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In this tutorial you will use q2 to implement a Deep-Q Network that can solve the cart-pole problem. The goal is to familiarize you with q2, show you how it can speed up and simplify development and maybe even learn a bit about reinforcement learning to boot.

In the cart-pole problem, the agent must balance an unstable vertical pole on top of a cart that can roll horizontally. It's a classic problem in dynamics and fortunately, OpenAI gym offers an implementation of the problem in the CartPole-v1 environment, which you can access through q2. You can think of the cart-pole problem as a video game with two buttons, left and right. Your goal is to keep the pole from falling over for as long as possible using only those two buttons.

At each time step, the environment yields an observation that corresponds to the position and velocity of the cart, and the angular position and angular velocity of the pole. The agent then selects either left or right, which adds a constant increment to the cart's velocity in the left and right direction respectively. Every time step that it survives, the agent gets +1 reward.

Now you understand the problem: let's build an agent that solves it!


First up, there's some basic setup to do. You'll need Python 3.5 or greater. You can check what version you have at the command line with:

python3 --version

Next, make a new folder called q2_tutorial for this project:

mkdir q2_tutorial
cd q2_tutorial

Then make a virtual environment to keep this project's dependencies isolated from the rest of your system:

python3 -m venv env
. ./env/bin/activate

And finally, install q2:

pip install q2

q2 offers a command line interface that automates mundane tasks so you can spend more time on the problem. First, you can have q2 automatically setup your project structure:

q2 init

Then, test that q2 is working properly by starting a training session on the cart-pole problem with the built-in random agent:

q2 train random --env gym.CartPole-v1 --episodes 10 --render

You should see the cart-pole environment rendered on the screen, with the random agent controlling the cart. As you might guess from the name, the random agent just chooses a random action every time. In this case, that would be a random string of lefts (0) and rights (1). This turns out not to be a very good strategy. It's time to build our own agent, to see if we can do better.


The random agent playing gym.CartPole-v1.


q2 can generate a new agent from a template for you. This helps you avoid rewriting boilerplate and gets you started with a working agent based on the random agent. We're going to build a Deep-Q Network, or DQN for short, so use q2 to generate an agent called dqn:

q2 generate agent dqn

Now you should have a file at q2_tutorial/agents/ Open it up in an editor. You should see a Python class definition that begins:

class Dqn(Agent):

There are six methods defined: __init__, load, save, act, step, and learn. Here's a run-down of what each method is for:

This is where you will define the neural network and setup other objects that the agent needs.
act(state, training_flag) -> action
This method is called whenever an action is needed. It takes an environment state (e.g. cart-pole position and velocity) and a boolean flag that tells the agent whether this is training or testing. It should return a valid action.
step(state, action, reward, next_state, episode_end)
This method is the agent's chance to do some work between steps of the environment. It is called once every time step and can be used to do things like run the learning step or append to internal buffers.
learn(states, actions, rewards, next_states, episode_ends) -> loss
Runs the learning step using the training data provided. This is where you will run a gradient descent step.
load, save
These methods are responsible for saving and loading the Tensorflow checkpoint file, so that your agent remembers what it has learned between training sessions. You will not need to edit them during this tutorial.

Deep-Q Networks

Before we start implementing, here's a primer on Deep-Q Networks. A Deep-Q Network is fundamentally just a neural network that learns to predict how much reward it will get if it takes action A when the environment is in state S. Given a good approximation to this reward function (which is usually denoted Q(S, A), hence "Q" in DQN), it's easy to implement a good agent: just choose the action that is predicted to produce the most reward!

So at each time step the agent does something and gets a certain amount of reward. The DQN looks at the state that the environment was in, the action that was taken and makes a prediction for what the reward will be. It then compares its prediction with the actual reward that was given and updates itself based on its error. When it comes time to choose the next action, our agent simply runs the DQN and chooses the action that is predicted to produce the most reward. That's it.

Well, there is one small complication: the reward that we care about maximizing is actually the total future reward, not just the reward on the next time step. For example, we want our agent to learn how to wait in order to take 10 marshmallows tomorrow rather than 1 today. To make that happen, the DQN is actually going to be learning to predict the total future reward of an action.

After each time step, the agent will use the DQN twice: once to make a prediction about the state that it just acted on, and once to predict the total future reward based on the next environment state that was just entered. Then, we add the actual reward from the current time step to the total future reward predicted for the upcoming state to get our target "ground-truth" total future reward. This is then fed to the DQN to compare with its prediction and update. [1]


You're now ready to define a model. First you'll create a two-layer neural network in __init__ using Tensorflow:

def __init__(self, action_space, observation_space):
    if not isinstance(action_space, Discrete):
        raise TypeError("Invalid environment, this agent only works" +
            "with Discrete action spaces.")

    self.action_space = action_space = type(self).__name__ + "Agent"
    self.checkpoint_name = 'checkpoints/' + + '.ckpt'

