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Pandas Cookbook 🐼🥘📗

How to perform various data cleaning and manipulation tasks in Pandas.

The project comprises of the following:

  • Jupyter notebook
  • this README containing examples
  • and in the future a collection of Kata challanges on CodeWars

The link to the CodeWars Pandas collection will be provided here.


  1. How to run
  2. Learning Materials
  3. Modules
  4. Configurations
  5. Cookbook
  • 5.1. Creating data types: Series
  • 5.2. Creating data types: DataFrame
  • 5.3. Loading files into a DataFrame: CSV
  • 5.4. Loading files into a DataFrame: JSON
  • 5.5. Accessing values: Series
  • 5.6. Accessing values: DataFrame
  • 5.7. Data Manipulation: Adding rows to a DataFrame
  • 5.8. Data Manipulation: Adding columns to a DataFrame
  • 5.9. Data Manipulation: From wide to narrow format
  • 5.10. Data Manipulation: From narrow to wide format
  • 5.11. Data Manipulation: Inner join
  • 5.12. Data Manipulation: Left (Outer) join
  • 5.13. Data Manipulation: Right (Outer) join
  • 5.14. Data Manipulation: Full (Outer) join
  1. Warnings / Common Errors / Known Issues
  2. Tips
  3. Contact
  4. License

🚀 How to run

  1. Download the Jupyter notebook and associated files (my_file.csv and my_json.json)
  2. Place the files in the directory where the notebook is located
  3. Run the Jupyter notebook

🎓 Learning Materials

📦 Modules

import pandas as pd

⚙ Configurations

To check the version of Pandas installed run the following in the console:


📝 Cookbook

Creating data types

🐼 Pandas offers 1-dimensional Series, 2-dimensional DataFrames and used to offer 3-dimensional Panels, that were deprected (since version 0.20.0) in favour of representing 3-D data with a MultiIndex on a DataFrame via the to_frame() method or with the xarray package. Here we deal briefly with Series and extensively with DataFrames.

1. Creating data types: Series

  • Series is created with the pd.Series() method
  • pd.Series() method takes list or dictionary as data argument
  • Elements in a series are labelled
  • By default labels are integers 0, 1, 2, ...
  • To make custom labels you must provide a second "index" argument to the pd.Series() method
  • If pd.Series() is fed with a dictioanry, then keys become labels
# Creating data type: Series

# providing a list as data argument, default labels
my_series_list = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
print(my_series_list) # default labels are integers 0, 1, 2, ...

# providing a list as data argument, custom labels
my_series_list_custom = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index = ["a", "b", "c"])
print(my_series_list_custom) # to make custom labels provide a second "index argument"

# providing a dictionary as data argument
my_series_dict = pd.Series({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c":3})
print(my_series_dict) # keys become labels

2. Creating data types: DataFrame

  • DataFrame is created using the pd.DatFrame() method
  • pd.DataFrame() method takes either Series, dictionary, or another DataFrame as the data argument
  • Additionally, some file types like .CSV or .JSON can be imported as a DataFrame (using read_csv() and read_json() functions, more on that later)
  • One can create multi-column data frame from Series if it's a dictionary of Series
  • When providing a dictionary to pd.DataFrame() the keys become column names
  • For multi-row data frame, the values in supplied dictionary must be lists of values
  • Apart from the data argument, pd.DatFrame() takes arguments "index" and "columns"
  • The optional "index" argument is for labelling rows
  • The optional "columns" argument is for selecting which columns from the data argument to include
# data frame from a series
my_df_series = pd.DataFrame(my_series_list)
print(my_df_series) # contains only one column

# data frame from a dictionary of series
my_df_series_2 = pd.DataFrame({"a": my_series_list, "b": my_series_list})

# data frame from a dictionary
my_df_dict = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [3, 4], "c":[5, 6]})

# custom row labels with the "index" argument
my_df_labels = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [3, 4], "c":[5, 6]}, index = ["first_row", "second_row"])

# selecting columns with the "colums" argument
my_df_columns = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [3, 4], "c":[5, 6]}, columns = ["a", "b"])

Loading files

🐼 With Pandas you can read files of multiple types (full list here), but in most cases the users needs to read CSV, JSON, XML and MS EXCEL. These 4 are accomplished with: read_csv(), read_json(), read_xml() and read_excel() respectively. Pandas even offers reading of big data fromats such as Apache Parquet, Optimized Row Columnar or Feather (read_parquet(), read_orc() and read_feather()).

