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Docker Helper



# need wget
sudo apt-get install wget

# download and install docker
wget -qO- | sh

# add user to docker group for removing sudo need
sudo adduser `whoami` docker

# on OS with systemd (Unbuntu 15.04 / ...), you can ask docker to be started automatically.
if [[ -n `which systemctl` ]]; then
  sudo systemctl enable docker



  • Virtual Box doesn't seem to work on windows10 (May 2015)
  • This tests are done on Windows 7
  • Linux and windows does not use the same file system format. This result in difference with file ownership. It can make some problem running code.
  • this links gives lots of common problems

the boot2docker solution

  • Go to boot2docker and download for windows. Version was 1.6.2 at the writing time.
  • Run the installer.
  • You should have a Boot2Docker Start shortcut on desktop, run it.
  • It will create SSH keys, start the VM and give a prompt.
  • Note this lines :
To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set:
  export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://..........
  export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=...........
  export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFIY=.........
  • You will have to run these 3 lines before running a cmd.exe different than boot2docker start.
  • Most of the commands are linux commands. Lots of them can be found in the git installation folder (May add gitFolder/bin to your PATH). For example, boot2docker use the git bash.
  • Boot2docker start run a cmd.exe ... you can't copy/pate ... so maybe powershell (not explored) or cygwin is a better solution

Personnaly I use the cygwin solution for oh-my-zsh.

You first need to install boot2docker.
Then install cygwin.
A docker command should return the help and a docker ps should fail. The first tells that docker client (boot2docker) is correctly installed, the second shows that the docker daemon (inside the VM) is not reachable from here (VM is not running or client cannot access for other reason).

To run the VM you can :

  • clic on boot2docker start
  • launch VirtualBox and start the VM.
  • run boot2docker in terminal (need to add boot2docker to the PATH)

To tell where is the VM to cygwin, look what boot2docker Start as logged and add it to your bash environment :

# /!\ give bash or zsh
# /!\ use the good IP /!\
cat <<EOF >> $rcfile

# docker
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/$(whoami)/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm"
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://$vmAddress

At the moment of the writing, I don't know how to fix that issue :

➜  ~  docker ps
time="2015-07-12T11:35:21+02:00" level=fatal msg="An error occurred trying to connect: Get x509: certificate is valid for,, not"

so I simply workaround by desactivating tls control :

docker --tlsverify=false ps

You can add something like this to your rcfile :

cat <<EOF >> $rcfile

# desactivate docker tls control
alias docker="docker --tlsverify=false"

the kitematic solution

You can install kitematic. It's a UI that comes with a VM. For now, the containers I tried to run have got trouble in this solution so I abandoned it.
But the UI is pretty cool and it's an Alpha solution. Maybe it need just more time.

the inside VM solution

The idea is to simply use a linux VM and sync the folders you need.

  • The Vagrant-CoreOS ssh solution
  • The Vagrant-Ubuntu ui solution (to come)

usefull links

usefull commands

Kill all running containers

docker kill $(docker ps -q)

Delete all stopped containers (including data-only containers)

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Delete all ‘untagged/dangling’ () images

docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)

Delete ALL images

docker rmi $(docker images -q)