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A modular approach to RecyclerView adapters with reusable, testable, independent, coordinated components.


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A collection of modular elements for RecyclerView lists, alternative to Google's Paging library, designed in Kotlin with these goals in mind:

  • Separation of concerns: we split the model component into Sources, and the UI component into Presenters.
  • Simplicity: No need to extend Adapters, ViewHolders or all that Paging lib. boilerplate.
  • Reusability: as a result, each Source and Presenter is an independent piece of code that can be reused.
  • Modularity: let the adapter accept multiple Sources and Presenters.
  • Testability: a consequence of the above, each component can be independently tested.
  • Coordination: let Sources declare dependencies among them, in a CoordinatorLayout.Behavior fashion.
  • Paging: built-in concept of Page.
  • Integration with Arch components: heavy use of LiveData and Lifecycles, extensions for data binding.
  • Animations: give Presenterss fine grained control over how to animate each item
implementation 'com.otaliastudios:elements:0.3.7'

If you are curious about how it works in practice, take a look at the sample app in the app module.


Let's start with some basic examples:

// Simple, single-paged list of days.
val data = listOf("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
    .addPresenter(Presenter.simple(context, R.layout.item, { view, day -> view.text = day }))
// Using an existing LiveData object for model data.
val data: LiveData<String> = WeekDaysLiveData()
    .addPresenter(Presenter.simple(context, R.layout.item, { view, day -> view.text = day }))
// More complex example:
// these contacts classes do not exist, but are easy to create.
    .addSource(ContactsSource()) // Add a paged list of contacts
    .addSource(ContactsHeaderSource()) // Add the letters A, B, C as a header
    .addSource(AdSource(5)) // Add some ads each 5 items
    .addPresenter(Presenter.forLoadingIndicator(context, R.layout.loading))
    .addPresenter(Presenter.forErrorIndicator(context, R.layout.error))
    .addPresenter(Presenter.forEmptyIndicator(context, R.layout.empty))

The Adapter

The adapter is final and can't be extended. All it does is:

  • manage Sources: create a dependency tree among them. Throws exception in case of circular dependencies
  • manage Presenters: dispatch the item requests to the correct presenter
  • manage Pages: if the constructor value pageSizeHint is specified, the adapter will automatically open a new page when the pageSizeHint-th element has been requested for the current page.
  • manage Elements: find a presenter, and order them based on the source behavior.
  • manage page updates: computes the difference between pages using DiffUtil, like the Paging library does.

As a side feature, the adapter will install an Animator as default item animator for your RecyclerView. See Animations for more informations.


The key concept is that each Source is independent in the number of elements that it wants to lay down for a given page.

Whether a new page will be opened, this depends on the Pager that is bound to the Adapter. A pager receives updates about elements that are about to be laid out, and can determine whether it's time to load a new page or not.

We offer a base implementation called PageSizePager which will request new pages when the X-th element is loaded. Let's show this by examples - let's say we have a Source called ContactsSource that can display X items per page.

// Single page with all elements.
    .addSource(ContactsSource(itemsPerPage = Int.MAX_VALUE))
// Good: Split into pages of 10 contacts. When the 10-th element is requested,
// the adapter will request the source for a new page of elements.
    .addSource(ContactsSource(itemsPerPage = 10))

Note: as a shorthand, instead of setPager(PageSizePager(10)), you can simply pass 10 to the builder constructor.

// Better: Split into pages of 10 contacts, but request the next page when the 7-th
// is shown. This means that our network request will be fired earlier and the user will
// wait less time when scrolling.
    .addSource(ContactsSource(itemsPerPage = 10))
// The source loads 10 item, and the adapter won't ask for more.
// You can, however, call adapter.openPage() when needed, for example
// when a 'load more...' button is clicked.
    .addSource(ContactsSource(itemsPerPage = 10))
// Error: the source loads everything, but when the 10-th element is requested,
// the adapter tries to open another page. No big deal anyway.
    .addSource(ContactsSource(itemsPerPage = Int.MAX_VALUE))

The library provides utilities to show loading indicators, pagination prompt buttons, attach a LiveData object to each page, and more. See the Extensions section.


Presenters have the responsibility of laying down elements, that is, creating Views and binding data to them. This is the simplest component and most of the time you don't even need to subclass the Presenter class, thanks to extensions.

These are the main tasks:

Task Function Description
Holder creation onCreate(ViewGroup, Int) Here you must provide a Holder instance, typically inflating a layout resource.
Holder initialization onInitialize(Holder, Int) The holder was created. You can perform here initialization task that do not depend on data (like color filters to icon), or add Views and object to the Holder cache using Holder.set(key, data) and Holder.get(key).
Binding onBind(Page, Holder, Element<T>) Bind data, contained in the given Element, to the view held by Holder.

Presenters also accept a click listener that will be automatically added to each view. The click listener will be added to the root view of the Holder, or, if found, to a child view that has the id This way you can still use the provided listener for internal clicks.


Sources have the responsibility of providing model data. They can be extremely simple and extremely complex if needed, through a dependency mechanism.

