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965 lines (701 loc) · 21.8 KB


Useful functions to handle lists (arrays having only numeric keys).

  • map - Curried version of array_map.

  • chain - Applies a function to items of the array and concatenates the results.

  • filter - Curried version of array_filter with modified order of arguments.

  • reduce - Curried version of array_reduce with modified order of arguments ($callback, $initial, $list).

  • each - Applies the callback to each item and returns the original list.

  • head - Returns the first item of the given array or string.

  • last - Returns the last item of the given array or string.

  • init - Returns all but the last element of the given array or string.

  • tail - Returns all but the first element of the given array or string.

  • reverse - Alias of array_reverse() and strrev().

  • length - Alias for count() and strlen().

  • allSatisfies - Checks if the $predicate is verified by all items of the array.

  • anySatisfies - Checks if the $predicate is verified by any item of the array.

  • concat - Concatenates two arrays or strings.

  • concatAll - Concatenates a list of arrays or strings.

  • insert - Inserts an item at some position into an array or a substring into a string.

  • insertAll - Same as insert but inserts an array instead of a single item.

  • append - Appends an item to an array or a substring to a string.

  • prepend - Inserts an item at the begining of an array or a substring at the begining of a string.

  • take - Takes a number of elements from an array or a number of characters from a string.

  • takeWhile - Takes elements from an array while they match the given predicate.

  • takeLastWhile - Same as takeWhile but taking elements from the end of the array.

  • takeUntil - Takes elements from an array until the predicate is satisfied, not including the satisfying element.

  • takeLastUntil - Same as takeUntil but takes elements from the end of the array.

  • remove - Removes a number of elements from an array.

  • removeWhile - Removes elements from an array while they match the given predicate.

  • removeLastWhile - Same as removeWhile but removes elements from the end of the array.

  • removeUntil - Removes elements from an array until the predicate is satisfied, not removing the satisfying element.

  • removeLastUntil - Same as removeUntil but removes elements from the end of the array.

  • fromPairs - Converts an array of (key, value) pairs to an object (instance of stdClass).

  • slices - Gets an array of slices of size $size from an array.

  • contains - Checks if an array contains an item.

  • findIndex - Returns the position/key of the first item satisfying the predicate in the array or null if no such element is found.

  • findLastIndex - Returns the position/key of the last item satisfying the predicate in the array or null if no such element is found.

  • find - Returns the first item satisfying the predicate in the array or null if no such element is found.

  • findLast - Returns the last item satisfying the predicate in the array or null if no such element is found.

  • indexOf - Returns the index of an item/substring in a list/string.

  • lastIndexOf - Same as indexOf but returns the key/position/name of the last item/substring/attribute.

  • uniqueBy - Removes duplicates from a list.

  • unique - Alias of F\uniqueBy(F\equals()).

  • groupBy - Converts an array to an associative array, based on the result of calling $fn on each element, and grouping the results according to values returned.

  • pairsFrom - Makes list of pairs from two lists.

  • sort - Returns a copy of the given list, ordered using the given comparaison function.


map(callable $fn, array $list) : array
(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
(a -> b) -> {k: a} -> {k: b}

Curried version of array_map.

$doubles = F\map(function($x) { return 2 * $x; });
$doubles([1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [2, 4, 6, 8]


chain(callable $fn, array $list) : array
(a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]

Applies a function to items of the array and concatenates the results.

This is also known as flatMap in some libraries.

$words = F\chain(F\split(' '));
$words(['Hello World', 'How are you']); //=> ['Hello', 'World', 'How', 'are', 'you']


filter(callable $fn, array $list) : array
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Curried version of array_filter with modified order of arguments.

The callback is the first argument then the list.

$list = [1, 'aa', 3, [4, 5]];
$numeric = F\filter('is_numeric');
$numeric($list); //=> [1, 3]


reduce(callable $fn, mixed $initial, array $list) : array
(* -> a -> *) -> * -> [a] -> *

Curried version of array_reduce with modified order of arguments ($callback, $initial, $list).

