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SMTP client for Tarantool 1.6+

The tarantool/smtp module is for sending email via SMTP with the Tarantool application server.

Since Tarantool already has facilities for setting up Internet servers, and can take advantage of the libcurl library for data transfer via URLs, tarantool/smtp simply builds on functionality that is in the main package.

With Tarantool and tarantool/smtp, developers have the routines for setting up an email client, and the facilities for testing locally before deploying to the Internet. This may be particularly interesting for developers who use Tarantool's database, Lua application server, and HTTP features.


How to install

You will need:

  • Tarantool 1.6+ with header files (tarantool and tarantool-dev modules)
  • curl
  • an operating system with developer tools including cmake, a C compiler, git and Lua

You have two ways to install tarantool/smtp:

  1. The first way is to use the Tarantool Lua rocks repository.

    With Tarantool 1.7.4+, say:

    tarantoolctl rocks install smtp

    With earlier Tarantool versions, set up Lua rocks and then say:

    luarocks --local install smtp
  2. The second way is to clone from, build, and use the produced library:

    git clone smtp
    cd smtp
    cmake . && make
    # and use the library as shown in "Ok, run it" section below

Whichever way you choose, it is still a good idea to look at the files in the repository. There are example files and commented test files, which will aid you in understanding how tarantool/smtp was put together.

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The client request function

There is only one function in the smtp module: client().

It is a tool for handling the job of communicating with the server at a high level.

Format: client(url, from, to, body [, options])

The parameters are:

url -- type = string; value = the URL of the SMTP, including the protocol. Example: "smtp://".

from -- type = string; value = the name of the sender as it would appear in an email 'From:' line. Example: "".

to -- type = string; value = the name of the recipients as they would appear in an email 'To:' line. There can be more than one recipient, defined as an array. Example: {"", ""}.

body -- type = string; value = the contents of the message. Example: "Test Message".

options -- type = table; value = one or more of the following:

  • cc -- a string or a list to send email copy
  • bcc -- a string or a list to send a hidden copy
  • subject -- a subject for the email
  • headers -- a list of headers (say, {'Message-id: <>', ...})
  • content_type (string) -- set a content type (part of a Content-Type header, defaults to 'text/plain')
  • charset (string) -- set a charset (part of a Content-Type header, defaults to 'UTF-8')
  • ca_path -- path to an ssl certificate directory
  • ca_file (string) -- path to file containing certificates for verifying the peer
  • ca_path (string) -- path to directory containing certificates for verifying the peer
  • verify_host (boolean) -- whether to verify certificate names
  • verify_peer (boolean) -- whether to verify the peer's SSL certificate
  • ssl_cert (string) -- path to SSL client certificate
  • ssl_key (string) -- path to private key for TLS and/or SSL client certificate
  • use_ssl -- request using SSL/TLS (1 - preferably, 3 - mandatory)
  • timeout (number) -- number of seconds to wait for the libcurl API
  • verbose (boolean) -- whether libcurl verbose mode is enabled
  • username (string) -- a username for server authorization
  • password (string) -- a password for server authorization
  • attachments (table) -- a table (array) with attachments data
    • body (any) attachment body contents
    • content_type (string) -- set a content type (part of a Content-Type header, defaults to 'text/plain')
    • charset (string) -- set a charset (part of a Content-Type header, defaults to 'UTF-8')
    • filename (string) -- a string with filename will be shown in e-mail
    • base64_encode (boolean) -- a boolean to base64 encode attachment content or not, default is true

Example: {timeout = 2}

Example of a complete request:

response =

The response to the request will be a table containing a status (number) and a reason (string). Example: {status: 250, reason: Ok} (The standard status code 250 means the request was executed.)

