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tanakahisateru edited this page Dec 6, 2010 · 3 revisions

In this section, you can learn how to change settings of PHPTAL in Pinoco.

In "Configuration methods" section of PHPTAL's manual, there are many options.

Pinoco's page renderer for PHPTAL is stored in $this->renderers->html. This html property stores a responder object for web requests with *.html suffix. The default object is of course PHPTAL renderer. (Raw PHP renderer is stored in $this->renderers->php)

You can set some properties of this renderer object. PHPTAL renderer has cfg property to pass custom settings to PHPTAL. User properties are mapped to corresponding methods of PHPTAL.

See example:

setOutputMode html->cfg->outputMode
setForceReparse html->cfg->forceReparse


require_once "PHPTAL.php";
$this->renderers->html->cfg->outputMode = PHPTAL::HTML5;
$this->renderers->html->cfg->forceReparse = TRUE;

setOutputMode() and setForceReparse()' would be called when HTML content is generated. (To use PHPTAL::HTML5constant I loadPHPTAL.php` earlier than it.)

OK, check if it alive.


<p>Hello World.<br/>
Look into HTML source. How BR tag is displayed?

This HTML file is written in strict XHTML. But so I configure outputMode to HTML5. Result:

<p>Hello World.<br>
Look into HTML source. How BR tag is displayed?

Look into br tag, you can see the trailing slash was lost. We can change output mode to HTML5 compatible style!

You've just learned HOW TO change that, and you will know WHAT via PHPTAL's manual when you need it later.

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