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BitBag SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin

A bridge between Sylius and Vue Storefront.

About us

At BitBag we do believe in open source. However, we are able to do it just beacuse of our awesome clients, who are kind enough to share some parts of our work with the community. Therefore, if you feel like there is a possibility for us working together, feel free to reach us out. You will find out more about our professional services, technologies and contact details at

Overall info

This document assumes that you are already familiar with Vue Storefront and its technology stack.
If that's not the case please check VSF Documentation and GitHub repository.

Please also check Sylius Documentation and Sylius-Standard if you are new to Sylius.

Depending on your preferences, the plugin can also fully replace VSF API - you will only need VSF front app if you choose so.
Sylius ShopBundle is also no longer needed as Vue Storefront will be your new ... Storefront. :)

Vue Storefront + Sylius Demo

We've created a demo app that showcases usage of this plugin. Visit to check it out!
The Sylius admin panel is accessible at Admin credentials: sylius : sylius.



We work on stable, supported and up-to-date versions of packages. We recommend you to do the same.
Please also check Vue Storefront requirements.

Package Version
PHP 7.3 (>= 7.2)
MySQL 8.0.x (>= 5.7)
Elasticsearch 6.8.x
Vue Storefront 1.11

Important note
Please inspect files stored in tests/Application directory (especially config subdirectory)
to make sure that you fully understand installation steps written below.

We recommend you to disable Sylius ShopBundle as you will no longer need it.
Please refer to Sylius Documentation - How to disable Sylius shop? for details.

First, add this plugin as dependency to your Sylius project.

$ composer require bitbag/vue-storefront-plugin

Add plugin to config/bundles.php:

return [
    FOS\ElasticaBundle\FOSElasticaBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    BitBag\SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin\SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
    Lexik\Bundle\JWTAuthenticationBundle\LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Gesdinet\JWTRefreshTokenBundle\GesdinetJWTRefreshTokenBundle::class => ['all' => true],

    // Optional, for handling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) requests 
    Nelmio\CorsBundle\NelmioCorsBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Add few variables to your .env file:

APP_CHANNEL_CODE="<code of Sylius channel you want to use>"



// Optionally, when using Nelmio CORS Bundle

To generate JWT public and secret keys please run commands below in Sylius' project directory:

$ mkdir -p config/jwt
$ openssl genpkey -out config/jwt/private.pem -aes256 -algorithm rsa -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
$ openssl pkey -in config/jwt/private.pem -out config/jwt/public.pem -pubout

Then set value of JWT_PASSPHRASE environment variable with passphrase that you've entered during running commands above.

Now it is time to edit config/packages/security.yaml file.

Add line below to parameters at the top of the file: "^/vsbridge"

Add code below to security -> firewall part:

            pattern: ""
            stateless: true
            anonymous: true
            provider: sylius_shop_user_provider
                provider: sylius_shop_user_provider
                check_path: /vsbridge/user/login
                password_path: password
                success_handler: bitbag_sylius_vue_storefront_plugin.lexik_jwt_authentication.handler.authentication_success
                failure_handler: bitbag_sylius_vue_storefront_plugin.lexik_jwt_authentication.handler.authentication_failure
                require_previous_session: false

            pattern: ""
            stateless: true
            anonymous: true
            provider: sylius_shop_user_provider
                provider: sylius_shop_user_provider
                    - lexik_jwt_authentication.jwt_token_authenticator

Add line below to security -> access_control part:

Now go to config/routes.yaml file in your Sylius app and paste there:

    resource: "@SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yaml"

Create new file gesdinet_jwt_refresh_token.yaml (or name it however you like) inside config/packages directory and paste inside it:

    firewall: vs_bridge
    token_parameter_name: refreshToken
    user_provider: sylius_shop_user_provider

Paste lines below inside config/packages/lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml:

    secret_key: '%env(resolve:JWT_SECRET_KEY)%'
    public_key: '%env(resolve:JWT_PUBLIC_KEY)%'
    pass_phrase: '%env(JWT_PASSPHRASE)%'

            enabled: true
            name: token

Copy etc/vsf-config/local.json file from this repository to config/local.json of Vue Storefront project directory.
In that file you only need to replace every occurence of <insert-your-hostname> with URL of your store.
You don't have to change anything else as sensible defaults are provided by us, that are proven to work in Vue Storefront v1.11.
If your configuration settings differ from defaults provided with the plugin and you run into problems don't hesitate to create issue on GitHub or contact us directly at


VueStorefront fetches data in two ways - statically and dynamically.
Less frequently updated data is stored in Elasticsearch:

  1. Products
  2. Categories (Sylius taxons)
  3. Attributes (Sylius product options)

Everything else is fetched dynamically using provided API, including:

  • customers' accounts (Sylius Customer, ShopUser)
  • carts, orders (Sylius Order)
  • shipping methods
  • payment methods
  • and more ...


