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Cart-like end-user support for batching

An add-on for batch processing of objects in a Plone site. Objects can be added to a "cart" and then various batch actions can be perfomed on them with a single click, such as download, delete and copy.


To install slc.cart you simply add slc.cart to the list of eggs in your buildout, run buildout and restart Plone. Then, install slc.cart using the Add-ons control panel.


After successful installation two changes immediately become visible:

  • In site's Personal tools menu a link to Cart becomes available. This link also displays the current number of items in cart (in parentheses).
  • Add to Cart / Remove from Cart links appear in document byline of those objects, for which the link is applicable.

The link in Personal tools menu points to a new @@cart view, which lists the curent Cart contents and provides links to various actions that can be performed in batch on all items in Cart.

List of Actions

Add items in cart to clipboard. This is similar to Plone's copy operation with the advantage that items (objects) being copied do not have to reside in the same container, they can be scattered all over the site.
Very similar to Copy action, but items in cart are cut to clipboard instead. The difference becomes apparent on subsequent Paste operation - if the items have been cut, they will be removed from their original containers, while the copy operation would not touch the original object instances in their containers.

Download all items currently in cart (packed in a ZIP archive).

NOTE: Only items that are "downloadable" will be included in the archive. For example images, PDF documents and other files are all fine, while content types such as News Items and Folders will be skipped.

Delete all items that are currently in cart from the portal. Also empty the cart itself along the way. Be careful not to accidentally delete something you really didn't intend to.
Clear Cart
This one is self-explanatory. Remove all items from cart so that it becomes empty, while not affecting items themselves in any way.

Providing a custom action

You can provide your own Cart action in your own package by creating an adapter for ISiteRoot that provides the ICartAction interface. All actions in slc.cart are already made this way so take them as a point of reference.