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Resources for the Semeval 2016 Task 3 Community Question Answering. Contains word embeddings and system description results

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Fine-Tuned word embeddings trained on the Community Question Answering data of forum as used in Semanticz System in the SemEval 2016 Task 3 Community Question Answering

Here we publish our fine-tuned domain specific word embeddings suitable for Community Question Answering in the Qatar Living Forum as used for SemanticZ system participation in Semeval 2016 Task 3 Community Question Answering.

SemEval 2016 Task 3 Community Question Answering

Official page -

Description paper and results - pdf

##SemanticZ at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Ranking Relevant Answers in Community Question Answering Using Semantic Similarity Based on Fine-tuned Word Embeddings We publish word2vec word embeddings trained on Qatar Living( questions and answers as used in our system for finding good answers in a community forum, as defined in SemEval-2016, Task 3 on Community Question Answering. Our approach relies on several semantic similarity features based on fine-tuned word embeddings and topics similarities. In the main Subtask C, our primary submission was ranked third, with a MAP of 51.68 and accuracy of 69.94. In Subtask A, our primary submission was also third, with MAP of 77.58 and accuracy of 73.39.

System description paper:pdf Authors: Todor Mihaylov and Preslav Nakov ##Resources

Please, cite the following paper if you use the resources below:

  author    = {Mihaylov, Todor  and  Nakov, Preslav },
  title     = {SemanticZ at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Ranking Relevant Answers in Community Question Answering Using Semantic Similarity Based on Fine-tuned Word Embeddings},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2016)},
  month     = {June},
  year      = {2016},
  address   = {San Diego, California},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  pages     = {804 - 811},
  url       = {}

Table:Semantic vectors of different vector sizes + cossim(vec(Q),vec(A)), trained on Qatar Living Forum as features for subtask A: training on train2016-part1, testing on test2016:

Vector size MAP Accuracy Word embeddings
800 78.45 74.22 Download
700 78.12 73.98 Download
600 77.31 73.15 Download
500 77.61 73.30 Download
400 78.36 74.19 -
300 77.25 74.50 Download
200 77.90 73.88 Download
100 77.08 74.53 Download
50 77.22 73.85 -
20 75.44 72.42 Download
Baseline 59.53 -

Table:Exploring Word2Vec training parameters on Qatar Living Forum: word vector size (Size), context window (Window), minimum word frequency (Freq), and skip-grams (Skip). Vectors used as features for subtask A (together with all other features): training on train2016-part1, testing on test2016:

Size Window Freq Skip MAP Acc Word embeddings
200 5 1 3 78.21 74.25 Download - best performing for Subtask A with ablated features(see table below)
200 5 5 1 78.19 73.49 Download
200 5 5 3 78.13 74.01 Download
200 5 1 1 78.01 74.53 Download
100 5 1 1 77.93 74.19 Download - best performing for Subtask C with ablated features(see table below)
200 10 5 1 77.90 73.88 Download
100 5 1 3 77.81 73.94 Download
100 10 1 1 77.72 74.43 Download
200 10 1 1 77.58 74.25 Download
100 5 5 1 77.53 74.07 Download
200 10 1 3 77.43 73.73 Download
100 10 10 1 77.18 73.79 -
100 10 5 1 77.08 74.53 Download

Table: Subtask C. Using all features without some feature groups. Word2Vec is trained on QL with word vector size 100, context window 5, minimum word frequency 1, and skip-grams 1 (Download), Classifier is trained on Train2016-part1 and evaluated on Test-2016:

Features MAP Accuracy
All - Q to C sim 53.39 69.87
All - Meta categories 53.06 69.81
All - WC sim and Meta cat 52.91 69.54
All - WC sim and LDA sim 52.84 70.06
All - Meta cat and LDA sim 52.83 69.87
All - Ext POS sim and WC sim 52.82 70.21
All 52.78 69.43
All - Aligned similarity 52.76 70.10
All - Word Clusters similarity 52.58 69.63
All - Maximized similarity 52.47 69.27
All - Cat and WC and LDA sim 52.44 69.51
All - Ext POS sim 52.23 69.91
All - LDA sim 52.08 69.97
All - POS sim 51.57 69.96
All - Word Vectors 49.57 70.13
All - Metadata full 46.03 71.06
Primary 51.68 69.94
Contrastive 1 51.46 69.69
Contrastive 2 48.76 69.71
Baseline (IR) 28.88 --

Table:Subtask A. Using all features without some feature groups. Word2Vec is trained with word vector size 200, context window 5, minimum word frequency 1, and skip-grams 3(Download). Classifier is trained on Train2016-part1 and evaluated on Test-2016:

Features MAP Accuracy
All - Quest. to Comment sim 78.52 74.31
All - Maximized similarity 78.38 74.59
All - Word Clusters similarity 78.29 74.25
All - WC sim & Meta cat 78.22 74.04
All - Meta categories 78.21 74.25
All 78.21 74.25
All - Meta cat & LDA sim 78.18 73.88
All - Ext POS sim & WC sim 78.10 74.28
All - Aligned similarity 77.97 74.16
All - Cat & WC & LDA sim 77.95 74.19
All - WC & LDA sims 77.92 74.25
All - Ext POS sim 77.92 74.43
All - LDA sim 77.85 74.37
All - POS sim 77.77 74.80
All - Metadata full 74.50 70.31
All - Word Vectors 74.35 70.80
Primary 77.58 73.39
Contrastive 1 77.16 73.88
Contrastive 2 75.41 72.26
Baseline (IR) 59.53 --

##How to use the embeddings The emebeddings published here can be used using gensim word2vec implementation.

word2vec_model_file='qatarliving_qc_size200_win5_mincnt1_rpl_skip3_phrFalse_2016_02_25.word2vec.bin' # put here the .bin file from the downloaded zip file

#load the model
model = Word2Vec.load(word2vec_model_file)

print model.most_similar(positive=['woman', 'king'], negative=['man'], topn=1)

#get embedding for word
print model['qatar']

For more examples of using the loaded model, please see the Gensim Word2Vec tutorial by Radim Rehurek here.

##Questions and issues with the embeddings If you have any questions or problems with the embeddings, please open an issue or send an e-mail to tbmihailov [at] gmail!


Resources for the Semeval 2016 Task 3 Community Question Answering. Contains word embeddings and system description results






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