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A library for C# to enable functional programming using common data types like Result, Option and Validation. Also includes source generators for generating union types, and much more.

Documentation is a work in progress.


FxKit is broken up into the following packages:

It is recommended to add the following global using to make it easy to construct the core data types.

global using static FxKit.Prelude;

This makes functions like Some(value) and Ok(value) available everywhere.

Core data types

FxKit exposes C#-friendly implementations of common functional programming data types:

  • Unit: A replacement for void that can be used as a value.
  • Option: Alternative to nullable types.
  • Result: Contains either a success value or an error value. The API is similar to that of Rust's Result type.
  • Validation: Like Result but can hold multiple errors.

All of them contain escape hatches for when you need to do imperative work. Additionally, they do not allow nullable reference types (that is, types annotated with ?, e.g. int?, string?) in any of their values.

Option, Result, and Validation all contain:

  • Map / Select: transform the inner value.
  • FlatMap / SelectMany: also called monadic bind.
  • Match: exhaustive pattern match on the type's constituents.
  • Unwrap: escape hatch which may throw. There are variations.
  • TryGet: escape hatch using if control flow.
  • Implicit conversions: each type has implicit conversions where possible (Option<int> o = 1; would be the same as Some(1)).

Extension methods have also been provided for the built-in Task to make interop seamless.

The following usage documentation is not an exhaustive listing of the available APIs.

The Unit type

Unit is useful when you need to return a value from a method that doesn't have a meaningful value to return. It's similar to void, but can be used as a value.

public Unit DoSomething()
    // Do something
    return Unit.Value;
    // Alternatively:
    // return default;

The Option type

The Option type is a replacement for nullable types. It can be used to represent a value that may or may not be present.

public Option<string> OnlyNonWhitespace(string? value) =>
        ? None
        : Some(value);

You can use TryGet as an escape hatch to get the value out.

Option<string> nonWhitespace = OnlyNonWhitespace("hello");

if (nonWhitespace.TryGet(out var value)) 

// Alternatively, `Unwrap` can be used, but will throw an exception if in the `None` state.
string value = nonWhitespace.Unwrap();

Transforming the value:

OnlyNonWhitespace("  hello  ")
    .Map(x => x.Trim());


int length = OnlyNonWhitespace("  hello  ")
    .Map(x => x.Trim())
        Some: x => x.Length,
        None: () => 0);

There are shortcuts for a lot of these - for example, the above could be written as:

int length = OnlyNonWhitespace("  hello  ")
    .Map(x => x.Trim())
    .Map(x => x.Length)


Option<int> nonZeroLength = OnlyNonWhitespace("  hello  ")
    .Map(x => x.Trim())
    .Map(x => x.Length)
    .Where(x => x.Length > 0);

Monadic bind (also called flat mapping):

Option<string> greeting = OnlyNonWhitespace("  hello  ")
    .Map(x => x.Trim())
    .FlatMap(a => 
        OnlyNonWhitespace("   world   ")
            .Map(y => y.Trim())
            .Map(b => $"{a} {b}");

That wasn't very pretty - you can use LINQ to make it nicer:

Option<string> greeting = 
    from a in OnlyNonWhitespace("  hello  ").Map(x => x.Trim())
    from b in OnlyNonWhitespace("   world   ").Map(y => y.Trim())
    select $"{a} {b}";

You can turn Options into other types, such as Result:

Result<int, string> result = OnlyNonWhitespace("  hello  ")
    .Map(x => x.Trim())
    .Map(x => x.Length)
    .Where(x => x.Length > 0)
    .OkOr("That string was only whitespace! Bad!")

You can traverse between various other container types. For example:

IReadOnlyList<int> list = [2, 4, 6];

Option<IReadOnlyList<int>> listOfOnlyEvenNumbers = 
    list.Traverse(x => x % 2 == 0 ? Some(x) : None);
// Some([2, 4, 6])

The Result type

The Result type (also commonly known as "Either") can hold either an Ok value or an Err value.

public Result<int, string> Divide(int a, int b) =>
    b == 0
        ? Err("Cannot divide by zero")
        : Ok(a / b);

You can use TryGet as an escape hatch to get the value and error out.

