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This is an updated version for Hobo 2.0 of "Dynamic Ajax select menus"
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iox committed Jan 6, 2013
1 parent c5f90f1 commit 97e08b9
Showing 1 changed file with 140 additions and 0 deletions.
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions doc/tutorials/dynamic_ajax_select_menus.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
# Dynamic Ajax select menus

This is an updated version for Hobo 2.0 of two older recipes
* [Ajax filtering on a partially completed form](
* [Dynamically populated select menus](

# Get the code

[The code for this recipe is available on github](

# Introduction

A common requirement in user-interfaces is to have the options available in one menu depend on the selection in another menu. For example, before you can select a city you have to select a country; on selecting the country the city menu is populated with cities from that country. This recipe shows how to accomplish exatly that using Hobo's ajax mechanism and a little custom JavaScript.

This is a "from scratch" recipe - we build an app from scratch that has this feature.

# Create the app

Get started as normal:

$ hobo new dynamic_menus

Then add some models. We'll have a project that belongs to both a city and a country:

$ hobo g resource project name:string
$ hobo g model country name:string
$ hobo g model city name:string

Now define the relationships as follows:

class Project
belongs_to :country
belongs_to :city

class City
belongs_to :country
has_many :projects

class Country
has_many :cities
has_many :projects
{: .ruby}

Create the initial database

hobo g migration

# Add some data

Let's use a migration to add some cities and contries

rails g migration populate_countries_and_cities

Here's the up migration (there's no need for a down in this case, since the schema doesn't change)

def up
countries = { "UK" => %w(London Birmingham Manchester Sheffield Bristol),
"USA" => ['Washington D.C.', 'New York', 'Los Angeles', 'San Fransisco'],
"France" => %w(Paris Nice Marseille Lyon Toulouse)

countries.each_pair do |country, cities|
c = Country.create :name => country
cities.each { |city| c.cities.create :name => city }
{: .ruby}

Don't forget to

$ rake db:migrate

OK - fire her up. Once you've signed up you'll see you have a regular "New Project" page, but *all* of the cities are in the cities menu. Not what we want.

# Customise the Project form

Here's a custom version of the project form that populates the city menu according to the projects country:

<extend tag="form" for="Project">
<old-form merge>
<field-list: fields="name, country, city">
<if test="&">
<select-one options="&"/>
<select disabled><option>First choose a country</option></select>
{: .dryml}

Try adding that to front_site.dryml and then create a project. The new project wont have a country, so the city menu will be disabled. But if you chose a country, create the project and then go to edit it, you should see the cities from that country in the city menu. We're making progress.

# Add the ajax magic

We now need to do three things to add the ajax behaviour and tie it all together:

- Put the city menu in an ajax 'part' so that it can be updated dynamically (<do>` is just a do nothing tag that can be used to add parts or params without changing the markup)

- Add a formlet capable of updating the 'part'

- Add some JavaScript to the country select onchange event to trigger the formlet

<extend tag="form" for="Project">
<old-form merge>
<field-list: fields="name, country, city">
<select-one onchange="
$('#city-menu-form #country-field').val(this.value);
$('#city-menu-form').hjq_formlet('submit')" />
<do part="city-menu">
<if test="&">
<select-one options="&"/>
<select disabled><option>First choose a country</option></select>
<formlet action="/projects" id="city-menu-form" updates="#city-menu">
<input id="country-field" name="project[country_id]" value="" type="hidden"/>
{: .dryml}

It should now all be working :o)

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