3. Loading files into a DataFrame: CSV

  • .CSV file can be loaded as DataFrame using the pd.read_csv() method
  • The most important argument of pd.read_csv() is "filepath"
  • A commonly used parameter is "names" used to specify which columns from the csv file to load to the newly created DataFrame
  • Other arguments can help with things like specifying headers, separator etc. other arguments
# loading a CSV file
my_csv = pd.read_csv("my_file.csv", names = ["A", "B"])
print(my_csv) # The parameter "names" is optional and used to specify which columns to load from the file

4. Loading files into a DataFrame: JSON

my_json = pd.read_json("my_json.json")


5. Accessing values: Series

  • You use square bracket notation to access elements in a Series
  • You can access values by referring to its label
x = my_series_list_custom["b"]
  • Or by refering to its position (bearing in mind that Python starts counting at 0)
y = my_series_list_custom[2]
  • The square bracket notation can also be used to set values
my_series_list_custom[0] = 100
  • You can also use semicolon inside the square brackets to select ranges of values (bearing in mind that end is not included)
z = my_series_list_custom[0:2]
  • You can use the colon without start or end index
# This is what will happen if you won't supply the end index
o = my_series_list_custom[1:]
print(o) # [2, 3]

# This is what will happen if you won't supply the start index
e = my_series_list_custom[:2]
print(e) # [100,2]
  • You can use logic inside the square bracket notation
b = my_series_list_custom[my_series_list_custom > 50]
print(b) # 100

w = my_series_list_custom[my_series_list_custom  != 100]
print(w) # [2, 3]

6. Accessing values: DataFrame

  • You can use square bracket notation to access columns of a DataFrame
test_df = pd.DataFrame({"col_a": [1, 2, 3], "col_b": ["a", "b", "c"]})

# Output a single column selected by its name

# Output multiple columns selected by their name (provide a list of names)
print(test_df[["col_a", "col_b"]]) 
  • To access rows you need to use .loc[] attribute
# Accessing rows using the .loc[] attribute
print(test_df.loc[0]) # col_a    1, col_b    a
print(test_df.loc[1]) # col_a    2, col_b    b
print(test_df.loc[2]) # col_a    3, col_b    c
# In each case the output is a Series
  • The .loc[] attribute can be used for setting values as well
test_df.loc[1] = 200
#    col_a col_b
# 0      1     a
# 1    200   200
# 2      3     c
* To return multiple rows using .loc[] one supplies a list inside the square brackets notation
print(test_df.loc[1:2]) # The output is a DataFrame
  • If rows in a DataFrame are labelled then you can refer to their names in the .loc[] attribute
  • QUESTION: What is the difference between .loc[] and .iloc[] attributes?
# both return:
# col_a    1
# col_b    a
* ANSWER: loc selects rows by their labels, while iloc selects rows by their integer location
# If a DataFrame has custom row names:
#             a  b  c
# first_row   1  3  5
# second_row  2  4  6
# Then to select first row one uses:
  • You can supply a second argument the .loc[] attribute to make selection on specified column/columns
print(test_df.loc[0:1, "col_a"])         # Returns a Series
print(test_df.loc[0:1, "col_a":"col_b"]) # Returns a DataFrame
  • You can perform similar operation using .iloc[] attribute (bearing in mind that the end index is not included)
print(my_df_labels.loc["first_row":"second_row", "a":"b"])
# is the same as:
print(my_df_labels.iloc[0:2, 0:2])
  • You can use semicolons or provide lists as first two arguments:
print(my_df_labels.iloc[0:2, 0:2])
# is the same as:
print(my_df_labels.iloc[[0, 1], [0, 1]])
  • Semicolon without start and end means all
print(my_df_labels.iloc[[0, 1], :])
# Which is equivalent to leaving second argument empty
print(my_df_labels.iloc[[0, 1], ])
  • QUESTION: What are .at[] and .iat[] attributes?
# For a DataFrame
#             a  b  c
# first_row   1  3  5
# second_row  2  4  6

print(my_df_labels.iloc[1, 1])
print(my_df_labels.iat[1, 1])

# Both seemingly return the same value 4

print(type(my_df_labels.iloc[1, 1]))
print(type(my_df_labels.iat[1, 1]))