For now, let's look at the main callbacks and APIs:

Callback / API Description
onPageOpened(page: Page, dependencies: List<Element<*>>) The given page was opened. You are required to provide results using one of the postResult methods. If the source declared some dependencies, this method will be called once the dependencies are resolved, and will be passed a list of the elements provided by the dependencies.
onPageChanged(page: Page, dependencies: List<Element<*>>) The given page was changed. This is only called if the source declares some dependencies. At this point it can process the list of dependencies elements and, if needed, update its results, as above, using one of the postResult methods.
postResult(page: Page, data: Collection<T>) Posts results for the given page. Can be called at any time, from any thread.
postResult(page: Page, error: Exception) Posts an error for the given page. This means we have no results for this page.
postResult(page: Page, liveData: LiveData<List<T>>) Binds this page to the given LiveData object. This means that anytime this LiveData provides results, we will post them to the given page.

When posting results, the list of T data is converted to a list of Element<T> object. The source can declare the element type for each T data in the getElementType(T) callback.

Subclasses also have the opportunity to change the results that were posted. See, for example, this code that replaces empty lists with a this list is empty Element:

override fun onPostResult(page: Page, result: Result<T>): List<Element<T>> {
    if (result.error != null) {
        return listOf(createEmptyElement(ELEMENT_TYPE_ERROR, result.error))
    } else if (result.values.isEmpty()) {
        return listOf(createEmptyElement(ELEMENT_TYPE_EMPTY))
    } else {
        return result.values

At this point, you will need a presenter for the ELEMENT_TYPE_ERROR and ELEMENT_TYPE_EMPTY types. In fact, this is all available in our extensions.

Effective pagination: page keys

For meaningful pagination, you will need a mechanism to store a key object about pages, which helps formulating the query for the next page. Sources can do this by assigning a private key of type Any to each page.

For example, after fetching data for page page, you can use setKey(page, lastItem). When a new page is requested, you can use getKey(page.previous()) to know which was the last item and pass meaningful constraints to your server.

Elements: Binding presenters and sources

The base block of the library is the Element class. Each element holds our model data, a reference to the source that created it, and an Int value called the element type.

class Element<T: Any>(source: Source<T>, type: Int, data: T?, extra: Any?)

This element type is the mechanism through which we link sources and presenters:

  • Each source emits elements with one or more types, for example through the getElementType(T): Int callback
  • Each presenter declares the types it can lay out, in the elementTypes abstract collection

In case more presenters declare to be able to lay out a given type, the order in which they are added to the adapter counts.

Coordination and ordering

Sources can declare internal dependencies, like CoordinatorLayout.Behaviors do. This is done overriding the dependsOn() function:

override fun dependsOn(other: Source<*>): Boolean {
    return other is ContactsSource

This has a few consequences:

  • the source receives all the dependencies objects in the onPageOpened. This also means that the callback is only fired when the dependency has provided items for that page.
  • the source receives the onPageChanged callback, when the dependency has changed the page content.
  • the source receives the insertBefore() and insertAfter() callbacks, for relative ordering

When a source declares dependencies, we give this source the opportunity to choose how and where to insert its elements. If source A depends on source B and C, you can imagine, for each actual page, an imaginary page made of items from B and C for that page.

public open fun insertBefore(page: Page, dependencies: List<Element<*>>, element: Element<*>, position: Int, available: Int): Int {
   return available // Insert all our A items before B and C items
   return if ( == "foo") 1 else 0 // Add a header to "foo" objects
   return if (position % 4 == 0) 1 else 0 // Add an item each 4 items

Same goes for insertAfter(). Once the source has inserted all its available items, the methods are not called anymore.

State restoration

Sources hold strong references to pages and model data. This has a pleasant consequence:

If you hold sources in your architecture ViewModel, and pass them to a new adapter, the adapter will restore pages and data seamlessly during configuration changes.

The approach should be the following:

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


Like the Google's Paging library, the adapter will use DiffUtil to compute what changed and call the appropriate notify* methods on the adapter.

The computation is performed

  • in a background thread
  • at the page level. This means that it will deal with less elements and be fast
  • anytime something in the page has changed

For this to work better, provide an implementation of the equality callbacks:

class ContactsSource() : Source<Contact> {

    // Whether two items point to the same model entity (that might be changed). 
    override fun areItemsTheSame(first: Contact, second: Contact): Boolean {
        return ==

    // Used to detect whether the model entity has changed. Will call notifyItemChanged().
    // Defaults to full equality.
    override fun areContentsTheSame(first: Contact, second: Contact): Boolean {
        return first == second


Elements has built-in support for animations. On top of calling the correct notify* methods, we also install an Animator as the default item animator for your RecyclerView.

This way each Presenter can have fine-grained control over elements animations, based on their type or their current data. The animations default to the standard fade animations and can be controlled by overriding a few methods.

