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Benchbase Containers

This directory provides scripts for producing and running two different containers.

Building Containers

  1. benchbase-dev which can be used for building and developing benchbase.

    It contains a full JDK and is expected to be run with the local source code checkout mapped into it (e.g. docker run -v $repo_root:/benchbase benchbase-dev).

    The .devcontainer.json config references this one and can be used with Github Codespaces or VS Code dev containers.

    See and for further details.

  2. benchbase which can be used for easily running benchbase in a container environment (e.g. via Kubernetes).

    It contains just a JRE and can be used for running prebuilt profiles of benchbase.

    The benchbase-dev image is used to produce the prebuilt profiles.

    By default all profiles are built, though this can be controlled by setting the BENCHBASE_PROFILES environment variable to a specific subset of profiles when building the image with the script. For instance:

    BENCHBASE_PROFILES='postgres mysql' ./

    The test suite can also be skipped during the build phase by setting SKIP_TESTS='true'.

    Additionally, an benchbase-{profile_name} image with just that profile in it will be created for each of the BENCHBASE_PROFILES.

    When running the benchbase image, results are placed in /benchbase/results, which is expected to be mapped back into the host environment (e.g. docker run -v /place/to/save/results:/benchbase/results benchbase)

    See and for further details.

Publishing Containers

These scripts are used to publish the images to a container registry for easy consumption with docker pull as well.

If you would like to publish them to an alternative repository, you can setup the appropriate tags during the build by setting the CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME environment variable. For instance:


docker push $CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME/benchbase-dev
docker push $CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME/benchbase

Running Containers

With Local Builds

# This will build and run a container shell with maven and java preloaded and the current source checkout mapped into it:
# This will build and run a container for running the postgres benchbase profile:
BENCHBASE_PROFILE='postgres' ./docker/benchbase/

Prebuilt Containers

To use prebuilt containers, the following can be used:

docker pull

# Provide a build environment for working with the local source code:
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/src:/benchbase

Optional: also reuse the local MAVEN_CONFIG and it's repository download cache with the following argument:

-v "${MAVEN_CONFIG:-$HOME/.m2}:/home/containeruser/.m2"

docker pull

# Run benchbase against a postgres instance and store the results in /results:
docker run --rm --env BENCHBASE_PROFILE='postgres' -v /results:/benchbase/results --help

# Or by referencing the standalone image for that profile:
docker run --rm -v /results:/benchbase/results --help