Result<int, string> result = Divide(10, 2);
if (result.TryGet(out var value, out var error)) 
    // `value` will be non-null, `error` will be null.
    // `value` will be null, `error` will be non-null.

Results are very useful for error handling without using exceptions.

For example, say we've got a function that returns an async result like so:

public enum FileError

// Implementation omitted
public Task<Result<string, FileError>> ReadFileAsStringAsync(string path);

And we have another method for parsing a string as a number like this:

[EnumMatch] // FxKit magic sauce 馃憖 See the section on source generation
public enum ParseError

// Implementation omitted
public Result<int, ParseError> ParseInt(string value);

Now we want to use them together:

[Union] // FxKit magic sauce 馃憖 See the section on source generation
public partial record ReadAndParseError
    // For the file error, we want to pass it along.
    partial record ReadingFileFailed(FileError Error);
    // We'll clarify the parse errors at this layer instead.
    partial record FileDidNotContainNumber;
    partial record NumberOverflow;

public Task<Result<int, ReadAndParseError>> ReadAndParseAsync(string path) =>
    // Read the file contents
    from contents in ReadFileAsStringAsync(path)
        .MapErrT(ReadAndParseError.ReadingFileFailed.Of) // forward the error by wrapping it in our error type
    // Parse the number
    from parsed in ParseInt(contents)
        // Map the inner error to the shape we want. 
        .MapErr(e => e.Match(
            NotANumber: ReadAndParseError.FileDidNotContainNumber.Of),
            Overflow: ReadAndParseError.NumberOverflow.Of))
        .AsTask() // The `AsTask` is needed to align the types
    // Return the value
    select parsed;

First, we define our functions - one of them happens to be async (returns Task). We also define our error types for the file reading and the number parsing. Then, we define a new error type that combines the two. This is a union type, which is a type that can be one of several types.

In ReadAndParseAsync, we start by reading the file. If that fails, we wrap the error in our new error type. If it succeeds, we parse the number. If that fails, we map the error to our new error type. Finally, we return the value.

You may have noticed some interesting bits and pieces such as the [EnumMatch], [Union], MapErr and MapErrT, and AsTask.

  • [EnumMatch] is used to generate an exhaustive Match method for the enum type.
  • [Union] declares the type as a union type and marks it abstract - each partial record defined inside will inherit the decorated type. Methods like Of and Match are generated to enable inference-friendly construction and exhaustive matching, respectively.
  • MapErr maps the error of the result, in case the result is in the error state
  • MapErrT is like .Map(x => x.MapErr(y => ...)) - the reason we used it here is because we are working
  • with Task<Result<..>> rather than Result directly.
  • AsTask is used to turn a Result into a Task<Result<..>> in order to satisfy the compiler - this is needed for the LINQ syntax to work.

The Validation type

The Validation type is like Result, but can hold multiple errors.

// `ValueOf` is a simple value wrapper type that overrides equality checks,  hashcode, and provides
// implicit conversions to the underlying type.
public sealed class Age : ValueOf<int>
    private Age(int value)
        : base(value)

    public static Validation<Age, string> Parse(int age)
        var errors = new List<string>();
        if (age < 18)
            errors.Add("You must be at least 18 years of age");

        if (age % 2 != 0)
            errors.Add("Your age must be an even number - sorry, I don't make the rules");

        return errors.Count == 0
            ? Valid(new Age(age))
            : Invalid(errors.AsEnumerable());

public sealed class Name : ValueOf<string>
    private Name(string value)
        : base(value)

    public static Validation<Name, string> Parse(string name) =>
        // `NonNullOrWhiteSpace` returns an `Option<string>` which
        // we can turn into a `Validation` like so:
            .ValidOr("Name must not be empty")
            .Map(name => new Name(name));

[Lambda] // generates a function we can use for lifting
public partial record Person(Name Name, Age Age);

We have defined 2 value objects with Parse methods that allow us to parse a primitive value into a rich type. We have also defined a Person type which is a composition of the 2 previous types.

How do we construct a Person but also collect all validation errors together without a bunch of boilerplate?

We can use the applicative property of Validation to do this.

Validation<Person, string> personValidation =
    // 位 is a function generated by the `[Lambda]` attribute which
    // lets us pass `Person`'s constructor as a regular function.
    // Use your editor's autocomplete for this.
        // Next, we can apply each parameter.

