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File metadata and controls

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The bitmath Module


This section describes utility functions included in the bitmath module.


bitmath.getsize(path[, bestprefix=True[, system=NIST]])

Return a bitmath instance representing the size of a file at any given path.

param string path

The path of a file to read the size of

param bool bestprefix

Default: True, the returned instance will be in the best human-readable prefix unit. If set to False the result is a bitmath.Byte instance.

param system

Default: bitmath.NIST. The preferred system of units for the returned instance.

type system

One of bitmath.NIST or bitmath.SI

Internally :pybitmath.getsize calls :pyos.path.realpath before calling :pyos.path.getsize on any paths.



bitmath.listdir(search_base[, followlinks=False[, filter='*'[, relpath=False[, bestprefix=False[, system=NIST]]]]])

This is a generator which recurses a directory tree yielding 2-tuples of:

  • The absolute/relative path to a discovered file
  • A bitmath instance representing the apparent size of the file.
param string search_base

The directory to begin walking down

param bool followlinks

Default: False, do not follow links. Whether or not to follow symbolic links to directories. Setting to True enables directory link following

param string filter

Default: * (everything). A glob to filter results with. See fnmatch for more details about globs

param bool relpath

Default: False, returns the fully qualified to each discovered file. True to return the relative path from the present working directory to the discovered file. If relpath is False, then :pybitmath.listdir internally calls :pyos.path.realpath to normalize path references

param bool bestprefix

Default: False, returns bitmath.Byte instances. Set to True to return the best human-readable prefix unit for representation

param system

Default: bitmath.NIST. Set a prefix preferred unit system. Requires bestprefix is True

type system

One of bitmath.NIST or bitmath.SI


  • This function does NOT return tuples for directory entities.
  • Symlinks to files are followed automatically


Context Managers

This section describes all of the context managers provided by the bitmath class.


For a bit of background, a context manager (specifically, the with statement) is a feature of the Python language which is commonly used to:

  • Decorate, or wrap, an arbitrary block of code. I.e., effect a certain condition onto a specific body of code
  • Automatically open and close an object which is used in a specific context. I.e., handle set-up and tear-down of objects in the place they are used.

The "with" Statement


Decorators for Functions and Methods


bitmath.format([fmt_str=None[, plural=False[, bestprefix=False]]])

The :pybitmath.format context manager allows you to specify the string representation of all bitmath instances within a specific block of code.

This is effectively equivalent to applying the format()<instances_format> method to an entire region of code.

param str fmt_str

a formatting mini-language compat formatting string. See the instances attributes <instance_attributes> for a list of available items.

param bool plural

True enables printing instances with trailing s's if they're plural. False (default) prints them as singular (no trailing 's')

param bool bestprefix

True enables printing instances in their best human-readable representation. False, the default, prints instances using their current prefix unit.


The bestprefix parameter is not yet implemented!

Let's look at an example of toggling pluralization on and off. First we'll look over a demonstration script (below), and then we'll review the output.

import bitmath

a_single_bit = bitmath.Bit(1)
technically_plural_bytes = bitmath.Byte(0)
always_plural_kbs = bitmath.kb(42)

formatting_args = {
    'not_plural': a_single_bit,
    'technically_plural': technically_plural_bytes,
    'always_plural': always_plural_kbs

print """None of the following will be pluralized, because that feature is turned off

test_string = """   One unit of 'Bit': {not_plural}

   0 of a unit is typically said pluralized in US English: {technically_plural}

   several items of a unit will always be pluralized in normal US English
   speech: {always_plural}"""

print test_string.format(**formatting_args)

print """

print """Now, we'll use the bitmath.format() context manager
to print the same test string, but with pluralization enabled.

with bitmath.format(plural=True):
    print test_string.format(**formatting_args)

The context manager is demonstrated in lines 3334. In these lines we use the :pybitmath.format context manager, setting plural to True, to print the original string again. By doing this we have enabled pluralized string representations (where appropriate). Running this script would have the following output:

None of the following will be pluralized, because that feature is turned off

   One unit of 'Bit': 1.0 Bit

   0 of a unit is typically said pluralized in US English: 0.0 Byte

   several items of a unit will always be pluralized in normal US English
   speech: 42.0 kb


Now, we'll use the bitmath.format() context manager
to print the same test string, but with pluralization enabled.

   One unit of 'Bit': 1.0 Bit

   0 of a unit is typically said pluralized in US English: 0.0 Bytes

   several items of a unit will always be pluralized in normal US English
   speech: 42.0 kbs

Here's a shorter example, where we'll:

  • Print a string containing bitmath instances using the default formatting (lines 23)
  • Use the context manager to print the instances in scientific notation (lines 47)
  • Print the string one last time to demonstrate how the formatting automatically returns to the default format (lines 89)
>>> import bitmath
>>> print "Some instances: %s, %s" % (bitmath.KiB(1 / 3.0), bitmath.Bit(512))
Some instances: 0.333333333333 KiB, 512.0 Bit
>>> with bitmath.format("{value:e}-{unit}"):
...     print "Some instances: %s, %s" % (bitmath.KiB(1 / 3.0), bitmath.Bit(512))
Some instances: 3.333333e-01-KiB, 5.120000e+02-Bit
>>> print "Some instances: %s, %s" % (bitmath.KiB(1 / 3.0), bitmath.Bit(512))
Some instances: 0.333333333333 KiB, 512.0 Bit


Module Variables

This section describes the module-level variables. Some of which are constants and are used for reference. Some of which effect output or behavior.

1.0.7 The formatting strings were not available for manupulate/inspection in earlier versions


Modifying these variables will change the default representation indefinitely. Use the :pybitmath.format context manager to limit changes to a specific block of code.