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Supervised learning

(strike-out like abc abc abc not needed for exam)


data: X (n observations/examples, p predictors/features), y (output/labels) - regression: y numeric, classification: y categorical (most often binary)

train: learn/fit f from data (model/input-output mapping)

score: for new input x predict output f(x)

methods/models/algorithms: linear regression (LR), logistic regression (linear classification), k nearest neighbors (KNN), decision trees (DT), random forests (RF), gradient boosted machines (GBM), neural networks (NN), deep learning neural networks (DL), naive Bayes (NB), support vector machines (SVM) etc.


goal: maximize accuracy/minimize generalization error (on new data)

accuracy/error metrics: regression: mean squared error, classification: error, confusion matrix (TP, FP, TN, FN), ROC curve, AUC

bad: measure error on train set, must: measure error on hold-out/test set or using cross validation (e.g. K-fold) - principle: data used for training can't be used for evaluation (would underestimate error)

hyperparameters, model complexity/flexibility/degrees of freedom - as complexity increases, train error decreases, test error U-shape (some optimal value/range)

too complex: overfitting (and in conjunction with measuring error on train set it is the biggest mistake in machine learning)

model selection: grid/random search, select best model using validation set/cross validation, evaluate best model using separate hold-out/test set - principle: data used for training can't be used for model selection, data used for model selection can't be used for model evaluation - general principle: data used for some optimization can't be used for evaluation (would underestimate error)


how the training/algos work: minimize error metric/loss function on the train set in a given class of functions usually in steps/iterations ("learning")

regularization: add penalty for complexity to the loss function (in order to avoid overfitting)


linear regression: analytical solution or gradient descent

trees: recursive splits on variables based on best loss function/impurity measure change (greedy optimization)

bagging: boostrap data, build trees, aggregate

random forest: bagging with random subset of variable at each split)

Adaboost: build successive trees by up-weighting the errors, combine the trees

GBM: build successive trees with steepest descent in functional space

neural networks: backpropagation (gradient descent) + lots of tricks (adaptive, momentum etc.)

SVM: kernel trick, convex optimization

KNN: (special case:) no training, computation at scoring time only

Complexity params:
  • tree: depth
  • random forest: ~none
  • GBM: # of trees (+learning rate, depth of trees)
  • neural nets: # layers/neurons/weights
  • SVM: 1/cost
  • KNN: 1/k
  • linear models (if regularized): sum of squared/absolute coeffs
  • tree: pruning
  • random forest: ~auto
  • GBM: early stopping
  • neural networks: L1, L2, dropout, early stopping
  • ~~SVM: ~auto~~
  • linear models: L1 (lasso), L2 (ridge)


Most accurate: GBM, RF, NN (DL on images/speach), SVM + ensembles of them
Less accurate: LR, tree, KNN, NB