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71 lines (60 loc) · 2.45 KB

File metadata and controls

71 lines (60 loc) · 2.45 KB

Advance Usage Options

Custom settings

You can use a combination of command arguments and/or a configuration file to customise the downloader's behaviour.

Command options take precedence over the config file.

Command Options

Use livestream_dl -h to see the full list of available options.

  • -u/-username
    • The IG username to login with
  • -p/-password
    • The IG password to login with
  • -settings
    • File path to which to auth settings are saved
  • -o/-outputdir
    • Folder in which to save downloaded files
  • -commenters
    • List of commenters to collect comments from
  • -collectcomments
    • Collect comments from verified users
  • -nocleanup
    • Do not remove the temporary files downloaded
  • -openwhendone
    • Open assembled file in the default webbrowser
  • -mpdtimeout
    • Set timeout interval in seconds for mpd download
  • -downloadtimeout
    • Set timeout interval in seconds for segments download
  • -verbose
    • Enable verbose messages for debugging
  • -ffmpegbinary
    • Custom path to the ffmpeg binary
  • -skipffmpeg
    • Don't assemble downloaded files into an .mp4 file
  • -log
    • Save all messages to the log file path specified
  • -filenameformat
    • Specify a custom filename format. The default format '{year}{month}{day}_{username}_{broadcastid}_{broadcasttype}' will generate a filename like 20161231_johndoe_987654321_live.mp4
    • Custom variables supported:
      • {year}
      • {month}
      • {day}
      • {hour}
      • {minute}
      • {username}
      • {broadcastid}
      • {broadcasttype}
  • -noreplay
    • Don't download replay streams
  • -ignoreconfig
    • Ignore the config file if present
  • -version
    • Show current version and check for updates


  • livestream_dl -u "myloginusername" -p "mypassword" "myfavigacct"

    • Suppress the manual prompt for password
  • livestream_dl -u "myloginusername" -outputdir "C:\instagram_live_downloads\" "myfavigacct"

    • saves downloads to C:\instagram_live_downloads\
  • livestream_dl -u "myloginusername" -commenters johndoe janedoe -collectcomments "myfavigacct"

    • saves comments from verified users as well as 'johndoe' and 'janedoe'

Config File

You can specify default custom settings via a configuration file livestream_dl.cfg. A sample configuration file is available for reference.