 * Called to understand whether we should perform animations for the given animation type
 * and for the given holder. 
fun animates(animation: AnimationType, holder: Holder): Boolean {
    return true

 * Animation will start at some point in the future. Subclasses can save info about the view
 * state and set initial values.
fun onPreAnimate(animation: AnimationType, holder: Holder, view: View) {
    when (animation) {
        AnimationType.REMOVE -> {} // Fade out: do nothing
        AnimationType.ADD -> view.alpha = 0F // Fade in: start from 0

 * Animate this view using the given animator.
 * You are not required to:
 * - set a duration: we already use a reasonable default from RecyclerView
 * - set interpolator: we already use a reasonable default
 * - set a listener: it will be overriden by the library, so you should not.
fun onAnimate(animation: AnimationType, holder: Holder, animator: ViewPropertyAnimator) {
    when (animation) {
        AnimationType.REMOVE -> animator.alpha(0F) // Fade out
        AnimationType.ADD -> animator.alpha(1F) // Fade in

 * Restore the view state to its initial values, so the view holder can be reused.
 * Here you should revert any changes that were done during [onPreAnimate] or [onAnimate].
 * If the animation is canceled at some point, this will be called even if
 * [onAnimate] was never called. So this is the good moment to restore the initial state
 * (as opposed to animation listeners).
fun onPostAnimate(animation: AnimationType, holder: Holder, view: View) {
    when (animation) {
        AnimationType.REMOVE -> view.alpha = 1F // Fade out: restore to 1
        AnimationType.ADD -> view.alpha = 1F // Fade in: restore to 1


The elements.extensions package provides useful implementations for sources and presenters. Typically we provide also static methods in the Presenter and Source classes to have even simpler implementations to avoid subclasses.

MainSource related:

Pagination prompts:


Simple sources:

Simple presenters:

Ordering utilities:


This is meant to be extended and incorporates standard behavior for paged, asynchronous content.

  • when the results are empty, it emits a ELEMENT_TYPE_EMPTY element that can be presented by EmptyPresenter
  • when you post an error, it emits a ELEMENT_TYPE_ERROR element that can be presented by ErrorPresenter
  • as soon as a page is opened, it emits a ELEMENT_TYPE_LOADING element that can be presented by LoadingPresenter. When real elements come, the loading element is replaced.

You typically don't want to have more than one MainSource in the same adapter.


Reads ELEMENT_TYPE_EMPTY elements from MainSource. You can display a "This list is empty." indicator. Subclass for more functionality.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.forEmptyIndicator(this, R.layout.empty))


Reads ELEMENT_TYPE_ERROR elements from MainSource. You can display a "There was an error." indicator. Subclass for more functionality.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.forErrorIndicator(this, R.layout.error, { view, exception -> 
        (view as TextView).text = "There was an error: $exception"


Reads ELEMENT_TYPE_LOADING elements from MainSource. You can display a loading indicator. Subclass for more functionality.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.forLoadingIndicator(this, R.layout.loading))

PaginationSource and PaginationPresenter

A pagination source emits PaginationSource.ELEMENT_TYPE elements that are meant to be displayed as "Load more..." buttons. These elements are appended at the end of a page. The PaginationPresenter will receive clicks on these items and ask the adapter for a new page.

val source = ContactsSource()
    .addSource(Source.forPagination(source)) // Add below contacts
    .addPresenter(Presenter.forPagination(this, R.layout.load_more))

DividerSource and DividerPresenter

When you have multiple sources you might want to add dividers among the items of a Source, but not all of the others. For example, you might now want dividers between ads. In this case, a divider source emits DividerSource.ELEMENT_TYPE elements that are caught and displayed by the divider presenter.

val source = ContactsSource()
    .addPresenter(Presenter.forDividers(this, R.layout.divider))


A list source will simply display items from a list in a single page.

    .addSource(Source.fromList(listOf("Red", "Green", "Blue")))


A LiveData source will simply bind results from a LiveData object into a single adapter page.



An extremely simple presenter that can be declared in a single line. It just requires a layout and, optionally, binding logic.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.simple(this,, 0, { view, contact -> 
        (view as TextView).text = contact.fullName()


An useful presenter for users of Android official Data Binding mechanism. You must provide a data binding factory and binding logic, or extend the class for more functionality. This will call executePendingBindings() for you after binding.

    .addPresenter(Presenter.withDataBinding(this, 0, { inflater, viewGroup -> 
        ContactBinding.inflate(inflater, viewGroup, false)
    }, { binding, contact -> = contact

FooterSource and HeaderSource

Ordering utilities for appending or prepending items to other elements of the page. Internally, these use dependencies and insert() callbacks. Implementors should subclass and provide an implementation for computeHeaders or computeFooters.

The class below will add header letters (A, B, C...) above contacts, without duplicates.

class ContactsHeaderSource(): HeaderSource<Contact, String>() {

    // Store the last header that was added, even if it belongs to a previous page.
    private var lastHeader: String = ""

    override fun dependsOn(source: Source<*>) = source is ContactsSource

    override fun computeHeaders(page: Page, list: List<Contact>): List<Data<Contact, String>> {
        val results = arrayListOf<Data<Contact, String>>()
        for (contact in list) {
            val header = contact.fullName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
            if (header != lastHeader) {
                results.add(Data(contact, letter))
                lastHeader = letter
        return results


A modular approach to RecyclerView adapters with reusable, testable, independent, coordinated components.







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