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Worker Manager Service

The worker manager service manages workers, including interacting with cloud services to create new workers on demand.


No special configuration is required for development.

Run yarn workspace taskcluster-worker-manager test to run the tests. Some of the tests will be skipped without additional credentials, but it is fine to make a pull request as long as no tests fail.

To run all tests, you will need appropriate Taskcluster credentials. Using taskcluster-cli, run eval $(taskcluster signin --scope assume:project:taskcluster:tests:taskcluster-worker-manager), then run the tests again.

Implementing Providers

See docs/ for details on implementing providers.


Azure tests rely on valid test/fixtures/azure_signature_good file that can be obtained by running a VM inside Azure cloud to fetch attested metadata:

# sudo apt update && sudo apt install jq

# obtain new signature for `azure_signature_good`
curl -H Metadata:true --noproxy "*" "" | jq -r .signature

# obtain vmId for tests: update `testVmId` in `provider_azure_test.js`
curl -H Metadata:true --noproxy "*" "" | jq -r .compute.vmId

Note: new signature might be signed by one of the two intermediate certificates (azure/azure-ca-certs/microsoft_rsa_tls_ca_[12].pem). This is important for test/provider_azure_test.js as it relies on the intermediate cert to do proper tests.

Steps to find out which intermediate certificate is used To find out which intermediate cert is used:
# Decode the signature
base64 -d -i azure_signature_good > decodedsignature
# Get PKCS7 format
openssl pkcs7 -in decodedsignature -inform DER -out sign.pk7
# Get Public key out of pkc7
openssl pkcs7 -in decodedsignature -inform DER  -print_certs -out signer.pem
# Get the intermediate certificate
curl -s -o intermediate.cer "$(openssl x509 -in signer.pem -text -noout | grep " CA Issuers -" | awk -FURI: '{print $2}')"
openssl x509 -inform der -in intermediate.cer -out intermediate.pem
# Verify the contents
openssl smime -verify -in sign.pk7 -inform pem -noverify

# Verify the subject name for the main certificate
openssl x509 -noout -subject -in signer.pem
# Verify the issuer for the main certificate
openssl x509 -noout -issuer -in signer.pem

#Validate the subject name for intermediate certificate
openssl x509 -noout -subject -in intermediate.pem
#Validate the fingerprint for intermediate certificate
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -in intermediate.pem
# Verify the issuer for the intermediate certificate
openssl x509 -noout -issuer -in intermediate.pem

Last three lines would contain the values that should match intermediateCertFingerprint, intermediateCertSubject, intermediateCertIssuer, intermediateCertPath variables in test/provider_azure_test.js.

Worker Manager lifecycle

Worker manager consists of two running processes - provisioner and scanner.

Worker states

  [*] --> Requested : Provisioner requests new instance
  Requested --> Running : Provision resources
  Running --> Stopping : Mark for removal
  Requested --> Stopping : Provisioning error
  Stopping --> Stopped : Deprovision resources
  Stopped --> [*]

Worker manager provisioning loop

Provisioner checks all available providers and queue capacity in order to make a decision if new workers are needed for each worker pool.

graph TD;
  initiateProviders[Initiate providers] -.-> prepareProviders

subgraph provision loop
  prepareProviders[Prepare providers] --> queryWorkers

  queryWorkers[(Get all non stopped workers)] --> calcCapacity
  calcCapacity[Calculate existing and requested capacity] --> queryWorkerPools
  queryWorkerPools[(Get all worker pools)] --> poolIterateStart

  subgraph worker pool provision loop
    poolIterateStart[Iterate worker pools] --> takeWorkerPool
    takeWorkerPool[Get next worker pool] --> estimator
    estimator[Estimate number of workers to spawn] --> hasToSpawn{To spawn > 0 ?}
    hasToSpawn -- Yes, Azure --> requestAzure[Request azure: create DB record]
    requestAzure --> checkWorker[(Create worker with config <br>state: Requested)]
    checkWorker --> requestWorker([Start provisioning<br>See Azure checkWorker below])
    hasToSpawn -- Yes, Google --> requestGoogle([Create instance: compute.instances.insert])
    requestGoogle --> createWorker1[(new workers)]
    hasToSpawn -- Yes, AWS --> requestAWS([Create instance: ec2.runInstances])
    requestAWS --> createWorker2[(new workers)]

    hasToSpawn -- No --> takeWorkerPool

    requestWorker --> hasPreviousProviderIds{Provider Id changed ?}
    createWorker1 --> hasPreviousProviderIds{Provider Id changed ?}
    createWorker2 --> hasPreviousProviderIds{Provider Id changed ?}

    hasPreviousProviderIds -- yes --> deprovisionPool[Deprovision worker pool<br> * if provider supports]
    hasPreviousProviderIds -- no --> takeWorkerPool
    deprovisionPool --> poolIterateStop[End iteration]

  poolIterateStop -.-> cleanupProviders[Cleanup providers]