    # The training regimen pulls messages from the agent to be displayed
    # during training.
    self.message = ""

    # It's a good idea to keep track of training loss
    self.losses = list()

    # Model parameters
    hidden_nodes = 128
    learning_rate = 1e-4

    # Model definition
    with tf.variable_scope(
        # Input placeholders
        self.state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
            [None, *observation_space.shape], name='state') = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None], name='target')
        self.action = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,
            [None, *action_space.shape], name='action')

        # Transformed inputs
        self.action_vector = tf.one_hot(self.action, action_space.n)
        self.state_flat = tf.layers.flatten(self.state)

        # Hidden layers
        self.hidden0 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(self.state_flat,
        self.hidden1 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(self.hidden0,

        # Outputs
        self.value = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(self.hidden1,
            action_space.n, activation_fn=None)
        self.predicted_reward = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.value,
            self.action_vector), axis=1)

        # Learning
        self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square( -
        self.opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(

So far this is a fairly standard model definition in Tensorflow. You've defined a computational graph that will be run later during act and learn to produce a prediction of the total future reward to be had for each possible action. Next, implementing act is straightforward. You just compute the value for each action and then choose the best one:

def act(self,
    ) -> np.array:
    # self.value holds the predicted rewards for each action
    value =, feed_dict={
        self.state: state.reshape((1, *state.shape))
    best_action = np.argmax(value)
    return best_action

learn is where you compute the total future reward based on the new state of the environment, and then feed that to the DQN as the target towards which to optimise:

def learn(self,
    ) -> float:
    # Discount factor
    gamma = 0.99
    # Compute ground-truth total future expected value based on actual
    # rewards using the Bellman equation
    future_values =, feed_dict={
        self.state: next_states,
    # Expected future value is 0 if episode has ended
    future_values[episode_ends] = np.zeros(future_values.shape[1:])
    # The Bellman equation
    targets = rewards + gamma * np.max(future_values, axis=1)

    loss, _ =[self.loss, self.opt], feed_dict={
        self.state: states, targets,
        self.action: actions,
    return loss

Finally, step is where you run the learning step. For now there is nothing else that needs to be done here:

def step(self,
    # For this simple agent, all we need to do here is run the
    # learning step.
    loss = self.learn(sess, [state], [action], [reward], [next_state],

    self.message = "Loss: {:.2f}".format(loss)

You now have a fully functioning DQN agent! Try it out against the cart-pole environment in a training session:

q2 train dqn --env gym.CartPole-v1 --episodes 10 --render

Once again you should see the cart-pole environment rendered on the screen, only this time your Dqn agent is playing.


With the basic implementation from above, you probably observed that the agent always goes to one-side as quickly as it can. This is a very common failure mode for RL agents. In our case, the initial weights of the DQN came out slightly favouring either left or right. Consequently, the agent chose that action, then receiving a reward of +1 for surviving that time step. This causes the DQN to increase its confidence in that action, leading to a runaway self-reinforcing process in which it will only ever output the same action.


One way to remedy this is to break the loop by injecting some randomness into the agent's actions. q2 comes with some useful tools for this out of the box. At the top of the file, import a decaying noise generator like so:

from q2.agents.noise import DecayProcess

DecayProcess generates a stream of 1s and 0s, with 1s showing up less and less frequently as the process goes on. We can use this to add some randomness to our agents behaviour that starts out big and slowly disappears, letting the agent have more control. Go back down to __init__ and add a line to instantiate the DecayProcess

def __init__(...):
    # Agents need to trade off between exploring and exploiting. This decay
    # process starts the agent off with a high initial exploration tendency
    # and gradually reduces it over time.
    self.noise = DecayProcess(
        explore_start=1.0, explore_stop=0.1, final_frame=1e4)

We'll make use of this when choosing the next action. Add these lines to the start of the definition of act:

def act(...):
    # Decide whether to "explore" i.e. take a completely random action
    if self.noise.sample() == 1 and train:
        return self.action_space.sample()

Finally, in order for the process to decay it needs to be stepped every time that the agent is stepped. Modify the end of step like so:

def step(...):

    self.message = "Loss: {:.2f}\tExplore: {:.2f}".format(
        loss, self.noise.epsilon)

Now run a training session with your agent again! You should observe it mixing up its actions much more often.

Replay buffer

At this point, if you just left the agent running for a few thousand episodes it would solve this environment. However, at the moment the agent is learning very inefficiently. At each time step it looks at what just happened and tries to learn from it. This means that the variance in the gradient will be high, and the network will take a winding, inefficient path down the objective landscape. Additionally, the fact that the network is learning from events in the order that they happened means that it is vulnerable to loops in the learning process that might prevent it from converging.