# Output types is also the same: <class 'numpy.int64'>
  • ANSWER: PERFORMANCE. at and iat are very fast versions of loc and iloc source
  • While loc and iloc are meant to access multiple values, at and iat are used to access single values from DataFrames
  • at takes arguments: row label and column name
print(["second_row", "b"])
  • iat takes argument: row integer positon, column integer position
print(my_df_labels.iat[1, 1])
  • You can use logic inside the square bracket notation
print(my_df_labels[my_df_labels["a"] == 2])
print(my_df_labels[my_df_labels > 2])         # Returns DataFrame with NaN where conditon is not met

7. Data Manipulation: Adding rows to a DataFrame

  • You can add a new row by the means of simple assignment:
#             a  b  c
# first_row   1  3  5
# second_row  2  4  6

my_df_labels.loc["third_row"] = {"a":3, "b":5, "c":7}
#             a  b  c
# first_row   1  3  5
# second_row  2  4  6
# third_row   3  5  7
  • To add a new row to a DataFrame use pd.concat() method
  • The concat() methods takes a list of data frames as data argument
# You can assign the newly created DatFrame to a new variable
new_df = pd.concat([test_df, n_row])

# Or you can overwrite the old data frame
test_df = pd.concat([test_df, n_row])

8. Data Manipulation: Adding columns to a DataFrame

  • You can add columns to a DataFrame using the simple assignment
# For a data frame that looks like this:
n_row = pd.DataFrame({"col_a": [4, 8], "col_b": ["d", "e"]})
# We could do the following:
n_row["col_c"] = pd.DataFrame({"col_c": [True]})
n_row["col_d"] = 100
n_row["col_d"] = [1, 2]
#     col_a col_b col_c  col_d
# 0      4     d  True      1
# 1      8     e   NaN      2

9. Data Manipulation: From wide to narrow format

In a wide format we have an identyfing column (e.g. Person) and every variable present in the table gets its own column:

df_wide = pd.DataFrame({"Person": ["Bob", "Alice", "Steve"], "Age": [32, 24, 64], "Weight": [75, 66, 102], "Height": [180, 175, 165]})
#   Person  Age  Weight  Height
# 0    Bob   32      75     180
# 1  Alice   24      66     175
# 2  Steve   64     102     165
  • Use pd.melt() method to reshape wide data into narrow format
print(pd.melt(df_wide, id_vars = "Person"))
#   Person variable  value
# 0    Bob      Age     32
# 1  Alice      Age     24
# 2  Steve      Age     64
# 3    Bob   Weight     75
# 4  Alice   Weight     66
# 5  Steve   Weight    102
# 6    Bob   Height    180
# 7  Alice   Height    175
# 8  Steve   Height    165
  • pd.melt() method takes a DataFrame as first argument and id_vars as second argument
  • The id_vars serves to identify which column is an identyfing column
  • more on the melt() method in the docs

10. Data Manipulation: From narrow to wide format

In a narrow format we have 3 columns: identifying, variable and value:

df_narrow = pd.DataFrame({"Person": ["Bob", "Bob", "Bob", "Alice", "Alice", "Alice", "Steve", "Steve", "Steve"],
                         "Variable": ["Age", "Weigth", "Height", "Age", "Weigth", "Height", "Age", "Weigth", "Height"],
                         "Value": [32, 75, 180, 24, 66, 175, 64, 102, 165]})
#   Person Variable  Value
# 0    Bob      Age     32
# 1    Bob   Weigth     75
# 2    Bob   Height    180
# 3  Alice      Age     24
# 4  Alice   Weigth     66
# 5  Alice   Height    175
# 6  Steve      Age     64
# 7  Steve   Weigth    102
# 8  Steve   Height    165
  • Use pd.melt() method to reshape a narrow table to a wide table
print(df_narrow.pivot(index = ["Person"], columns = ["Variable"], values = ["Value"]))
#                  Value              
# Variable   Age Height Weigth
# Person                      
# Alice       24    175     66
# Bob         32    180     75
# Steve       64    165    102
  • The pivot() method takes 3 arguments: index, columns and values
  • "index" parameter is the identifying column
  • "columns" parameter is the variable that contains names of variables relating to each case
  • "value" parameter is for the column with values of each variable of each case

Standard Joins

  • All the SQL-like joins are performed using the pd.merge() method
  • The pd.merge() methods takes three obligatory arguments: table 1, table 2 and how parameter
  • The how parameter is to specify the type of join (inner, left, right or outer)