$list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
$sum = F\reduce('Tarsana\Functional\plus', 0);
$sum($list); //=> 10


each(callable $fn, array $list) : array
(a -> *) -> [a] -> [a]

Applies the callback to each item and returns the original list.

$list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
$s = 0;
F\each(function($item) use(&$s){
    $s += $item;
}, $list);

$s; //=> 10


head(array|string $list) : mixed
[a] -> a
String -> String

Returns the first item of the given array or string.

F\head([1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> 1
F\head('Hello'); //=> 'H'
F\head([]); //=> null
F\head(''); //=> ''


last(array|string $list) : mixed
[a] -> a
String -> String

Returns the last item of the given array or string.

F\last([1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> 4
F\last('Hello'); //=> 'o'
F\last([]); //=> null
F\last(''); //=> ''


init(array|string $list) : array
[a] -> a
String -> String

Returns all but the last element of the given array or string.

F\init([1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [1, 2, 3]
F\init('Hello'); //=> 'Hell'
F\init([7]); //=> []
F\init([]); //=> []
F\init(''); //=> ''


tail(array|string $list) : array
[a] -> a
String -> String

Returns all but the first element of the given array or string.

F\tail([1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [2, 3, 4]
F\tail('Hello'); //=> 'ello'
F\tail([7]); //=> []
F\tail([]); //=> []
F\tail(''); //=> ''


reverse(array|string $list) : array
[a] -> [a]
String -> String

Alias of array_reverse() and strrev().

F\reverse([1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [4, 3, 2, 1]
F\reverse('Hello'); //=> 'olleH'


length(array|string $list) : int
[a] -> Number
String -> Number

Alias for count() and strlen().

F\length([1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> 4
F\length('Hello'); //=> 5


allSatisfies(callable $predicate, array $list) : bool
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> Boolean

Checks if the $predicate is verified by all items of the array.

$allNotNull = F\allSatisfies(F\pipe(F\eq(0), F\not()));
$allNotNull([9, 3, 2, 4]); //=> true
$allNotNull([9, 3, 0, 4]); //=> false


anySatisfies(callable $predicate, array $list) : bool
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> Boolean

Checks if the $predicate is verified by any item of the array.

$anyNumeric = F\anySatisfies('is_numeric');
$anyNumeric(['Hello', '12', []]); //=> true
$anyNumeric(['Hello', 'Foo']); //=> false


concat(array $list1, array $list2) : array
[*] -> [*] -> [*]
String -> String -> String

Concatenates two arrays or strings.

F\concat([1, 2], [3, 4]); //=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
F\concat('Hello ', 'World'); //=> 'Hello World'


concatAll(array $lists) : array
[[a]] -> [a]

Concatenates a list of arrays or strings.

F\concatAll([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]); //=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
F\concatAll(['Hello ', 'World', ' !']); //=> 'Hello World !'


insert(int $position, mixed $item, array $list) : array
Number -> a -> [a] -> [a]
Number -> String -> String -> String

Inserts an item at some position into an array or a substring into a string.

If $position < 0 the item or substring is inserted before the last |$position| elements/characters.

F\insert(2, 'x', [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [1, 2, 'x', 3, 4]
F\insert(-1,  'x', [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [1, 2, 3, 'x', 4]
F\insert(11, 'x', [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 'x']
F\insert(0, 'x', [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> ['x', 1, 2, 3, 4]
F\insert(-11, 'x', [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> ['x', 1, 2, 3, 4]
F\insert(32, 'd', 'Hello Worl'); //=> 'Hello World'
F\insert(3, 'l', 'Helo World'); //=> 'Hello World'
F\insert(-7, 'l', 'Helo World'); //=> 'Hello World'
F\insert(0, 'H', 'ello World'); //=> 'Hello World'
F\insert(-70, 'H', 'ello World'); //=> 'Hello World'


insertAll(int $position, mixed $items, array $list) : array
Number -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
Number -> String -> String -> String

Same as insert but inserts an array instead of a single item.