Everything related to Elasticsearch is contained within Elastisearch with the exception of FOS Elastica Bundle configuration which can be found in src/Resources/config/indexes directory.
To have the data from Sylius mapped in ES, we have created Transformers providing object translations to ES indexes.
Schema of indexes is described in files stored in Document directory.

It's important to note once again that only Elasticsearch 6 is fully supported currently.
Support for ES 7 is on the way - once ruflin/elastica and FOSElasticaBundle start supporting it, we will as well.

Using the plugin within Sylius Standard app, with VSF

It is no surprise that you must have products, taxons etc. within your Sylius instance to benefit from VSF.
Therefore we assume that you have a shop already running.
If it's not the case you might want to run commands below on freshly cloned Sylius Standard repository:

$ composer install 
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
$ php bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
$ php bin/console sylius:fixtures:load

.. to add all needed entities from fixtures to database.

Only then you can run

$ php bin/console fos:elastica:populate

to populate Elasticsearch indexes and let refresher contained within the plugin to automatically update the data in ES in real time.

Extending the plugin

Extending requests, commands/queries

The easiest way to extend the existing request classes and add new properties is to inherit from them.
Because of the way we denormalize incoming requests, you don't need constructor in that class. You must only:

  • add public properties to the class
  • override getCommand() or getQuery() method

Optionally you may want to add constraint to your properties that would validate incoming data.
We use separate .xml files for that as you can see in src/Resources/config/validation directory.

For example let's add locale to the coupon:

use BitBag\SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin\Request\Cart\ApplyCouponRequest;

final class ApplyLocalizedCouponRequest extends ApplyCouponRequest
    /** @var string */
    pubic $locale;

    public function getCommand(): CommandInterface
        return new ApplyCoupon($this->token, $this->cartId, $this->coupon, $this->locale);

In the same manner the command would need to be created extending the ApplyCoupon class.
Then you only need to change one parameter in the configuration file:

        apply_coupon: \AddLocalizedCouponRequest

Extending handlers

The main way to extend a handler is to decorate it. This makes adding functionality before and after the handler easy.
Please check example of extending view below and/or follow Symfony Documentation - How to Decorate Services guide.

However, if you want to change the logic in the handler, you need to overwrite it.
This can be done by registering the new handler with the same service id.
Do not just add it with a new service id otherwise, it will execute both handlers.

Extending views

When extending the views, two places need to be modified - view class and view factory.

ViewFactories should be decorated just like Handlers mentioned above. You can also completely override them if you prefer to do so.

use BitBag\SyliusVueStorefrontPlugin\Factory\Cart\Totals\TotalsViewFactoryInterface;

class NiceTotalViewFactory implements TotalViewFactoryInterface
    private $innerTotalViewFactory;

    public function __construct(TotalsViewFactoryInterface $innerTotalViewFactory)
        $this->innerTotalViewFactory = $innerTotalViewFactory;

    public function create(OrderInterface $order): NiceTotalView
        /** @var NiceTotalView $totalView */
        $totalView = $this->innerTotalViewFactory->createNew();

        $totalView->nicePersonDiscount = $orderInterface->getNiceDiscount();

        return $totalView;

You need to define this service in xml (or yaml) file:

<service class="NiceTotalView" id="app.factory.nice_total_view_factory"
       <argument type="service" id="app.factory.nice_total_view_factory.inner" />

and change the view class in configuration file:

        totals: \NiceTotalView

Additional reading resources for developers

To be able to contribute to the plugin make sure that you familiarize yourself with:

Additionally you might want to get to know VSF better:


Sylius bridge for Vue Storefront






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Contributors 4