Worker manager scanning loop

Scanner iterates through all non-stopped workers to check and update their statuses.

graph TD;
  initiateProviders[Initiate providers] -.-> prepareProviders

subgraph scan loop
  prepareProviders[Prepare providers] --> queryWorkers

  queryWorkers[(Get all non stopped workers)] --> iterateWorkers[Iterate each worker]
  iterateWorkers --> providerSpecificProvisioning[Provider specific checks]

  providerSpecificProvisioning --> updateExpires

  updateExpires -.-> cleanupProviders[Cleanup providers]

Sequence of calls

  participant WMP as W-M Provisioner
  participant DB
  participant Estimator
  participant Queue as Queue Service

  WMP-->>DB: get worker pool capacity
  DB-->>WMP: worker pool A capacity
  WMP-->>Estimator: How many to start for pool A?
  Estimator-->>Queue: Get pending tasks count for pool A?
  Queue-->>Estimator: pendingTasks: 5
  Estimator-->>WMP: Please spawn: 5 more

  WMP-->>DB: Create new worker with config (x5)

Azure specific checks

graph TD;

  subgraph azureCheckWorker [Azure checkWorker]
    azureCheckStates --> isStopping{state == Stopping ?}
    isStopping -- Yes --> deprovisionResources[Deprovision resources]
    isStopping -- No --> queryInstance([Cloud API: get instance info])

    queryInstance -- VM exists --> checkTerminateAfter{terminateAfter < now ?}
    checkTerminateAfter -- Yes --> removeWorker[(Remove worker)]
    checkTerminateAfter -- No --> provisionResources([Provision resources])

    queryInstance -- VM stopped or failed ? ----> removeWorker

    queryInstance -- VM not found --> isRequestedAndNotProvisioned{Requested but <br>not yet provisioned ?}
    isRequestedAndNotProvisioned -- Yes ----> provisionResources
    isRequestedAndNotProvisioned -- No ----> removeWorker

    subgraph Deprovisioning
      deprovisionResources --> deprovisionVm([Deprovision VM])
      deprovisionVm --> deprovisionNic([Deprovision NIC])
      deprovisionNic --> deprovisionIp([Deprovision IP])
      deprovisionIp --> deprovisionDisks([Deprovision all disks])
      deprovisionDisks --> markStopped[(state = Stopped)]
    markStopped --> azureCheckEnd

    subgraph Provisioning
      provisionResources -- if public IP needed --> provisionIp[/Provision IP async/]
      provisionResources -- if public ip not needed --> provisionNic
      provisionIp -- if ip ready --> provisionNic[/Provision NIC/]
      provisionNic -- if nic ready --> provisionVm[/Provision VM/]
      provisionVm -- success --> provisionComplete[(provisioningComplete = true)]
    provisionVm -- failure --> removeWorker
    provisionVm --> azureCheckEnd

    removeWorker --> azureCheckEnd[end of check]

Sequence of provisioning

  participant DB
  participant WMS as W-M Scanner
  participant Azure

  loop Loop all workers
    WMS-->>DB: get worker state
    DB-->>WMS: state: 'requested'

    Note over WMS,Azure: Res is one of: <br> IP, NIC, VM

    WMS-->>Azure: Query state of Res
    Azure-->>WMS: Res state

    WMS-->>DB: Update Res ID if changed,<br> remove operation id

    Note over WMS,Azure: Request one per loop

    WMS-->>Azure: provision Res
    Azure-->>WMS: operation ID
    WMS-->>DB: update worker: set Res operation ID

AWS specific checks

graph TD;
  subgraph awsCheckWorker [AWS checkWorker]
    awsCheck --> describeInstance([Describe Instance])
    describeInstance -- running state --> markSeen[mark seen]
    describeInstance -- stopped state --> markStopped2[(state = Stopped)]
    markSeen --> checkTerminateAfter2{terminateAfter < now ?}
    markStopped2 --> checkTerminateAfter2
    checkTerminateAfter2 -- Yes --> removeWorker2[(Remove worker)]

    describeInstance -- Not found or error --> markStopped2
    describeInstance --> awsUpdateInstance[(state = newstate<br>lastModified = now)]

GCP specific checks

graph TD;
  subgraph gcpCheckWorker [GCP checkWorker]
    gcpCheck --> getInstanceInfo([Get instance info])
    getInstanceInfo -- running state --> markSeen3[mark seen]
    getInstanceInfo -- stopped state --> markStopped3[(state = Stopped)]
    markSeen3 --> checkTerminateAfter3{terminateAfter < now ?}
    checkTerminateAfter3 -- Yes --> removeWorker3[(Remove worker)]
    getInstanceInfo --> gcpUpdateInstance[(state = newstate<br>lastModified = now)]