Example of a complete request with attachments:

response =
  "Test Message",
    attachments = {
          body = json.encode('{"key1":"value1"}'),
          content_type = 'application/json',
          charset = 'UTF-8',
          filename = 'json.json',
          base64_encode = true
          body = 'Test example',
          content_type = 'text/plain',
          filename = 'example.txt',
          base64_encode = false

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The server

An SMTP server does not come with tarantool/smtp, but tarantool/smtp does supply example code of an SMTP server that can be run on Tarantool -- tmtp.test.lua. We will use some of the code from this example to show that the request function works correctly.

Before simply presenting the code and saying "OK, run it", we should explain what it is supposed to handle.

Tarantool has a module named socket which contains a tcp_server() function. It is possible to make the TCP server run in the background as a fiber. As is common with client/server action, the example code has a loop that watches for incoming messages and processes them. In this case, it is processing according to the standard expected format that goes to an SMTP server, such as "EHLO", "RCPT FROM", "RCPT TO", and "DATA", which are all Simple Mail Transfer Protocol commands. When it encounters "DATA", it starts another loop to get all the lines of the message body.

To make the example simple, it is done on the local host without troubling to check CA certificates or passwords. The idea is not to compete with Internet giants like Mail.Ru, but to prove tarantool/smtp's request function calls work quickly.

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OK, run it

Start Tarantool, run as a console:


If you cloned and built the library from source, add the library path to package.cpath, for example:

-- for Ubuntu
package.cpath = package.cpath .. './smtp/?.so;'
-- for Mac OS
package.cpath = package.cpath .. './smtp/?.dylib;'

Execute these requests:



fiber = require('fiber')
socket = require('socket')
mails =

function smtp_h(s)
     s:write('220 localhost ESMTP Tarantool\r\n')
     local l
     local mail = {rcpt = {}}
     while true do
         l = s:read('\r\n')
         if l:find('EHLO') then
print(' EHLO')
             s:write('250-localhost Hello localhost.lan []\r\n')
             s:write('250-SIZE 52428800\r\n')
             s:write('250 HELP\r\n')
         elseif l:find('MAIL FROM:') then
print(' MAIL FROM')
             mail.from = l:sub(11):sub(1, -3)
             s:write('250 OK\r\n')
         elseif l:find('RCPT TO:') then
print(' RCPT TO')
             mail.rcpt[#mail.rcpt + 1] = l:sub(9):sub(1, -3)
             s:write('250 OK\r\n')
         elseif l == 'DATA\r\n' then
print(' DATA')
             s:write('354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself\r\n')
             while true do
                 local l = s:read('\r\n')
print(' DATA: ' .. l)
                 if l == '.\r\n' then
                 mail.text = (mail.text or '') .. l
             mail = {rcpt = {}}
             s:write('250 OK OK OK\r\n')
         elseif l:find('QUIT') then
print(' QUIT')
         elseif l ~= nil then
print(' not implemented')
             s:write('502 Not implemented')

server = socket.tcp_server('', 0, smtp_h)
addr = 'smtp://' .. server:name().port

client = require('smtp').new()

response = client:request(addr, '',

Now pause and look at what the server's print() requests did: they should show that the server received EHLO, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO and DATA.

Now look at the response. It should look like this:

tarantool> response
- status: 250
   reason: Ok

This means the request has been sent and handled. (It does not mean that the request will pop up on the mailbox of, because this is done with a local test server, with none of the usual authorization options.)

Once you see that the response is 'Ok', you can switch from being a sender to being a receiver. Say:


And now the response should look like this:

tarantool> mails.get()
- from: <>
   - <>
   text: "TO:\r\nCC: \r\n\r\nmail.body\r\n"

If that is what you see, then you have successfully installed tarantool/smtp and successfully executed a request function that sent an email to an SMTP server, and confirmed it by getting the email back to yourself.

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The Tarantool organization at this time includes dozens of developers and support staffers, so you will have no trouble contacting and getting a response from an expert.

If you see what you think is a bug, or if you have a feature request, go to and fill out a description.

If you want to hear more about Tarantool, go to and look for new announcements about this and other modules.

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