F\insertAll(2, ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [1, 2, 'x', 'y', 3, 4]
F\insertAll(-1,  ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [1, 2, 3, 'x', 'y', 4]
F\insertAll(11, ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 'x', 'y']
F\insertAll(0, ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> ['x', 'y', 1, 2, 3, 4]
F\insertAll(-11, ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> ['x', 'y', 1, 2, 3, 4]
F\insertAll(2, 'llo', 'He World'); //=> 'Hello World'


append(mixed $item, array $list) : array
* -> [*] -> [*]
String -> String -> String

Appends an item to an array or a substring to a string.

F\append(5, [1, 2, 3]); //=> [1, 2, 3, 5]
F\append(' World', 'Hello'); //=> 'Hello World'


prepend(mixed $item, array $list) : array
a -> [a] -> [a]
String -> String -> String

Inserts an item at the begining of an array or a substring at the begining of a string.

Note that this function is equivalent to insert(0).

F\prepend(5, [1, 2, 3]); //=> [5, 1, 2, 3]
F\prepend('Hello ', 'World'); //=> 'Hello World'


take(int $count, array $list) : array
Number -> [a] -> [a]
Number -> String -> String

Takes a number of elements from an array or a number of characters from a string.

If $count is negative, the elements are taken from the end of the array/string.

$items = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\take(2, $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Bar']
F\take(0, $items); //=> []
F\take(7, $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
F\take(-2, $items); //=> ['Bar', 'Baz']
F\take(5, 'Hello World'); //=> 'Hello'
F\take(-5, 'Hello World'); //=> 'World'


takeWhile(callable $predicate, array $list) : array
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Takes elements from an array while they match the given predicate.

It stops at the first element not matching the predicate and does not include it in the result.

$items = ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\takeWhile(F\startsWith('F'), $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Fun']
F\takeWhile(F\startsWith('D'), $items); //=> []


takeLastWhile(callable $predicate, array $list) : array
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Same as takeWhile but taking elements from the end of the array.

$items = ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\takeLastWhile(F\startsWith('B'), $items); //=> ['Bar', 'Baz']
F\takeLastWhile(F\startsWith('D'), $items); //=> []


takeUntil(callable $predicate, array $list) : array
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Takes elements from an array until the predicate is satisfied, not including the satisfying element.

$items = ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\takeUntil(F\startsWith('B'), $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev']
F\takeUntil(F\startsWith('F'), $items); //=> []


takeLastUntil(callable $predicate, array $list) : array
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Same as takeUntil but takes elements from the end of the array.

$items = ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\takeLastUntil(F\startsWith('F'), $items); //=> ['Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz']
F\takeLastUntil(F\startsWith('B'), $items); //=> []


remove(int $count, array $list) : array
Number -> [a] -> [a]
Number -> String -> String

Removes a number of elements from an array.

If $count is negative, the elements are removed from the end of the array.

$items = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\remove(2, $items); //=> ['Baz']
F\remove(-1, $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Bar']
F\remove(5, $items); //=> []
F\remove(6, 'Hello World'); //=> 'World'
F\remove(-6, 'Hello World'); //=> 'Hello'
F\remove(3, 'a'); //=> ''


removeWhile(callable $predicate, array $list) : array
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Removes elements from an array while they match the given predicate.

It stops at the first element not matching the predicate and does not remove it.

$items = ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\removeWhile(F\startsWith('F'), $items); //=> ['Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz']
F\removeWhile(F\startsWith('D'), $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz']


removeLastWhile(callable $predicate, array $list) : array
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Same as removeWhile but removes elements from the end of the array.

