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AWS Modules

Welcome to aws-modules, a collection of Terraform and Terragrunt modules designed to simplify and accelerate your AWS infrastructure deployment. Our modules provide best-practice configurations for common AWS resources, ensuring a secure and efficient setup for your applications.

Modules Overview

Here's a quick rundown of the modules included in this repository:

  • Networking
    • No Private Subnets: Create a VPC with only public subnets with provided availability zones and cidr ranges.
    • One Nat Gateway: Create a VPC having both public & private subnets considering provided availability zones and cidr ranges with only one nat gateway for all private subnets.
    • Security Group: Create a security group with ingress / egress rules as defined.
  • S3
    • Encrypted Private Bucket: Create an encrypted, private S3 bucket optionally with managed kms key.
  • Secrets Manager
    • Simple: Create an AWS secret manager key with initial secrets as provided taking away complexity of setting it up on your own.
  • Route53: Set up and manage DNS records with AWS Route 53.
  • Ecs
    • Fargate Cluster: Deploy and manage containerized applications using AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) in a fargate cluster
    • Service: Create both ecs task definition and service which supports linking to AWS Load Balancers.
  • Cloudfront
    • S3 Origin: Configure an Amazon CloudFront distribution with an S3 bucket as its origin. Supports extra origin configurations as well.
  • Acm
    • Validate with Route53: Manage AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificates with Route 53 validation support.
  • Load Balancer
    • Alb: Set up an Application Load Balancer (ALB) with listener configurations as needed.
  • RDS
    • Postgres: Set up a Postgres instance with multi az support, cloudwatch logs, performance insights etc. in your selected subnet(s).
  • Key Pair: Create a key pair to ssh into aws instances.
  • Http Request: Get a file from internet to use in your terraform modules / resources.
  • EKS
    • Cluster: Create an eks cluster with managed node groups and vpc cni addon configuration predefined for networking and configure kms key owners / admins etc. for managing.
    • Cluster Autoscaler IRSA Role: Create a cluster autoscaler addon irsa role with predefined iam permissions as required.
    • External DNS IRSA Role: Create an external dns addon irsa role with predefined iam permissions as required.
    • Helm Release: Deploy an Helm chart into your EKS cluster.
    • Independent Yaml Manifests: Deploy all kubernetes manifests in a single yaml file which doesn't depend on each other in parallel into your EKS cluster using kubectl provider.
    • Manifests Local Exec: Deploy all your manifests into your eks cluster which are in a single yaml file and requires sequential execution support. For example, Tekton pipelines setup, requires all manifests are applied sequentially as defined.

Example Implementations

To demonstrate how to use these modules, we've provided two examples, one to setup ServerlessForms application and another for configuring an Internal Developer Platform(WIP) for your organization.

ServerlessForms Full Stack Setup

Here you can find, ServerlessForms product's full-stack setup on AWS using ECS(api) and Cloudfront(website) using Terragrunt modules.

Internal Developer Platform(WIP)

Here you can see, configuring infrastructure for your organization's Internal Developer Platform product on AWS EKS using Terragrunt modules. Please note that this is a work in progress product and tends to change in future.

Both of these examples, showcases how to configure a complete infrastructure using the modules described above. We hope you find these modules helpful in streamlining your AWS infrastructure deployment. Happy coding! 🚀