Let's look at the sample data frames:

# table 1
df_1 = pd.DataFrame({"var_1": ["A", "B", "C"], "var_2": [1, 2, 3]})
#   var_1  var_2
# 0     A      1
# 1     B      2
# 2     C      3
# table 2
df_2 = pd.DataFrame({"var_1": ["A", "B", "D"], "var_3": [True, False, True]})
#   var_1  var_3
# 0     A   True
# 1     B  False
# 2     D   True
  • They share only one column name: "var_1"
  • For "var_1" they share two values: "A" and "B"

11. Data Manipulation: Inner join

  • The "on" parameter is optional
print(pd.merge(df_1, df_2, how = "inner", on = "var_1")) # on parameter is optional it asks for a shared variable
#   var_1  var_2  var_3
# 0     A      1   True
# 1     B      2  False
  • Inner join looks at var_1 in both tables and outputs rows such that values are matched in both tables

12. Data Manipulation: Left (Outer) join

print(pd.merge(df_1, df_2, how = "left"))
#   var_1  var_2  var_3
# 0     A      1   True
# 1     B      2  False
# 2     C      3    NaN
  • The left join will include all the columns and values from table_1
  • Where the matching variable (var_1) is not matched in table_2, there for these variables NaN will appear

13. Data Manipulation: Right (Outer) join

print(pd.merge(df_1, df_2, how = "right"))
#   var_1  var_2  var_3
# 0     A    1.0   True
# 1     B    2.0  False
# 2     D    NaN   True
  • The right join will necessarily include all the columns and values from table_2
  • Where matching variable (var_1) is not matched in table_1, there for these variables NaN will appear
  • Right join will become a Left join if you swap the order of tables in the pd.merge() method

14. Data Manipulation: Full (Outer) join

print(pd.merge(df_1, df_2, how = "outer"))
#   var_1  var_2  var_3
# 0     A    1.0   True
# 1     B    2.0  False
# 2     C    3.0    NaN
# 3     D    NaN   True
  • In the outer join the output table will contain all the columns from both tables
  • If for a given case/matching variable (var_1 here) there is no variable or match then NaN will apear

🚧 Warnings / Common Errors / Known Issues

⚠️ The "column" argument in pd.DataFrame() method is not for renaming columns

It is used to select which columns from the underlying data to include in the newly created DataFrame.

my_df_columns = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [3, 4], "c":[5, 6]}, columns = ["a", "b"])

To rename columns in a DataFrame use pd.rename() method or columns() attribute:

# Using the pd.rename() method
my_df_columns.rename(columns = {'a':'new_a', 'b':'new_b'}, inplace = True)

# Using the columns() attribute
my_df_columns.columns = ["newest_a", "newest_b"]

⚠️ The "names" argument in pd.read_csv() method is not for renaming columns

It is used to select which columns from the underlying file to load to the newly created DataFrame.

my_csv = pd.read_csv("my_file.csv", names = ["A", "B"])
# If the file contains columns "A", "B" and "C", then the above line will skip column "C"

⚠️ When indexing a range, the end index is not included

If my_series_list_custom is the following Series:

a 100 b 2 c 3

Then in order to select the first two values (100 and 2) one should write:

z = my_series_list_custom[0:2] # 0, 1, 2

As opposed to:

z = my_series_list_custom[0:1] # 0, 1

This is because the end index is not included.

⚠️ loc is an attribute not a methods so use square brackets [] not round brackets ()

Since loc is an attribute one uses square brackets to access rows of a DataFrame in the fashion below:

row_zero = test_df.loc[0]
test_df.loc[1] = 200

⚠️ concat() is not a method or attribute of DataFrame object but belongs to pd instead

You cannot add a new row to a data frame by writing:

new_df = old_df.concat(new_row)

You'll get an error saying that the concat() is not DataFrame's attribute

Instead you use concat() from pd:

new_df = pd.concat([old_df, new_df])

⚠️ while melt() is a method of pd, it's opposite pivot() is a method of DataFrame

To change from wide to narrow format refer to pd's method melt():

pd.melt(df_wide, id_vars = "Person")

When performing the opposite operation, that is when going from narrow to wide refer to DataFrame's method pivot():

df_narrow.pivot(index = ["Person"], columns = ["Variable"], values = ["Value"])

📧 Contact

📄 License

MIT License ©️ 2019-2020 Kamil Szymkowski


"How to do x" in Pandas







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