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26. Normalizing API Responses with normalizer

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The byId reducer currently has to handle server actions differently, because they have different response shapes.

For example, the 'FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS' action's response is an array of todos. This array has be to iterated over and merged one at a time into the next state.

The response for 'ADD_TODO_SUCCESS' is the single todo that has just been added, and this single todo has to be merged in a different way.

Instead of adding new cases for every new API call, I want to normalize the responses so the response shape is always the same.

Installing normalizr

normalizr is a utility library that will help us normalize API responses to have the same shape.

$ npm install --save normalizr

Creating schema.js

We'll create a new file schema.js inside of our actions directory.

We'll start by importing a Schema constructor and a function called arrayOf from normalizr.

Our first exported Schema will be for the todo objects, and we'll specify todos as the name of the dictionary in the normalized response.

Our next schema called arrayOfTodos corresponds to the responses that contain arrays of todo objects.

import { schema } from 'normalizr'

export const todo = new schema.Entity('todos');
export const arrayOfTodos = new schema.Array(todo);

Updating our Action Creators

Inside of actions/index.js, we'll add a named import for a function called normalize that we import from normalizr. We also add a namespace import for all the Schemas we defined in the schema file.

Inside of the FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS callback, we'll add a "normalized response" log so that I can see what the normalized response looks like. We call the normalize function with the original response as the first argument, and the corresponding schema (in this case, arrayOfTodos) as the second argument.

return api.fetchTodos(filter).then(
  response => {
      'normalized response',
      normalize(response, schema.arrayOfTodos)
      type: 'FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS',

We'll update addTodo in a similar manner:

export const addTodo = (text) => (dispatch) =>
  api.addTodo(text).then(response => {
      'normalized response',
      normalize(response, schema.todo)
      type: 'ADD_TODO_SUCCESS',

Comparing Responses

At this point, the response in the action is an array of to-do objects, but our normalized response for 'FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS' is an object that contains two fields: entities and result.

entities contains a normalized dictionary called todos that contains every todo in the response by its id. normalizr found these todo objects in the response by following the arrayOfTodos schema. Conveniently, they are indexed by IDs, so they will be easy to merge into the lookup table.

The second field is the result, which is an array of todo IDs. They are in the same order as the todos in the original response array. However, normalizr replaced each todo with its ID, and moved every todo into the todos dictionary.

Finishing our Action Creator Updates

We will now change the action creators so that they pass the normalized response in the response field, instead of the original response.

return api.fetchTodos(filter).then(
  response => {
      'normalized response',
      normalize(response, schema.arrayOfTodos)
      type: 'FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS',
return api.fetchTodos(filter).then(
      type: 'FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS',
      response: normalize(response, schema.arrayOfTodos),

Updating the Reducers

We can delete the special cases in our byId reducer, because the response shape has been normalized. Instead of switching by action type, we will check to see if the action has a response object on it.

byId Reducer Before:
const byId = (state = {}, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS': // eslint-disable-line no-case-declarations
      const nextState = { ...state };
      action.response.forEach(todo => {
        nextState[] = todo;
      return nextState;
    case 'ADD_TODO_SUCCESS':
      return {
        []: action.response,
      return state;

We will return a new version of the lookup table that contains all existing entries, as well as any entries inside entities.todos in the normalized response. For other actions, I will return the lookup table as it is.

byId Reducer After:
const byId = (state = {}, action) => {
  if (action.response) {
    return {
  return state;

Now we need to update the ids reducer inside of createList.js for our new action.response shape.

ids Reducer Before:
const ids = (state = [], action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        return filter === action.filter ?
 => :
      case 'ADD_TODO_SUCCESS':
        return filter !== 'completed' ?
          [...state,] :
        return state;

Now, the action response has a result field, which is either an array of ids (in the case of 'FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS'), or a single id of the fetched todo (in the case of 'ADD_TODO_SUCCESS').

ids Reducer After
const ids = (state = [], action) => {
   switch (action.type) {
       return filter === action.filter ?
         action.response.result :
     case 'ADD_TODO_SUCCESS':
       return filter !== 'completed' ?
         [...state, action.response.result] :
       return state;

Demonstration and recap at 5:33 in video

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