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The API Documentation for pearson3curve

pearson3curve Module

Data Class

class Data

The P-III distributed data class.


def __init__(self, observed_data: list[float] | np.ndarray) -> None

Initialize the P-III distributed data from the observed data.

  • Parameters

    • observed_data : list[float] | np.ndarray

      The observed data, supporting either a list or a numpy array.

def set_history_data(
    history_data: list[float] | np.ndarray,
    period_length: int,
    extreme_num: int | None = None,
) -> None

Set the history data and the survey period length.

  • Parameters:

    • history_data : list[float] | np.ndarray

      The history data, supporting either a list or a numpy array.

    • period_length : int

      The survey period length.

    • extreme_num : int | None, optional

      The number of extreme data, by default None. If None, all the history data will be treated as extreme data.

  • Raises:

    • ValueError

      • If the period length is less than the sum of the lengths of the observed data and the history data.

      • If the number of extreme data is less than the length of the history data.

def set_empirical_prob(self, empirical_prob: list[float] | np.ndarray) -> None

Set all the empirical probabilities for the data.

  • Parameters:

    • empirical_prob : list[float] | np.ndarray

      The total empirical probabilities, supporting either a list or a numpy array. The length should be the same as the length of the data. And the values should be in the range from 0 to 1.

  • Raises:

    • ValueError

      • If the length of the empirical probabilities is not the same as the length of the data.

      • If any value in the empirical probabilities is out of the range from 0 to 1.

def set_empirical_prob_by_order(
    self, order: int, prob: float, *, start_value=1
) -> None

Set the empirical probability of the data by the order number.

  • Parameters:

    • order : int

      The order number of the data, starting from start_value, which is 1 by default. The data is sorted in descending order. Therefore, the first data is the largest one.

    • prob : float

      The empirical probability to be set. It should be in the range from 0 to 1.

    • start_value : int, optional

      The start number of the order, by default 1.

  • Raises:

    • IndexError

      If the order number is out of the range of the data.

    • ValueError

      If the empirical probability is out of the range from 0 to 1.


def data(self) -> np.ndarray

The descending sorted data.

def extreme_data(self) -> np.ndarray

The descending sorted extreme data.

def ordinary_data(self) -> np.ndarray

The descending sorted ordinary data.

def period_length(self) -> int

The survey period length of the data.

def extreme_prob(self) -> np.ndarray

The empirical probabilities of the extreme data.

def ordinary_prob(self) -> np.ndarray

The empirical probabilities of the ordinary data.

def empirical_prob(self) -> np.ndarray

The empirical probabilities for the data.

Curve Class

class Curve

The P-III distributed curve class.


def __init__(self, ex: float, cv: float, cs: float) -> None

Initialize the P-III distributed curve from the moments.

  • Parameters

    • ex : float

      The mean of the distribution.

    • cv : float

      The coefficient of variation of the distribution.

    • cs : float

      The skewness of the distribution.

def get_value_from_prob(self, prob: float) -> float

Get the value from the probability.

  • Parameters

    • prob : float

      The probability, from 0 to 1.

  • Returns

    • float

      The value. nan if the probability is out of the range from 0 to 1.

def get_prob_from_value(self, value: float) -> float

Get the probability from the value.

  • Parameters

    • value : float

      The value.

  • Returns

    • float

      The probability, from 0 to 1.

get_moments Function

def get_moments(data: Data) -> tuple[float, float, float]

Get the P-III distribution moments (mean, coefficient of variation, and skewness) of the data.

  • Parameters

    • data : Data

      The P-III distributed data.

  • Returns

    • tuple[float, float, float]

      The moments (ex, cv, cs) of the data.

get_fitted_moments Function

def get_fitted_moments(
    data: Data,
    sv_ratio: float | None = None,
    moments: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None,
) -> tuple[float, float, float]

Get the fitted P-III distribution moments (mean, coefficient of variation, and skewness) of the data.

  • Parameters

    • data : Data

      The P-III distributed data.

    • sv_ratio : float | None, optional

      The skewness-to-variance ratio, by default None, which means the variance and skewness will be fitted separately. If set, the skewness will be the product of the variance and the ratio.

