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File metadata and controls

90 lines (69 loc) · 3.18 KB

Parameter Handling

Parameter handling in OpenMS and pyOpenMS is usually implemented through inheritance from DefaultParamHandler and allow access to parameters through the Param object. This means, the classes implement the methods getDefaults, getParameters, setParameters which allows access to the default parameters, the current parameters and allows to set the parameters.

The Param object that is returned can be manipulated through the setValue and getValue methods (the exists method can be used to check for existence of a key). Using the getDescription method, it is possible to get a help-text for each parameter value in an interactive session without consulting the documentation.

from pyopenms import *
p = Param()
p.setValue("param1", 4.0, "This is value 1")
p.setValue("param2", 5.0, "This is value 2")
p.setValue("param3", [b"H:+:0.6",b"Na:+:0.2",b"K:+:0.2"], "This is value 3 (StringList)")
print( p[b"param1"] )
p[b"param1"] += 3 # add three to the parameter value
print( p[b"param1"] )
print( p[b"param3"] )

The parameters can then be accessed as

>>> p.asDict()
{'param2': 4.0, 'param1': 7.0}
>>> p.values()
[4.0, 7.0]
>>> p.keys()
['param1', 'param2']
>>> p.items()
[('param1', 7.0), ('param2', 4.0)]
>>> p.exists("param1")

The param object can be copy and merge in to other param object as

# print the key and values pairs stored in a Param object
def printParamKeyAndValues(p):
  if (p.size()):
    for i in p.keys():
      print("Key:", i, "Value:", p[i])
  else :
      print("no data availabe")

new_p = Param()
if (p.empty() == False): # check p is not empty
  new_p = p              # new deep copy of p generate with name "new_p"

# we will add 4 more keys to the new_p
new_p.setValue("param2", 9.0, "This is value 9")
new_p.setValue("example1", 6.0, "This is value 6")
new_p.setValue("example2", 8.0, "This is value 8")
new_p.setValue("example3", 10.0, "This is value 10")

# names "example1", "example2" , "example3" keys will added to p, but "param2" will update the value
print(" print the key  and values pairs stored in a Param object p ")

In param object the keys values can be remove by key_name or prefix as

# We now call the remove method with key of the entry we want to delete ("example3")
print("Key and values pairs after removing the entry with key: example3")

# We now want to delete all keys with prefix "exam"
print("Key and value pairs after removing all entries with keys starting with: exam")

# we can compare Param objects for identical content
if (p == new_p): # check p is equal to new_p
  new_p.clear() # Example: delete all keys from new_p

print("Keys and values after deleting all entries.")
printParamKeyAndValues(new_p) # All keys of new_p deleted