feature-selection-1.0.2.jar run data/<DATASET>.csv --folds data/<DATASET>_folds.txt \
--one-probability 0.01 --flip-one-probability 0.5 --flip-zero-probability 0.5 --crossover-probability 0.01 \
--keep-best 0.005 --population-size 10000 --generations 200 --rescale-factor 4 \
--client-config ~/sputnik-config/client.cfg --mode distributed --batch-size 5 \
--progress --quiet --export-data <DATASET>.data

Where <DATASET> is one of: armstrong, golub, SHIPP2002_rma, west. The datasets are available in the data folder.


Copyright © 2014 Gunnar Völkel

This project is distributed under the Eclipse Public License.