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Installing on Raspberry Pi

Akashdeep Dhar edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 3 revisions


Raspberry Pi SBC comes with a variety of instruction sets - some of which are armv6 (Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Zero W), armhf (Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3B etc.) and aarch64 (Raspberry Pi 3B, Raspberry Pi 4B etc.). Packaging them for each and every architecture can be a pain. I would be packaging them for the given instruction sets but it would be some time before that happens.

Till then, Raspberry Pi users can make use of the script provided here.


The following devices were tested for support.

  1. Raspberry Pi Zero W
    1. [armv6] Arch Linux ARM
    2. [armv6] Raspberry Pi OS
    3. [armv6] Raspberry Pi OS Lite
    4. [armv6] DietPi
  2. Raspberry Pi 3B and 3B+
    1. [armhf] Arch Linux ARM
    2. [armhf] Raspberry Pi OS
    3. [armhf] Raspberry Pi OS Lite
    4. [armhf] DietPi
    5. [armhf] Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
    6. [armhf] Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
    7. [aarch64] Arch Linux ARM
    8. [aarch64] Raspberry Pi OS Beta
    9. [aarch64] Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
    10. [aarch64] Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  3. Raspberry Pi 4B
    1. [armhf] Arch Linux ARM
    2. [armhf] Raspberry Pi OS
    3. [armhf] Raspberry Pi OS Lite
    4. [armhf] DietPi
    5. [armhf] Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
    6. [armhf] Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
    7. [aarch64] Arch Linux ARM
    8. [aarch64] Raspberry Pi OS Beta
    9. [aarch64] Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
    10. [aarch64] Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
    11. [aarch64] Manjaro ARM

I could not test on other single-board computers from Raspberry Pi Foundation and from other providers because I do not own them. Many distributions in the likes of Fedora ARM, were left untested but as long as you can get python3 on your installation - SYSMON is most likely going to work.

Executing as an application

You may run SYSMON as an application on Raspberry Pi in the following way.

Using the script

  • Install python3 and pip with your GNU/Linux distribution-specific package managers.
  • Install and upgrade virtualenv if not already done by executing pip3 install virtualenv --user.
  • Clone the repository on your local drive and make it your current working directory.
  • Create a virtual environment by executing virtualenv venv.
  • Activate the virtual environment by executing source venv/bin/activate.
  • Install all dependencies for the project by executing pip3 install -r requirements.txt.
  • Run the project server by executing python3 -p 6969 -6. This runs the webserver at port 6969 and is accessible via all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
  • Tweak the service with the help of command line arguments to run it with the options of your liking.
  -p, --portdata TEXT  Set the port value [0-65536]
  -6, --ipprotv6       Start the server on an IPv6 address
  -4, --ipprotv4       Start the server on an IPv4 address
  --version            Show the version and exit.
  --help               Show this message and exit.
  • Take a note of the computer's IP address and make sure that it is reachable.
  • Visit http://<YOUR-IP-ADDRESS>:6969/primary from the other device (or http://localhost:6969/primary on the same PC).
  • Take a look at the different themes available, refresh the monitor or print reports when needed.
  • Select processes to open up modals - TERMINATE, KILL, SUSPEND and RESUME processes at will.
  • Press [Ctrl+C] on the terminal to stop the SYSMON server.
  • When done tinkering, deactivate the virtual environment by executing deactivate.

You may request for the addition of new features in the issues page but as the project is singlehandedly maintained - it might take time to develop on them.

Please consider forking the repository and contributing to its development. ❤️

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