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Releases: tahowallet/extension

v0.12.2 Towards a more perfect UX

17 Mar 21:54
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Key Changes

  • Copy Address!
  • Remove address
  • Refresh balance button
  • Ledger improvements
  • Automatic token balance update refreshing
  • SIWE signing with Ledger
  • Rebranding cont.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.12.1...v0.12.2

v0.12.1 Don't say "Etherium"!

10 Mar 16:01
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Key Changes

  • You can now swap ETH for ERC-20 (however not the reverse)
  • Sign-In with Ethereum is now available! A feature built by the community!
  • Some improvements for signing with Ledger
  • Better handling of multiple wallets - created in Tally, imported seed phrase, and imported ledger

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.12.1

v0.12.0 Ledger Support

02 Mar 15:32
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This release introduces Ledger support, including:

  • Creating a new wallet by importing existing Ledger wallet
  • Signing transactions from a Ledger

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.11.2...v0.12.0

v0.11.2 Pre-swap

12 Feb 01:58
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v0.11.2 Pre-swap Pre-release

Introducing a community preview of Tally Swap, the community-owned in-wallet swap service, as well as a slew of UI bugfixes and feature-flagged hardware wallet support.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.2

v0.11.0 A New Recovery

27 Jan 01:58
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The star of this release is 🌟 24-word recovery phrase generation 🌟 , ready for general consumption. Also included...

  • 🖊️ Signing typed data 🖊️
  • Asset metadata bugfixes 🐛 🥾
  • A ton of swaps work, including related refactors (feature-flagged)
  • A ton of hardware wallet work, included related refactors (feature-flagged)

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.2...v0.11.0

v0.10.2 Craft Table

11 Jan 02:19
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v0.10.2 Craft Table Pre-release

This release includes a number of bug fixes and stability improvements, including a fix to tighten up the CSP for Mozilla. Also included... importing a read-only account by ENS name, and recovery phrase generation (feature-flagged)!

What's Changed

  • 🧬 Fix dispatching importLegacyKeyring twice by @henryboldi in #789
  • feat: import read-only wallet by ens by @izayl in #786
  • 🗣 Clarify expecting a 12-word recovery phrase by @henryboldi in #794
  • 🙈 Fix styling issue hiding addresses in account switcher by @henryboldi in #798
  • Switch out the recovery phrase import illustration by @mhluongo in #799
  • 🦥 Precompile validators: Move validator generation from runtime to build time. by @greg-nagy in #796
  • Remove OnboardingDerivationPathSelect component from pages folder by @7alip in #788
  • 🆙 Have version bump script also update bug template by @henryboldi in #783
  • Add .DS_Store to .gitignore by @youfoundron in #807
  • "ENS domain" -> "ENS name" by @youfoundron in #808
  • chore: fix typo by @xwartz in #809
  • 📝 Create a recovery phrase/full account in Tally onboarding by @henryboldi in #801
  • 🪳 Fix for precompiled validation: refactor uniswap token list validation to use precompiled validators by @greg-nagy in #805

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.10.2

v0.10.1: Derived Pleasure

31 Dec 21:39
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This release includes a solution for generating additional addresses from an imported keyring, as well as performance and display improvements.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1

v0.10.0 Animaniacs

29 Dec 00:46
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v0.10.0 Animaniacs Pre-release

✨ Gorgeous new animations ✨ as well as a slew of bug fixes and developer experience improvements.

What's Changed

  • Pull updated ETH balance after transaction by @wojciech-turek in #752
  • Fix a bug where low balance ETH would be hidden by @wojciech-turek in #751
  • typo in provider-bridge by @kumavis in #755
  • 🔧 MacGyver Serialise: Fix redux devtools by extending with our BigInt format by @greg-nagy in #756
  • 🐦 Migratory Bird Treaty Act: Refactor the Redux store with a proposed migration mechanism by @mhluongo in #753
  • Moar Accounts Plz: Support additional address derivation in KeyringService by @mhluongo in #761
  • ✨ What in animation tarnation by @henryboldi in #759
  • 🛀🏾 No No No: fix new read-only accounts from appearing by @greg-nagy in #764

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v0.10.0

v0.9.2 dApptastic

22 Dec 22:36
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v0.9.2 dApptastic Pre-release

Includes a number of dApp connection and signing improvements, as well as some additional UI polish and a couple new features flagged for later.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.9.2

v0.9.1: Polish + gold

17 Dec 20:09
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v0.9.1: Polish + gold Pre-release

Includes a variety of UI fixes, support for rejecting dApp signatures,
and balance updates when transactions are submitted to catch any changes
from those transactions.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1