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File metadata and controls

282 lines (183 loc) · 9.87 KB



Returns a Server instance and starts listening. All clients will be automatically logged in and validated against mojang's auth.

options is an object containing the properties :

  • port : default to 25565
  • host : default to undefined which means listen to all available ipv4 and ipv6 adresses (see for details)
  • kickTimeout : default to 10*1000 (10s), kick client that doesn't answer to keepalive after that time
  • checkTimeoutInterval : default to 4*1000 (4s), send keepalive packet at that period
  • online-mode : default to true
  • beforePing : allow customisation of the answer to ping the server does. It takes a function with argument response and client, response is the default json response, and client is client who sent a ping. It can take as third argument a callback. If the callback is passed, the function should pass its result to the callback, if not it should return.
  • beforeLogin : allow customisation of client before the success packet is sent. It takes a function with argument client and should be synchronous for the server to wait for completion before continuing execution.
  • motd : default to "A Minecraft server"
  • maxPlayers : default to 20
  • keepAlive : send keep alive packets : default to true
  • version : 1.8 or 1.9 : default to 1.8
  • customPackets (optional) : an object index by version/state/direction/name, see client_custom_packet for an example
  • errorHandler : A way to override the default error handler for client errors. A function that takes a Client and an error. The default kicks the client.
  • hideErrors : do not display errors, default to false
  • agent : a http agent that can be used to set proxy settings for yggdrasil authentication confirmation (see proxy-agent on npm)


Create a server instance for version of minecraft.

server.writeToClients(clients, name, params)

Write a packet to all clients but encode it only once.


This is a plain old JavaScript object. Add a key with the username you want to be exempt from online mode or offline mode (whatever mode the server is in).

Make sure the entries in this object are all lower case.


Javascript object mapping a Client from a clientId.


The amount of players currently present on the server.


The maximum amount of players allowed on the server.


The motd that is sent to the player when he is pinging the server


A base64 data string representing the favicon that will appear next to the server on the mojang client's multiplayer list.

connection event

Called when a client connects, but before any login has happened. Takes a Client parameter.

login event

Called when a client is logged in against server. Takes a Client parameter.


Returns a Client instance and perform login.

options is an object containing the properties :

  • username
  • port : default to 25565
  • auth : the type of account to use, either microsoft or mojang. default to 'mojang'
  • password : can be omitted
    • (microsoft account) leave this blank to use device code auth. If you provide a password, we try to do username and password auth, but this does not always work.
    • (mojang account) If provided, we auth with the username and password. If this is blank, and profilesFolder is specified, we auth with the tokens there instead. If neither password or profilesFolder are specified, we connect in offline mode.
  • host : default to localhost
  • clientToken : generated if a password is given
  • accessToken : generated if a password or microsoft account is given
  • authServer : auth server, default to
  • sessionServer : session server, default to
  • keepAlive : send keep alive packets : default to true
  • closeTimeout : end the connection after this delay in milliseconds if server doesn't answer to ping, default to 120*1000
  • noPongTimeout : after the server opened the connection, wait for a default of 5*1000 after pinging and answers without the latency
  • checkTimeoutInterval : default to 30*1000 (30s), check if keepalive received at that period, disconnect otherwise.
  • version : 1.8 or 1.9 or false (to auto-negotiate): default to 1.8
  • customPackets (optional) : an object index by version/state/direction/name, see client_custom_packet for an example
  • hideErrors : do not display errors, default to false
  • skipValidation : do not try to validate given session, defaults to false
  • stream : a stream to use as connection
  • connect : a function taking the client as parameter and that should client.setSocket(socket) and client.emit('connect') when appropriate (see the proxy examples for an example of use)
  • agent : a http agent that can be used to set proxy settings for yggdrasil authentication (see proxy-agent on npm)
  • profilesFolder : optional
    • (mojang account) the path to the folder that contains your launcher_profiles.json. defaults to your minecraft folder if it exists, otherwise the local directory. set to false to disable managing profiles
    • (microsoft account) the path to store authentication caches, defaults to .minecraft
  • onMsaCode(data) : (optional) callback called when signing in with a microsoft account with device code auth. data is an object documented here


Create a new client, if isServer is true then it is a server-side client, otherwise it's a client-side client. Takes a minecraft version as second argument.

client.write(name, params)

write a packet

client.end(reason, fullReason)

Ends the connection with reason or fullReason If fullReason is not defined, then the reason will be used.

fullReason is a JSON object, which represents chat message.


The internal state that is used to figure out which protocol state we are in during packet parsing. This is one of the protocol.states.


True if this is a connection going from the server to the client, False if it is a connection from client to server.


Returns the internal nodejs Socket used to communicate with this client.


A string representation of the client's UUID. Note that UUIDs are unique for each players, while playerNames, as of 1.7.7, are not unique and can change.


The user's username.


The user's session, as returned by the Yggdrasil system. (only client-side)


The player's profile, as returned by the Yggdrasil system. (only server-side)


The latency of the client, in ms. Updated at each keep alive.

packet event

Called with every packet parsed. Takes three params, the JSON data we parsed, , the packet metadata (name, state) and the initial buffer

raw event

Called with every packet, but as a buffer. Takes two params, the buffer and the packet metadata (name, state)

state event

Called when the protocol changes state. Takes the new state and old state as parameters.

session event

Called when user authentication is resolved. Takes session data as parameter.

per-packet events

Check out the minecraft-data docs to know the event names and data field names.

client.writeChannel(channel, params)

write a packet to a plugin channel

client.registerChannel(name, typeDefinition, [custom])

Register a channel name using the protodef typeDefinition and sending the register packet if custom is true.

Start emitting channel events of the given name on the client object.

client.unregisterChannel(name, [custom])

Unregister a channel name and send the unregister packet if custom is true.

Not Immediately Obvious Data Type Formats

Note : almost all data formats can be understood by looking at minecraft-data docs or minecraft-data protocol.json


Value looks like this:

  {type: 1, value: 2, key: 3},
  {type: 2, value: 3, key: 4},

Where the key is the numeric metadata key and the value is the value of the correct data type. You can figure out the types here, callback)

options is an object containing the following:

  • host : default too locahost
  • port : default too 25565
  • version: default too most recent version

Ping a minecraft server and return a promise or use an optional callback containing the information about it

returns: promise( <pending> ).then(pingResult).catch(err) callback callback(err, pingResults)


Old version

  • prefix
  • protocol
  • version
  • motd
  • playerCount
  • maxPlayers

New version

  • description
  • players
    • max
    • online
    • sample
      • id
      • name
  • version
    • name
    • protocol
  • favicon
  • latency


The minecraft protocol states.


The supported minecraft versions.

mc.createSerializer({ state = states.HANDSHAKING, isServer = false , version})

Returns a minecraft protocol serializer for these parameters.

mc.createDeserializer({ state = states.HANDSHAKING, isServer = false, packetsToParse = {"packet": true}, version })

Returns a minecraft protocol deserializer for these parameters.