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Releases: TabbycatDebate/tabbycat


19 Mar 23:28
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  • Added reminder to add own-institution conflicts in the Edit Database area
  • Other minor fixes


06 Feb 18:12
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  • Improved the printing of scoresheets and feedback forms on Chrome
  • Other minor fixes


22 Jan 11:01
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  • Add alert for users who try to do voting ballots on BP-configured tournaments
  • Fixed issue where draws of the "manual" type would not generate correctly
  • Fixed issue where a ballot's speaker names dropdown would contain both team's speakers when using formats with side selection
  • Fixed issue where scoresheets would not show correctly under some configurations
  • Improved display of really long motions when using the inbuilt motion-showing page
  • Other minor fixes


03 Dec 09:50
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  • Fixed issue where the 'prefix team name with institution name' checkbox would not be correctly saved when using the Simple Importer
  • Removed the scroll speed / text size buttons on mobile draw views that were making it difficult to view the table
  • Improved the display of the motions tab page on mobile devices and fixed an issue where it appeared as if only half the vetoes were made


27 Nov 00:18
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  • Fixes and improvements to diversity overview
    • Fixed average feedback rating from teams, it was previously (incorrectly) showing the average feedback rating from all adjudicators
    • Gender splits for average feedback rating now go by target adjudicator; this was previously source adjudicator
    • Persons with unknown gender are now shown in counts (but not score/rating averages); a bug had previously caused them to be incorrectly counted as zero
    • Improved query efficiency of the page
  • Improved the BP motions tab for out-rounds by specifying advancing teams as "top/bottom ½" rather than as 1st/4th and removed the average-points-per-position graphs that were misleading
  • Improved handling of long motions in the motion display interface
  • Fixed issue where creating BP tournaments using the wizard would create an extra break round given the size of the break specified
  • Fixed auto-allocation in consensus panels where there are fewer judges than debates in the round
  • Fixed reply speaker validity check when speeches are marked as duplicate
  • Prohibit assignment of teams to break categories of other tournaments in Edit Database area


21 Nov 06:27
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  • Fixed issue where results submission would crash if sides are unconfirmed
  • Fixed issue where scoresheets would not display properly for adjudicators who lack institutions
  • Fixed issue where the round history indicators in the Edit Adjudicators page would sometimes omit the "rounds ago" indicator

Iberian Lynx (2.0.0)

13 Nov 01:50
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  • British Parliamentary support
    • Full support for British Parliamentary format has been added and we're incredibly excited to see Tabbycat's unique features and design (finally) available as an option for those tabbing in the predominant global format
    • As part of the implementation of this format we've made significant improvements over existing tab software on how sides are allocated within BP draws. This means that teams are less likely to have 'imbalanced' proportions of side allocations (for example having many more debates as Opening Government than Closing Opposition)
    • We've added a new "Comparisons" page added to the documentation to outline some of the key differences between Tabbycat and other software in the context of BP tabbing
  • Refreshed interface design
    • The basic graphic elements of Tabbycat have had a their typography, icons, colours, forms, and more redesign for a more distinctive and clear look. We also now have an official logo!
    • The "Motions" stage of the per-round workflow has now been rolled into the Display area to better accommodate BP formats and consolidate the Draw/Motion 'release' process
    • Sidebar menu items now display all sub-items within a section, such as for Feedback, Standings, and Breaks
    • Better tablet and mobile interfaces; including a fully responsive sidebar for the admin area that maximises the content area
    • More explicit and obvious calls-to-action for the key tasks necessary to running a round, with better interface alerts and text to help users understand when and why to perform crucial actions
    • Redesigned motions tab page that gives a better idea of the sample size and distribution of results in both two- and three- team formats
  • Improved handling of Break Rounds ballots and sides allocation
    • The positions of teams within a break round are now created by the initial draw generation in an 'unset' state in recognition that most tournaments assign these manually (through say a coin toss). This should help clarify when showing break rounds draws when sides are or are not finalised
    • Break rounds ballots for formats where scores are not typically entered (i.e. BP) will only specify that you nominate the teams advancing rather than enter in all of the speakers' scores
  • Now, like Break Categories, you can define arbitrary Categories such as 'Novice' or 'ESL' to create custom Speaker tabs for groups of Speakers
  • You can now release an Adjudicators Tab showing test scores, final scores, and/or per-round feedback averages
  • Information Slides can now be added to the system; either for showing to an auditorium within Tabbycat or for displaying alongside the public list of motions and/or the motions tab
  • Teams and adjudicators are no longer required to have institutions; something that should be very useful when setting up small IVs and the like
  • Private URLs can now be incrementally generated. Records of sent mail are now also kept by Tabbycat, so that emails can be incrementally sent to participants as registration data changes
  • Quality of life improvements
    • After creating a new tournament you will now be prompted to apply a basic rules and public information preset
    • Better handling of errors that arise when a debate team is missing or where two teams have been assigned the same side
    • Fixed issue where the adjudicator feedback graphs would not sort along with their table
    • The Feedback Overview page now makes it more clear how the score is determined, the current distribution of scores, and how scores affect the distribution of chairs, panellists, and trainees
    • Speaker tabs now default to sorting by average, except for formats where we are certain that they must be sorted by total. The speaker tab page itself now prominently notes which setting is is currently using
    • 'Feedback paths' now default to a more permissive setting (rather than only allowing Chairs to submit feedback) and the Feedback Overview page will note that current configuration
    • Emails can be assigned to adjudicators and teams in the Simple Importer
    • More of the tables that allow you to set or edit data (such as the check-in tables for adjudicators, teams and venues) now automatically save changes
    • When adding/editing users extraneous fields have been hidden and the "Staff" and "Superuser" roles have new sub-text clarifying what they mean for users with those permissions
    • Team record pages now show cumulative team points, and if the speaker tab is fully released, speaker scores for that team in each debate

Backwards compatibility note: As hinted by the major version increment, Tabbycat instances running 1.x cannot be upgraded to 2.0 using a simple migration. This is because we've regenerated all the migrations from scratch, in order to reduce how many there are. If you try to migrate an existing 1.x instance, it will fail with an InconsistentMigrationHistory error. However, the database schema is still the same, after migrating to bea5828, you can delete the migration history using TRUNCATE django_migrations in the PostgreSQL client, and then fake all the migrations using dj migrate --fake. Needless to say, this should only be done with extreme caution and copious backups.


23 Oct 02:44
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  • Fixed issue where speaker standings with a large amount of non-ranking speakers would cause the page to load slowly or time-out.


14 Oct 06:22
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  • Added warning message when adjudicator scores are outside the expected range
  • Fixed handling of uniqueness failure in simple importer for teams


26 Sep 23:00
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  • Fix Vue dependency issue preventing Heroku installs after a dependency release
  • Fix issue with formatting non-numeric standings metrics
  • Fix behaviour of public tabs when all rounds are silent