We can fix this by adding one last component to the agent: a replay buffer. The agent will record each step of the environment to a buffer, and at each step it will sample from this buffer to get training data for the learning step. This breaks potential feedback loops because learning can happen out of order. It also reduces variance in the gradient step by averaging over multiple data points. Once again, q2 comes with a helper to make implementing this easy. At the top of the file, add:

from q2.agents.history import History

Then in __init__, add this line:

def __init__(...):
    # In the learning step, we will sample from a history of
    # the last 1000 training steps seen.
    self.history = History(1000)

And add these lines to the start of learn:

def learn(...):
    # Add the current step to the history buffer
    self.history.step(state, action, reward, next_state, done)

    # Sample history for learning
    batch_size = 10
    states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = self.history.sample(

Finally, modify the learning step to use the batch of data:

loss = self.learn(sess, states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones)

That's all! Run the agent again and observe how much faster the loss drops. Finally, try running the training for 500 episodes like so:

q2 train dqn --env gym.CartPole-v1 --epochs 5 --episodes 100

Once it's done, you can run a test session in which the agent doesn't explore at all:

q2 train dqn --env gym.CartPole-v1 --episodes --test --render

If all went well, the agent should be noticeably better at cart-pole than when it started. Try running the random agent again to compare.

That's the end of this tutorial. Hopefully you see how q2 makes developing RL agents easier and faster. For some next steps, try modifying this agent to learn other environments. Or try messing with the model parameters and architecture to see if you can get it to solve cart-pole faster: OpenAI Gym defines solving cart-pole as consistently achieving an episode score above 195.

Source code

The complete source code for the agent you developed is available below for reference:

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from gym import Space
from gym.spaces import Discrete, Box, MultiBinary
from q2.agents import Agent
from q2.agents.noise import DecayProcess
from q2.agents.history import History

class Dqn(Agent):
    def __init__(self, observation_space:Space, action_space:Space):
        if not isinstance(action_space, Discrete):
            raise TypeError("Invalid environment, this agent only works with Discrete action spaces.")

        self.action_space = action_space = type(self).__name__ + "Agent"
        self.checkpoint_name = 'checkpoints/' + + '.ckpt'

        # The training regimen pulls messages from the agent to be displayed during training
        self.message = ""

        # It's a good idea to keep track of training loss
        self.losses = list()

        # Model parameters
        hidden_nodes = 128
        learning_rate = 1e-4

        # In the learning step, we will sample from a history of training steps seen.
        self.history = History(1000)

        # Agents need to trade off between exploring and exploiting. This decay process starts
        # the agent off with a high initial exploration tendency and gradually reduces it over
        # time.
        self.noise = DecayProcess(explore_start=1.0, explore_stop=0.1, final_frame=1e4)

        # Model definition
        with tf.variable_scope(
            # Input placeholders
            self.state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *observation_space.shape], name='state')
   = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None], name='target')
            self.action = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, *action_space.shape], name='action')

            # Transformed inputs
            self.action_vector = tf.one_hot(self.action, action_space.n)
            self.state_flat = tf.layers.flatten(self.state)

            # Hidden layers
            self.hidden0 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(self.state_flat, hidden_nodes)
            self.hidden1 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(self.hidden0, hidden_nodes)

            # Outputs
            self.value = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(self.hidden1, action_space.n,
            self.predicted_reward = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.value, self.action_vector), axis=1)

            # Learning
            self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square( - self.predicted_reward))
            self.opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(self.loss)

    def load(self, sess:tf.Session):
        train_vars = tf.trainable_variables(
        saver = tf.train.Saver(train_vars)
            saver.restore(sess, self.checkpoint_name)
            print("Checkpoint loaded")
        except (tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError, tf.errors.NotFoundError):
            print("Checkpoint file not found, skipping load")

    def save(self, sess:tf.Session):
        train_vars = tf.trainable_variables(
        saver = tf.train.Saver(train_vars), self.checkpoint_name)

    def act(self,
        ) -> np.array:
        # Decide whether to "explore" i.e. take a completely random action
        if self.noise.sample() == 1 and train:
            return self.action_space.sample()
        value =, feed_dict={
            self.state: state.reshape((1, *state.shape))
        best_action = np.argmax(value)
        return best_action

    def step(self,
        # Add the current step to the history buffer
        self.history.step(state, action, reward, next_state, done)

        # Sample history for learning
        batch_size = 10
        states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = self.history.sample(batch_size)

        # For this simple agent, all we need to do here is run the learning step
        # loss = self.learn(sess, [state], [action], [reward], [next_state], [done])
        loss = self.learn(sess, states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones)


        self.message = "Loss: {:.2f}\tExplore: {:.2f}".format(loss, self.noise.epsilon)

    def learn(self,
        ) -> float:
        # Discount factor
        gamma = 0.99
        # Compute ground-truth total future expected value based on actual rewards using the Bellman equation
        future_values =, feed_dict={
            self.state: next_states,
        # Expected future value is 0 if episode has ended
        future_values[episode_ends] = np.zeros(future_values.shape[1:])
        # The Bellman equation
        targets = rewards + gamma * np.max(future_values, axis=1)

        loss, _ =[self.loss, self.opt], feed_dict={
            self.state: states,
            self.action: actions,
        return loss


[1]In reinforcement learning this idea is known as the Bellman equation.