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github-viewer Build Status

Simple github viewer that allows you to search users by programming languages.

See demo (deployed on Heroku):


  GET /api/v1/users/:language # fetch users who are using this language

  GET /api/v1/users/:language?page=10 # fetch 10th page of users who are using this language

  # Response:

    users: [UserSchema],
    pagination: PaginationSchema

  UserSchema: object that represents user.
    login: String - login on github
    name: String - real name
    avatar_url: String - link to user's avatar
    followers: Number - number of followers

  PaginationSchema: object that represents pagination state
    total: Number - total pages in this query
    page: Number - current page


This is small API service that provides ability to search users on github based on languages that they are using.


Project is written in Javascript (Node.js) and uses Koa.js as a main framework. Application of Node.js >= 7.0.0 allows to use async/await which is a pretty nice and usefull feature from ES2017. +For testing use mocha and assert libraries are used, also there is a mock library called nock.


Currently for local development unauthorized github flow is used which allows to make only 60 requests per hour. If you want to get more requests locally, please specify CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET env variables. Check this for additional info.


You can run this application inside docker container. Please note that you still can set env variables using --env option.

$ docker build -t github-viewer .
$ docker run -ti --env CLIENT_ID=client_id -p 8080:8080 github-viewer