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Datadog APM Settings

About Datadog APM​

Start the tracer

tracer.Start starts the tracer with the given set of options.

import (

defer tracer.Stop()

In the deployment environment, the following three environment variables can be used.

  • DD_ENV

It might be better to be able to switch tracer off in the local environment.

Start the span for incoming requests

gintrace.Middleware do the following. ​

  • starts the span for a incoming request.
  • set the span to gin.Context.Request.Context()
import (
  gintrace ""
func main() {
  app := gin.New()
  app.Use(gintrace.Middleware(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", config.DataDog.Service, config.DataDog.Env)))

When using multiple gin middleware, it is preferable to start span as close to the front as possible.

  • To get accurate measurement data
  • The subsequent middlewares can output the logs linked with span ​

In particular, panic or runtime errors should be recovered before returning the process to gintrace.Middleware. This is because gintrace.Middleware does some tagging after the c.Next(). ​ ​ ​

Link the application logs with span

​ By adding the following fields to logs, you can link the application logs with the span. ​

span, isSpanExist := tracer.SpanFromContext(c.Request.Context())
if isSpanExist {
	zapFields = append(zapFields,
		zap.Uint64("dd.trace_id", span.Context().TraceID()),
		zap.Uint64("dd.span_id", span.Context().SpanID()))
zapLogger.Info("message", zapFields...)

Since it would be difficult to implement the above at all logging points, it might better to set the request logger to context as shown below.

// in pkgLogger package
func SetRequestLogger(ctx context.Context, l *zap.Logger) context.Context {
	return context.WithValue(ctx, requestLoggerKey, l)

// in SetRequestLogger middleware
c.Request = c.Request.WithContext(pkgLogger.SetRequestLogger(reqCtx, reqLogger))

​ ​

Link GORM logs with span

​ The GORM default logger is not designed with Datadog APM in mind. ​​

An example solution is shown below.

  1. Add a customized GORM logger based on the GORM default logger.
  2. The customized logger use the request logger.

But this solution will need to follow future changes to the GORM default logger.

Link panic logs with span

​ The gin.Recovery middleware doesn't support zap.Logger.

​ ​There is a library available for zap, but if you use it as is, you will get logs that are not linked with span.

An example solution is shown below.

  1. Add a customized middleware based on the gin-contrib/zap middleware.
  2. The customized middleware use the request logger instead of the normal zap.Logger.

But this solution will need to follow future changes to gin-contrib/zap. ​

Create custom span

If you want to make your own measurements, such as API execution for external systems or complex calculation logic, you can do the following. ​

span, ctx := tracer.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "")
defer span.Finish()