// If all the validations are valid, then we'll get a constructed `Person`.
// Otherwise, all the errors will be collected.
if (personValidation.TryGet(out var person, out var errors)) 
    // ...

Source generation

FxKit ships with a few (optional) source generators, each enabled by their respective attribute:

  • [EnumMatch]: generates a Match extension method for the enum type. Useful to guarantee exhaustive matching. Each enum member will be represented as a function parameter to Match.
  • [Lambda]: when used at the type level, generates a as a Func, allowing you to pass a type's constructor as a function. When used on a method, generates a Func for that method suffixed with in the name.
  • [Union]: turns the record into a union type. Each member gets a and Of methods for constructing the member. The return type of these is the base type which makes it useful for mapping.

To use, install the FxKit.CompilerServices and FxKit.CompilerServices.Annotations packages.

The [EnumMatch] generator

When using switch on enums, it is not an exhaustive match - that means if you add new members to the enum, the compiler does not guarantee that you handle it.

The [EnumMatch] generator will generate a Match function with parameters for each enum member.

public enum DotNetLanguage

// Usage:
public string GetLanguageName(DotNetLanguage language) =>
        CSharp: () => "C#",
        FSharp: () => "F#",
        VB: () => "Visual Basic");

If you add a new entry to the enum, the Match method is regenerated and will cause a compilation error due to missing a parameter.

The [Lambda] generator

Generates a Func alias for the decorated type's constructor. Useful for lifting into an applicative such as Valid.

// Methods for validation
public static Validation<string, string> ValidateName(string name);
public static Validation<int, string> ValidateAge(int age);

// Add to a partial type (record, struct, class)
public partial record Person(string Name, int Age);

// That generates a `Func` named `位`. Can be used like this:
var person = Valid(Person.)
    // Turn the validation into a result and join the errors
    // into a string.
    .OkOrElse(error => error.ToJoinedString())

The [Union] generator

Simplifies the construction of discriminated unions using records. It also includes an analyzer to ensure correct usage.

// Makes `BoxedValue` abstract
public partial record BoxedValue
    // Each entry becomes `public sealed partial record`
    partial record StringValue(string Value);
    partial record IntValue(int Value);

This grants BoxedValue some new powers.

  • BoxedValue.[Member].Of: A static function alias for the constructor that returns the base type. Useful for inference.
    // Does not compile
    var value = true ? new BoxedValue.StringValue("One") : new BoxedValue.IntValue(2);
    // Compiles
    var value = true ? BoxedValue.StringValue.Of("One") : BoxedValue.IntValue.Of(2);
  • BoxedValue.[Member].位: A Func version of the above, see the [Lambda] generator.
  • BoxedValue.Match: A function for exhaustive matching on the union's members, see the [EnumMatch] generator.
    var matched = value.Match(
      StringValue: sv => $"string:{sv.Value}",
      IntValue: iv => $"int:{iv.Value}");

Transformer methods

When working with stacked types, such as Task<Option<T>>, Result<Option<T>, E> etc, it can be a pain to operate on the innermost type.

Most of these have auto-generated transformer methods - that is, the method with a T suffix, for example MapT, OkOrElseT, UnwrapT etc.

var result =
    // <> needed here as compiler cannot infer the error type.    
    Ok<Option<string>, string>(Some("Hello"));

// Maps the value in the inner `Option`
Result<Option<int>, string> mapped = result.MapT(x => x.Length);

Transformers for Task

The Task type is probably the most common "outer" type in a type stack in most real-world programs. Additionally, async is used very frequently, therefore, special methods exist that allow returning Tasks such as MapAsync, FlatMapAsync, MapAsyncT, FlatMapAsyncT to name a few.

For example, if you have a Task<Result<int, string>> stacked, if you want to map the int held in the innermost type (the Result) using an async method:

// `value` is the `int`, assuming `SomeAsyncMapping` returns `Task<bool>`:
Task<Result<bool, string>> taskOfResultMapped = stacked.MapAsyncT(
    async value => await SomeAsyncMapping(value))


Functional programming utilities and Roslyn components for writing expressive C#







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