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Releases: tdewolff/minify


27 Jul 15:50
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  • CSS: fix @import url( early-termination and @import url( )
  • HTML: keep space after empty phrasing elements, fixes #427
  • JS: fix switch statement optimization, fixes #426
  • JS: remove if statement if if-block is empty, fixes #428


06 Jul 23:42
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  • JS: fix parsing of a++==b
  • CSS: fix bug in early-terminated @import url(


23 Jun 14:33
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  • Revert incorporating the parse dependency into this repository from the previous release
  • cmd: Bash completion support for zsh, fixes #421
  • JS: fix {a:b=1} when inside arrow function parameter list, fixes #422


25 May 20:40
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  • Incorporate the parse dependency into this repository
  • cmd: fix forward/backward slash for Windows platform, fixes #403
  • JS: add space to a<!--b and a</script>/ in more instances to avoid confusion with operators, see #413
  • JS: add variable scope to switch statement
  • JS: parse async(a) as possible expression or arrow func, fixes #406
  • JS: fix lexical variable renaming for descoped, fixes #405
  • JS: fix import statement/call parsing at module level, fixes #399
  • JSON: add KeepNumbers option, fixes #400


12 Apr 13:50
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  • keep minimal Go version at 1.13 (and not 1.16 which is more convenient for cmd)
  • cmd: fix regression for stdin/stdout, fixes #392
  • HTML: update error line and column for errors from other minifiers
  • CSS: KeepCSS2 (for IE11) doesn't use initial for background-color, fixes #394
  • CSS: keep integers for z-index even in functions such as calc, fixes #395
  • CSS: fix minify to initial/auto/none for flex, fixes #398


15 Mar 19:37
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  • JS: accept shebang comment as first line, fixes #345
  • HTML: update fix for space after <i></i>, see #390
  • CSS: unicode-range minification, fixes #321 and closes #344


15 Mar 13:41
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  • cmd: create missing directories for symlinks, see #385
  • cmd: preserve file permissions, see #385
  • cmd: wait 0.1 seconds before processing watched file change, fixes #372
  • cmd: watch now works with file input and output (not just dirs), see #372
  • cmd: fix watch functionality for unknown file extension even if --type set, fix watch when src is not a dir; see #372
  • cmd: follow symlinks by default, new -p options will copy symlinks without following them, fixes #385
  • cmd: use io/fs and demand Go1.16, see #388
  • JS: add &&= ||= ??= operators, see #380
  • JS: add support for class field definitions, fixes #380
  • JS: fix recursion limit in string merging, fixes #382
  • CSS: don't remove dimension for zero values inside functions like var and calc, fixes #371
  • SVG: don't minify extremely long path data (OSS-Fuzz)
  • HTML: keep space after empty <i></i>, fixes #390


15 Feb 19:59
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  • JS: fix bugs related to the 'use strict' directive prologues at the beginning of functions and modules, fixes #376
  • JS: export statement's function name must remain for non-default declarations, fixes #375
  • CSS: prevent quasi-infinite recursion in background's append, from OSSFuzz


07 Feb 13:53
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  • JS: write final ) in ()=>({}), fixes #369
  • JS: keep debugger statements, fixes #370
  • JS: support ellipsis operator anywhere in arguments, fixes #373
  • JS: limit recursion in string merges, from OSSFuzz


20 Jan 12:36
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  • cmd: require --bundle for concatenation when the input is a directory, see #348
  • CSS: improve performance on background positions (from OSS-Fuzz)
  • HTML: don't trim whitespace on all attribute values (in value and placeholder it's significant), see #351
  • HTML: keep value on translate=no, see #352
  • HTML: support SSI tags, see #353
  • HTML: add option KeepComments to keep all comments, see #366
  • JS: fix endless loop in certain if-else combinations; minify more or/and/conditional expressions that start with a group (from OSS-Fuzz)
  • JS: fix import/export with one item, fixes #354
  • JS: escape </script> in strings, fixes #355
  • JS: keep parens in arrow functions for BindingArray and BindingObject, fixes #358
  • JS: enclose entire expression in parenthesis if it starts with an object literal, fixes #359
  • JS: prevent slowdown for if-else with if in body (from OSS-Fuzz)
  • JS: fix errors messages that contain % symbols
  • JS: put limits to the number of levels in statements and in expressions (from OSS-Fuzz)
  • JS: fix declarations with the same name as in the for initializer, see tdewolff/parse#69
  • JS: fix var declarations not adding their usage in all the scopes between its block scope and the function scope
  • SVG: keep width and height attributes on <svg>, fixes #367
  • XML: keep ampersand and less-than escaped, see #362