    • fit_ex : bool, optional

      Whether to fit the mean, by default True. If False, the mean will not be fitted.

    • moments : tuple[float, float, float] | None, optional

      The moments (ex, cv, cs) of the data. If None, the moments will be calculated from the data.

  • Returns

    • tuple[float, float, float]

      The fitted P-III moments (ex, cv, cs) of the data.

pearson3curve.plot and pearson3curve.pgfplot Modules

The module for plotting the Pearson Type III distribution curve. The pgfplot module uses pgf backend for better multi-language text and math typesetting support.

set_figsize Function

def set_figsize(width: float, height: float) -> None

Set the figure size.

  • Parameters

    • width : float

      The width of the figure in inches.

    • height : float

      The height of the figure in inches.

set_font Function

def set_font(font: str) -> None

Set the font for the plot. Only available for the plot module.

  • Parameters

    • font : str

      The font name.

set_tex_preamble Function

def set_tex_preamble(preamble: str) -> None

Set the TeX preamble. Only available for the pgfplot module.

  • Parameters

    • preamble : str

      The TeX preamble.

set_title Function

def set_title(title: str, **kwargs) -> None

Set the title of the plot.

  • Parameters

    • title : str

      The title.

    • **kwargs

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_title method.

set_xlim Function

def set_xlim(left: float, right: float, **kwargs) -> None

Set the x-axis limits.

  • Parameters

    • left : float

      The left limit.

    • right : float

      The right limit.

    • **kwargs

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlim method.

set_xlabel Function

def set_xlabel(label: str, **kwargs) -> None

Set the x-axis label.

  • Parameters

    • label : str

      The label.

    • **kwargs

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlabel method.

set_ylabel Function

def set_ylabel(label: str, **kwargs) -> None

Set the y-axis label.

  • Parameters

    • label : str

      The label.

    • **kwargs

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylabel method.

grid Function

def grid(visible: bool, **kwargs) -> None

Set whether to show the grid.

  • Parameters

    • visible : bool

      Whether to show the grid.

    • **kwargs

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.axes.Axes.grid method.

legend Function

def legend(**kwargs) -> None

Set whether to show the legend.

  • Parameters

    • **kwargs

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend method.

scatter Function

def scatter(
    data: Data,
    extreme_label="Extreme data",
    ordinary_label="Ordinary data",
    extreme_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    ordinary_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> None

Plot the scatter plot of the data.

  • Parameters

    • data : Data

      The data.

    • extreme_label : str, optional

      The label for the extreme data, by default "Extreme data".

    • ordinary_label : str, optional

      The label for the ordinary data, by default "Ordinary data".

    • extreme_kwargs : dict[str, Any] | None, optional

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.pyplot.scatter function for plotting the extreme data scatter points, by default None.

    • ordinary_kwargs : dict[str, Any] | None, optional

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.pyplot.scatter function for plotting the ordinary data scatter points, by default None.

    • **kwargs

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.pyplot.scatter function. If given, it will update both the extreme_kwargs and ordinary_kwargs.

plot Function

def plot(
    curve: Curve,
    label: str | None = None,
    color: str | None = None,
    linestyle: str | None = None,
    linewidth: float | None = None,
) -> None

Plot the Pearson Type III distribution curve.

  • Parameters

    • curve : Curve

      The Pearson Type III distribution curve.

    • label : str | None, optional

      The label for the curve, by default None.

    • color : str | None, optional

      The color for the curve, by default None.

    • linestyle : str | None, optional

      The line style for the curve, by default None.

    • linewidth : float | None, optional

      The line width for the curve, by default None.

    • **kwargs

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.pyplot.plot function.

show Function

def show() -> None

Show the plot. Only available for the plot module.

save Function

def save(file_name: str, *, transparent=True, dpi=300, **kwargs) -> None

Save the plot to a file.

  • Parameters

    • file_name : str

      The file name.

    • transparent : bool, optional

      Whether to save the plot with a transparent background, by default True.

    • dpi : int, optional

      The resolution in dots per inch, by default 300. This will be omitted if saving to a vector format.

    • **kwargs

      Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig method.