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<±/> diffHTML: Babel Transform Plugin

Stable Version: 1.0.0-beta.4

This plugin transforms tagged template strings in your projects to diffHTML createTree calls.

More specifically this plugin transforms tagged template strings (html\

`) in your JavaScript files to flat strings that get parsed by the diffHTML HTML Parser, from there they are pieced back together using the AST into a valid JSX/HyperScript-like h(tagName, props, ...childNodes)`. This is both a runtime performance optimization as well as a build time since you can exclude more of diffHTML from your build.

Note! This plugin has been built for use in Babel 6.x environments, and will not work with Babel 5.x ( deprecated) or older versions.*


npm i --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-diffhtml

How to use

Add the plugin to your package.json and update the plugin section in your .babelrc file. Or if your Babel settings are located inside the package.json - update the plugin section there.

You will then need to tag your diffHTML templates with the html function, examples below. This will only optimize tagged templates, allowing you to use the diffHTML runtime build avoiding runtime HTML parsing.

Example on a .babelrc file that will work with diffHTML:

  "plugins": ["transform-diffhtml"]

Write a View view.js:

const { html, innerHTML } = require('diffhtml/runtime');

// Render a div with dynamic children and onclick
function renderTime(time) {
  innerHTML(document.body, html`
    <button onclick=${e => renderTime(new Date())}>Get time</button>

renderTime(new Date());

Then compile it:

babel view.js -o view.es5.js

The output will be:

const { html, innerHTML } = require('diffhtml/runtime');

// Render a div with dynamic children and onclick
function renderTime(time) {
  innerHTML(document.body, [diff.createTree("button", { "onclick": e => renderTime(new Date()) }, [diff.createTree('#text', null, "Get time")]), diff.createTree('#text', null, "\n    "), diff.createTree("output", {}, [diff.createTree(time)])]);

renderTime(new Date());

Specifying options

You can override three identifiers that are used within the transform:

  • tagName - The tagged template function name default is html.
  • createTree - The create tree function default is diff.createTree

Specifying the options in your .babelrc:

  plugins: [
    ["transform-tagged-diffhtml", {
      "tagName": "html",
      "createTree": "createTree",

How your source would look reflecting the options:

import { innerHTML, html, createTree } from 'diffhtml';

function render() {
  return html`
    <div>Hello World</div>

innerHTML(document.body, render());

The output would look like:

const { innerHTML, html, createTree } = require('diffhtml/runtime');

function render() {
  return createTree("div", null, "Hello world");

innerHTML(document.body, render());