$items = ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Bye', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\removeLastWhile(F\startsWith('F'), $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Bye', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz']
F\removeLastWhile(F\startsWith('B'), $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Bye', 'Dev']


removeUntil(callable $predicate, array $list) : array
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Removes elements from an array until the predicate is satisfied, not removing the satisfying element.

$items = ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\removeUntil(F\startsWith('B'), $items); //=> ['Bar', 'Baz']
F\removeUntil(F\startsWith('F'), $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz']
F\removeUntil(F\startsWith('A'), $items); //=> []


removeLastUntil(callable $predicate, array $list) : array
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Same as removeUntil but removes elements from the end of the array.

$items = ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
F\removeLastUntil(F\startsWith('B'), $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Fun', 'Dev', 'Bar', 'Baz']
F\removeLastUntil(F\startsWith('F'), $items); //=> ['Foo', 'Fun']
F\removeLastUntil(F\startsWith('A'), $items); //=> []


fromPairs(array $pairs) : stdClass
[(k, v)] -> {k: v}

Converts an array of (key, value) pairs to an object (instance of stdClass).

F\fromPairs([['name', 'Foo'], ['age', 11]]); //=> (object) ['name' => 'Foo', 'age' => 11]


slices(int $size, array $list) : array
Number -> [a] -> [[a]]
Number -> String -> [String]

Gets an array of slices of size $size from an array.

$pairs = F\slices(2);
$pairs([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); //=> [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
$pairs("Hello World"); //=> ['He', 'll', 'o ', 'Wo', 'rl', 'd']
F\slices(5, [1, 2]); //=> [[1, 2]]
F\slices(3, []); //=> []
F\slices(3, ''); //=> ['']


contains(mixed $item, array|string $list) : bool
a -> [a] -> Boolean
String -> String -> Boolean

Checks if an array contains an item.

F\contains('foo', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> true
F\contains('hi', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> false
F\contains('hi', 'Hello World'); //=> false
F\contains('He', 'Hello World'); //=> true


findIndex(callable $predicate, array $list) : mixed
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> Maybe(Number)
(v -> Boolean) -> {k: v} -> Maybe(k)

Returns the position/key of the first item satisfying the predicate in the array or null if no such element is found.

F\findIndex(F\startsWith('b'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> 1
F\findIndex(F\startsWith('b'), ['a' => 'foo', 'b' => 'bar', 'c' => 'baz']); //=> 'b'
F\findIndex(F\startsWith('c'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> null


findLastIndex(callable $predicate, array $list) : mixed
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> Maybe(Number)
(v -> Boolean) -> {k: v} -> Maybe(k)

Returns the position/key of the last item satisfying the predicate in the array or null if no such element is found.

F\findLastIndex(F\startsWith('b'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> 2
F\findLastIndex(F\startsWith('b'), ['a' => 'foo', 'b' => 'bar', 'c' => 'baz']); //=> 'c'
F\findLastIndex(F\startsWith('c'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> null


find(callable $predicate, array $list) : mixed
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> Maybe(a)

Returns the first item satisfying the predicate in the array or null if no such element is found.

F\find(F\startsWith('b'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> 'bar'
F\find(F\startsWith('c'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> null


findLast(callable $predicate, array $list) : mixed
(a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> Maybe(a)

Returns the last item satisfying the predicate in the array or null if no such element is found.

F\findLast(F\startsWith('b'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> 'baz'
F\findLast(F\startsWith('c'), ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> null


indexOf(mixed $item, array $list) : int
a -> [a] -> Number
v -> {k: v} -> Maybe(k)
String -> String -> Number

Returns the index of an item/substring in a list/string.

If $list is an array, it returns the key of the first item which is equal to $item. If $list is a string, it returns the position of the first substring which is equal to $item. If $list is an object, it returns the name of the first attribute which is equal to $item. If the searched item, substring or attribute is not found; null is returned. Note that elements are deeply compared using Tarsana\Functional\equals.

