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File metadata and controls

193 lines (158 loc) · 5.48 KB

Garçon - lightweight HTTP Server library for Groovy and Marcel

Garçon (pronounced gar·son, as in garçon de café) is a lightweight HTTP Server library for Groovy and Marcel, my own programming language.

Its goal is to implement HTTP server the quickest and clearest way possible.

This library is hosted on Maven Central.

Implement Simple CRUD API

You can implement a simple todos API (based on JSONPlaceholder API) with a script

In Groovy

import com.tambapps.http.garcon.*
import com.tambapps.http.garcon.annotation.*
import com.tambapps.http.garcon.exception.*
import groovy.transform.Field

class Todo {
  Integer userId
  Integer id
  String title
  Boolean completed

final Map todosById = [
    new Todo(id: 1, userId: 1, title: "delectus aut autem", completed: false),
    new Todo(id: 2, userId: 1, title: "quis ut nam facilis et officia qui", completed: false),
    new Todo(id: 3, userId: 1, title: "fugiat veniam minus", completed: false),
    new Todo(id: 4, userId: 1, title: "et porro tempora", completed: true)
].collectEntries { [, it] }

postTodo(@ParsedRequestBody Todo post) {
  if (!post.userId || !post.title || post.completed == null) {
    throw new BadRequestException("Some fields are missing/malformed")
  } = todosById.size() + 1
  todosById[] = post
  return post

getTodos() {
  return todosById.values().sort { }

getTodo(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
  def todo = todosById[id]
  if (todo) return todo
  throw new NotFoundException("Todo was not found")

patchTodo(@PathVariable("id") Integer id, @ParsedRequestBody Todo patch) {
  def todo = getTodo(id)
  if (patch.userId) todo.userId = patch.userId
  if (patch.title) todo.title = patch.title
  if (patch.completed != null) todo.completed = patch.completed
  return todo

deleteTodo(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
  def todo = getTodo(id)
  return todo

void onStart(InetAddress address, int port) {
  println "Started on $address:$port"

Garcon.fromInstance(this, accept: ContentType.JSON, contentType: ContentType.JSON)
    .start(address: "localhost", port: 8081)

Define your endpoints dynamically

You can also define endpoints dynamically using Garcon.serve(Closure) method

def garcon = new Garcon(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 8081)
garcon.serve {
  get 'hello/{someone}', {
    return "Hello $someone"
  get '/hello', contentType: ContentType.JSON, {
    return [hello: 'world']
  post '/path', accept: ContentType.JSON, {
    return "Hello ${parsedRequestBody.who}"


In Marcel

I created Marcel, my own programming language.

dumbbell 'com.tambapps.http:garcon-marcel:2.0-SNAPSHOT'

 * imports
import com.tambapps.http.garcon.*
import com.tambapps.http.garcon.annotation.*
import com.tambapps.http.garcon.exception.*
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

 * Data
static final AtomicInteger ID_INCREMENT  = new AtomicInteger()
static final List TODOS = [
  new Todo(id: ID_INCREMENT.incrementAndGet(), userId: 1, title: "Go to the grocery store", completed: false),
  new Todo(id: ID_INCREMENT.incrementAndGet(), userId: 1, title: "Finish homeworks", completed: false),
  new Todo(id: ID_INCREMENT.incrementAndGet(), userId: 2, title: "Do the dishes", completed: false),
  new Todo(id: ID_INCREMENT.incrementAndGet(), userId: 3, title: "Charge computer", completed: true)

class Todo {
  Integer id
  Integer userId
  String title
  Boolean completed

  constructor(, this.userId, this.title, this.completed)

 * API
fun Collection getTodos() {
  return TODOS

fun Object getTodo(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
  Todo todo = TODOS.find { Todo it -> == id }
  if (todo) return todo
  throw new NotFoundException("Todo with id $id not found")

fun Object postTodo(@ParsedRequestBody dynobj post) {
  if (!post.userId || !post.title) {
    throw new BadRequestException("Some fields are missing/malformed")
    new Todo(id: ID_INCREMENT.incrementAndGet(), userId: post.userId.asInt(), title: post.title.asString(), completed: false)
  return post

fun Object patchTodo(@PathVariable("id") Integer id, @ParsedRequestBody dynobj patch) {
  Todo todo = getTodo(id)
  if (patch.userId != null) todo.userId = patch.userId.asInt()
  if (patch.title != null) todo.title = patch.title.asString()
  if (patch.completed != null) todo.completed = patch.completed.asBool()
  return todo

fun Object deleteTodo(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
  Todo todo = TODOS.find { Todo it -> == id }
  return todo

fun void onStart(InetAddress address, int port) {
  println("Started on ${address.hostName}:$port")

Garcon.fromInstance(this, accept: ContentType.JSON, contentType: ContentType.JSON)
    .start(address: "localhost", port: 8081)