F\indexOf(['Hello', 'World'], [1, ['Hello', 'World'], true, ['Hello', 'World']]); //=> 1
F\indexOf(['Hello'], [1, ['Hello', 'World'], true]); //=> -1
F\indexOf('World', 'Hello World'); //=> 6
F\indexOf('World !', 'Hello World'); //=> -1
F\indexOf('foo', (object) ['name' => 'foo', 'age' => 11]); //=> 'name'


lastIndexOf(mixed $item, array $list) : int
a -> [a] -> Number
v -> {k: v} -> Maybe(k)
String -> String -> Number

Same as indexOf but returns the key/position/name of the last item/substring/attribute.

F\lastIndexOf(['Hello', 'World'], [1, ['Hello', 'World'], true, ['Hello', 'World']]); //=> 3
F\lastIndexOf(['Hello'], [1, ['Hello', 'World'], true]); //=> -1
F\lastIndexOf('World', 'Hello World'); //=> 6
F\lastIndexOf('World !', 'Hello World'); //=> -1
F\lastIndexOf('foo', (object) ['name' => 'foo', 'age' => 11]); //=> 'name'


uniqueBy(callable $areEqual, array $list) : array
(a -> a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Removes duplicates from a list.

keeps the first occurence of each group of items which are equivalent according to the given $areEqual callable.

F\uniqueBy(F\eq(), [1, '2', '1', 3, '3', 2, 2]); //=> [1, '2', 3]


unique(array $list) : array
[a] -> [a]

Alias of F\uniqueBy(F\equals()).

F\unique([1, '1', [1, 2], 1, ['1', 2], [1, 2]]); //=> [1, '1', [1, 2], ['1', 2]]


groupBy(callable $fn, array $list) : array
(a -> String) -> [a] -> {String: a}

Converts an array to an associative array, based on the result of calling $fn on each element, and grouping the results according to values returned.

Note that $fn should take an item from the list and return a string.

$persons = [
    ['name' => 'foo', 'age' => 11],
    ['name' => 'bar', 'age' => 9],
    ['name' => 'baz', 'age' => 16],
    ['name' => 'zeta', 'age' => 33],
    ['name' => 'beta', 'age' => 25]
$phase = function($person) {
    $age = $person['age'];
    if ($age < 13) return 'child';
    if ($age < 19) return 'teenager';
    return 'adult';
F\groupBy($phase, $persons); //=> ['child' => [['name' => 'foo', 'age' => 11], ['name' => 'bar', 'age' => 9]], 'teenager' => [['name' => 'baz', 'age' => 16]], 'adult' => [['name' => 'zeta', 'age' => 33], ['name' => 'beta', 'age' => 25]]]


pairsFrom(array $list1, array $list2) : array
[a] -> [b] -> [[a,b]]

Makes list of pairs from two lists.

F\pairsFrom([1, 2, 3], ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> [[1, 'foo'], [2, 'bar'], [3, 'baz']]
F\pairsFrom([1, 2, 3], ['foo', 'bar']); //=> [[1, 'foo'], [2, 'bar']]
F\pairsFrom([1, 3], ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> [[1, 'foo'], [3, 'bar']]
F\pairsFrom([], ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); //=> []


sort(callable $compare, array $list) : array
(a -> a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]

Returns a copy of the given list, ordered using the given comparaison function.

The $compare function should take two elements from the list and return true if the first element should be placed before the second element in the sorted list; and return false otherwise.

Note This function is calling usort to sort elements, so:

  • if two elements $a and $b of the list are considered equal (ie $compare($a, $b) == false and $compare($b, $a) == false) then their order in the resulting array is undefined.

  • This function assigns new keys to the elements in array. It will remove any existing keys that may have been assigned, rather than just reordering the keys.

$numbers = [4, 5, 1, 3, 1, 2, 5];
F\sort(F\lt(), $numbers); //=> [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]
F\sort(F\gt(), $numbers); //=> [5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1]